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July 20th, 2012

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors


[Also scratched out, like the entry before it.]

[Two hours after this.]

Well, this is embarrassing. For the record, I wouldn't eat any meat that arrived via the USPS. Now FedEx

[info]chenille in [info]doors


[public, in ignorance of a unified network] )

[info]adarkflash in [info]doors

[Call to Maddie K]
[Late at night while he's at the clinic.]

[info]laminette in [info]doors

Jade C

[Call to Jade C's work contact number]

[From an unlisted, untraceable phone. Ring.]

[info]sonofthenorth in [info]doors

Some drunk texting.

[Text to Lin Alesi]

so I know we're not talking about this anytmore buuuuuutI still have your number and it's weird

[Text to Dante Kessler]

please do us both a favor and come rip my clothes off

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors


[info]the_extractor in [info]doors


[After making sure that the top does not continue spinning.]

It's not a dream.

[info]takespoint in [info]doors

Locked to Evan H.

[As Arthur.]

Are you in one piece?
Tags: ,

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

At 10:52 PM, the police put out a press release detailing the unusual capture of Joseph Mendoza, a man who has a lengthy history of drug, alcohol and domestic abuse. According to the police, Mendoza was deposited at the back entrance of a local precinct, bound and gagged. In his pockets was enough crack cocaine to send him away for a long time. What the report does not contain is the fact that pinned to Mendoza was a simply scrawled note that read Thought you could use the help. - A. PS - Check his pockets for a super special surprise. A few hours after the press release, a police station employee tweets that Mendoza had been unintelligible the entire time he was being questioned, but kept going back to someone he described as a 'sneaky bitch'. As of right now, the police have chosen not to pursue that particular line of inquiry, and are focusing on Mendoza instead.

[info]skree in [info]doors

Sebastian V; Anton S; Adam W

[11:30 PM, Friday Night]

[Text to Sebastian V]

are you free right now? i need to talk to you.

[Text to Anton S]

i need to tell you something. well two things. but you have to promise not to be mad before i'm done.

[Locked to Adam W]

Mendoza won't be hurting his wife or daughter again for a long time.

[info]cursedlife in [info]doors

[Call to Ian V during the in-progress log with Nathan & Loren]


[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locks to loren c, tess a, sam a, anton s, neil d]

[These posts started out with the best of intentions, but as the evening goes on and he makes more of them, he begins contacting people he wouldn't otherwise, mostly because he's been steadily drinking. His first two conversations are relatively sober, but by the time he gets to Neil and beyond he's not quite as sober as he could be.]

[locked to loren c]

I'm aware you don't know me, but I'm Sam's brother. She informed me you found the man who assaulted her in the hotel. I was wondering if you've taken any action to hunt this individual down, or if you would be comfortable sharing his identity.

[locked to tess a]

Did you consider my job offer?

[locked to neil d]

Hello, Neil. We haven't spoken in a while, I thought I might see how you were.

[locked to sam a]

This is me contacting you, so you don't chastise me for not talking to you in too long again. How are you?

[locked to anton s]

You oweme dinner still. Yes?

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

Tony S (or Pepper P)

[After this.]

[Call to the best number she can find for Stark Industries]
[Ring. After talking to secretaries, and explaining that she's Dr. Bruce Banner's assistant, and that she has a message for Mr. Stark from Dr. Banner, and that yes, she'll hold.]