March 2014




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Mar. 6th, 2014


Louis D, Shane A, Joey A, Tess A

[Locked to Alexanders, -Iris]

Yeah, so, I was talking to Iris and I think she finally went fucking nuts. So, I have her address or whatever. Do we go over there? Do we tell someone? What the fuck do we do?

Feb. 25th, 2014


Public, Thor

[As Steve R, in the hard, straight lines of mid-century handwriting. The words appear with a beat between each, as if someone was waiting for a response on the other side.]

E mail

E mail set up

Wireless not radio

Inter Net


[When the Google does not work, Steve gives up. He sketches instead. Pencil on yellowing paper, he ends up with a rough outline of a dancer, then puts the pencil down to try to figure out what's going on.]

ETA much later: [Locked to Thor]

Feb. 24th, 2014


[Lock to Donovans/Alexanders, Lin A]

[Donovans and Alexanders Group Lock]

Dare I ask what happened while I was gone?

[Lin A]

I received an interesting call from one of my neighbors while I was out of the country.

Feb. 19th, 2014


[Private to Gwen S.]

Did you send Miss Watson to spy on me?

[Public as Spider-Man]

I wait with bated breath for Asgardians to ruin our planet once more. Trouble there usually leads to trouble here, doesn't?

Feb. 10th, 2014



[After this.]

Two more attacks, and these simultaneous on two different worlds! Please do say I have the privilege of being the bearer of bad news again.

Feb. 9th, 2014


Donovan Lock

[Locked to the Donovan Family]

I have something I need to tell all of you. And I can't think of a good way to do it.

Feb. 7th, 2014


[locked to donovans, sam a, tess a]

[After this.]

I'm going on a bit of a vacation. Long overdue, consider this notice.

Casey, I know you don't like to be checked on, but I've arranged for an additional nurse to check in with you and make sure you have everything you need.


[Locked from Ella.]

[Subsequent to this conversation, Michael locks this post to the people already participating: Louis, Shane, Joey, the earlier Valentine anon, and himself.]

Joey A., you are a fucking asshole. You want to whine like a little girl about your reputation a little more?

Shane A., if she asked for the dress and somewhere to go, why wouldn't she want to go?

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Rumblings of battle in the nine realms, how intriguing. Care to elaborate, brother? Have you told your friends just yet?

Feb. 2nd, 2014



[Locked to the Alexanders+ Lou and Iris]

[In heavy, childlike, messy crayon.] So, Shane has a girlfriend that draws lizards or whatever.

Feb. 1st, 2014


[Louis D]

[Locked to Louis D]
So. Peace of mind. Do you like pie? A piece of pie? Mind pie.

Jan. 31st, 2014


donovans + alexanders, ella d.

[donovan + alexander lock]

[...] Sam's awake.

[locked to ella d.]


Jan. 30th, 2014


[Locked to Donovans]

Any updates?

[Locked specifically to Ashleigh D]

How are you?


Max "B", Michael K, Public

[Max "B"]

You're still alive over there, right? Before you get mad, I didn't mean to.

[Michael K]

How were the kitchens?


I'm pretty sure if you were any good at math you could guess how many houses were going up nearby by the number of people who ordered the full plate this morning.

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Neil D, Casey D, Call to Louis D, Chloe M, Daniel W

[After the news about Chloe.]

[Locked to Neil D]
Who did this?

[Locked to Casey D]
Tell me you're still fucking sitting on him.

ETA: [Call to Louis D, from Daniel's apartment phone.]
Ring, ring, ring!

[Locked to Chloe M]
Hello, yo. Do you know where I can "score" some Illegal Drugs? :-) [...] I need to talk to you.

[Post-phone call, in Daniel's apartment, Lin is trying to find the drunk. Which means he wanders around for a bit and ends up opening the door to the man's bedroom and throwing a book in, to see if it lands on anyone.]

Jan. 22nd, 2014


[locked to the donovans and alexanders]

[After this.]

Do you believe it now?


[Neil D]

What do you need?

[Louis D]

Carry on not moving, I'd hate to actually have to sit on you. You've got bony legs and I've a sensitive arse.


Public (locked away from Murphys), Neil D, Louis D

[Public, posted under the name 'Melissa L,' locked away from Murphys]
I am looking for any who might occupy a mind of any of the Murphys, on the other side of the door, who would be willing to speak with me.

[Locked to Neil D, locked to Louis D]
Mr. Donovan, I'm Lieutenant Simms from the LVPD homicide department. I was wondering if I might have a minute of your time. I have some questions.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Public, Louis D, Wren H, 'Ash anon'


The news isn't very good. At being unbiased. Is that Vegas? Or just the channels?

[Louis D]

[At circa two am] I thought perhaps you might not be sleeping.

[Wren H]

I had a call. Client. Ex-client, really. She said she liked your work. Recommendations. You have a dark-room now?

['Ash' anon]

St Petersburg Philharmonic. It's not now. Not until March. But tickets will go. And they start now. You like old things.



[After Iris is arrested and charged. Oh, so public.]

How much did you fuckers pay those witnesses to lie, huh?

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