March 2014




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Feb. 24th, 2014


Ash D

[Locked to Ash D]
[During this shit.]

Ok, let's fucking talk, yeah?


[Lock to Donovans/Alexanders, Lin A]

[Donovans and Alexanders Group Lock]

Dare I ask what happened while I was gone?

[Lin A]

I received an interesting call from one of my neighbors while I was out of the country.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Meg G, Raoul d C, Phantom

[Note left for Meg G]
[On her bed, in the ballet dormitory. In French.] Is your mother very angry?

[Locked to Raoul de C]
You have missed me while I have been away, monsieur?

[The chapel, Phantom, aloud]

Feb. 17th, 2014



The opera house is very quiet in the absence of one of my very favourite people.

Feb. 15th, 2014


Sam A

After this: [Locked to Sam A]

Russ says you're fucking down, Mug. you fucking down?

Feb. 14th, 2014


Jenny S, Marina S (Nathan S), Sam A, Ford C

Left at the hotel desk for Jenny S )

Addressed to Nathan via Marina )

Sam A )

Ford C )

Feb. 13th, 2014



Is it considered cruel if you refuse to go through the door when they demand?

Feb. 7th, 2014


[locked to donovans, sam a, tess a]

[After this.]

I'm going on a bit of a vacation. Long overdue, consider this notice.

Casey, I know you don't like to be checked on, but I've arranged for an additional nurse to check in with you and make sure you have everything you need.

Feb. 8th, 2014


Sam A, Neil D

[Locked to Sam A]
Harriet to Janie.

ETA: [Locked to Neil D]
Neil. hmu

Feb. 7th, 2014


sam a., iris m.

[locked to sam a.]

When did they move you?

ETA: [locked to iris m.]

Stop talking to Sam.

Feb. 5th, 2014


Daniel W, Liam R, Neil D, Tess A

[Purple crayon, kindergarten-level writing, unsteady block letters. The usual.]

[Locked to Daniel W]
Hey, baby.

[Locked to Liam R]
Thanks for the journal or whatever.

[Text to Neil D]
Hey, so they moved me or whatever

[Not sent.]

[Text to Tess A]
Bring me a milkshake when you come? And, yeah, that's an invitation.
[She texts the address immediately after.]

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Sam A

[Locked: Sam A]

hear you're awake. still fucking kicking.


[Neil D, Joey A, Sam A]

[About a week after this, after starting to eat again, after a few "good" days in a row, and after Valentine's Day things start distracting her from her own worries. She's finally been paying attention to some things on the TV and in the journals. And she knows now that Sam is awake, has even spoken to her and seen the family-locked post. And so, though her own handwriting is still unsteady (though nowhere near as bad as Sam's).]

[Neil D]
They disowned you?

[Joey A]
How are you? Have you seen her? Are you alright? Is she? Is everyone?

[Sam A]
[After even more time. She's maybe put too much sugar in her tea. And not slept in a while.]
I know I'm not supposed to be talking to you but I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad you're awake. And writing. And I hope you're going to get even better. And if I don't talk to you, it's not because I'm not worrying or thinking about you. I just wanted to let you know.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


[Sam A]

[Delivery to Sam at the hospital]

[The journal is nothing special, just a composition notebook from the drug store, but it's filled with Liam's tidy handwriting. Dated the day of the shooting, as soon as he heard about it, it's a collection of thoughts and musings about the years since they have known one another. Sometimes, it's just about his day, about Ben, about the dogs. Sometimes there are penned worries about her, wondering how she is, hoping to hear news soon. There are snippets of fiction placed within, drabbles of thought that start and end abruptly.

Towards the end, the pages are filled with his thoughts about their friendship, musings of the past, and at the very end, the page is simply filled with the following:

I miss my best friend.

Accompanying the journal is a book of photographs of flowers, a sticky note on the inside front cover: 'I thought these would last longer than the real thing'.]



[Locked to the Alexanders+ Lou and Iris]

[In heavy, childlike, messy crayon.] So, Shane has a girlfriend that draws lizards or whatever.


Max M, Neil D, Sam A

[Locked to Max M]
I went to and asked you if you were alive, and you said CANNOT TELL. :\

[Locked to Neil D]
So Sam's awake.

[Locked to Sam A]
I'm so prepared to sing a jingle to you. You don't even know.


[Friends of Amelia Thorne], then later [Amelia Thorne]

[Friends or family of Amelia Thorne]

Looking for ideas for Amelia. Not really good at guessing what girls would like.

[Amelia Thorne]

Your ex to smack around? There's got to be a story there.


[public, except daniel w]

I am seeking someone who cares about Daniel W.

Feb. 1st, 2014


Amelia T

[Locked to Amelia T]
[After asking about who signed for the painting delivery, and figuring this is safe practice before talking to more family, so that she doesn't repeat the "Iris Incident."]


Jan. 30th, 2014


[Delivery to Sam Alexander's room, carefully packaged up and with 'delicate' written all over it. Once opened it's revealed to be a painting of a lizard. It's professionally done and framed, with AT signed at the bottom. No note, but if someone signs for the delivery, the name Amelia Thorne is given as the sender.]

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