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April 30th, 2012

[info]the_extractor in [info]doors


Favorite hiking trails around Vegas?

I want out of the house for the afternoon. Easy trails, hard trails, if you got 'em, I want 'em.

[info]laminette in [info]doors

Public, Lois Lane, Bianca T

[After this, en route to Metropolis. As Catwoman.]

[Needlessly Public]
Thank you, boys.

[Locked to Lois Lane]
How's the kitty cat's favorite reporter?

[Delivered to Bianca T]
[The necklace from her most recent, Wayne-associated jewelry take. Along with a note:]
Thank you for the information. Tell the kit I needed the wheels for myself, but I'll take care of him the next time around. -Cat

[info]forthecowl in [info]doors

[Private to Batman]

Catwoman took the bike. Jason Todd knows about the pit.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[phone call to silver m.]

[He's been on the trail of anyone who might have information on Gus' disappearance since Sam tasked him with finding the real culprit to vindicate Iris. That search led him to the home the boy was taken from, and to the guard at the gate of their community, who reported that he had, indeed, seen a stranger in the area. The guard was frightened he'd helped facilitate the boy's disappearance, and for a promise of Louis not exposing what he'd done to the authorities, he told Louis that he'd been bribed a thousand dollars to allow a man into the community a few weeks earlier, someone he'd never seen before and hadn't seen again after. He did, however, have the man's license plate number. Fake, of course, but a little more work and Louis tracks it to a phone number, and a name.]

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[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to bruce w.]

So. Are you going to explain why you let your brat kid put a Lazarus Pit in the goddamn cave?

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doors

Lets do this, Avengers

[Comm from Dr. Banner out to everyone they were sent to! Play nicely]

[Promptly at 7:59 PM Dr. Bruce Banner is sitting in his apartment prepping himself up to actually get online, and talk to these people...Not his usual MO but he's trying. At 8 PM, he switches the communicator on and...Waits. Almost patiently. Then he takes a deep breath and clears his throat. He's being zen.]

Erm. Hello?