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May 31st, 2012

[info]ex_haint987 in [info]doors

Elias M

[During this, without realizing that he sort of "has" met Elias.]

[Locked to Elias M]
We ain't met. Clare gave me your name. You free to talk a spell?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[in the early morning hours of the 31st, three of the construction sites around las vegas trying to work on fixing the damage caused by the previous week's chaos are set ablaze, all in the same hour or so. no casualties are reported, but the renewed damage is enough to set the reconstruction back significantly, and for one location, almost destroy it permanently.

while the police don't have any leads, they're guaranteeing the public it was arson, likely the serial arsonist still on the loose, and not a renewal of the attacks from before.]

[info]laminette in [info]doors

Jason Todd, Silver M

[Locked to Jason Todd]
[After this, and before her next trip through her door, just to be on the safe side.] Roger Damian gave me your name, Jason. Do you have a moment to speak? It's about Damian.

[Locked to Silver M]
This is considered job abandonment, Silver.

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors


[Locked: Pepper P/Phil C]

Would you be free for lunch sometime this week?

[Locked: Pepper P/Natasha R]

How did you do with this latest round of crazy?

[Email: Tony S/Pepper P]

Subject: Reconstruction of Stark Tower

The clean up is done and I've set up a construction team to rebuild the damaged areas. Do you want them to work off the previous building designs or did you want to redesign? Let me know soon.

-P Potts

[info]verveine in [info]doors

Cotton K

[Locked to Cotton K]

[After extensive, meticulous research, a doctoral level analysis of the effects of what she is labeling as LV-5-2012. There are three detailed sample groups, along with varying age ranges, median incomes and level of education. Groups A, B and C were presented with the same set of questions, in order to determine any recurring replies about their experiences during the week of abnormal activity in Las Vegas. Notable recurrences in this test group are mentions of fear and approval of the brave actions of the superheroes, along with a decent amount of skepticism and the belief they were all drugged by the government or aliens. She has separated a third group, which includes participants from A, B and C, and she has labeled them as Group X. Group X, as is indicated in the report, experienced events at the hotel on the last night of the detailed week. Their replies, specifically, are highlighted, as is the recurrence of sex and violence among the experiences described. Members of Group A, B and C who are not cross-referenced in Group X show no indications of violence or deviance in their histories, while Group X does. The report is a download link on the locked post, and there is one, handwritten word beneath the attachment.]


[info]doomed_love in [info]doors

poison ivy, catwoman; public

[Locked: Ivy/Catwoman/Harley Q]

I'm bored.  Can I break you out of Arkham?

[After hours of no reply]


I feel like doing a little liberating. The question is, should I liberate my pets or the pesky kitty cat?