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April 30th, 2013

[info]blondebat in [info]doors

batfam(sans the bat)+, death

[batfam (MINUS batman) & kara z.]

Crow's planning something city-wide, and it's supposed to hit Gotham sometime this week. All that's known is that it isn't fear-based. No idea on how, when, or where it will be distributed, but we need to prepare somehow. We obviously can't attack him at Arkham since he's holed himself up real good there, and he's probably already put things into motion. I've already started setting up shop in the Cave, and I think we should all use that as base until we figure stuff out.

Also, keeping Bat out of the loop for now. He can't be distracted.

[locked to death.]

Make sure he stays okay? Please?

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

public, as the Cat

[In an unsteady, high-sweeping hand. It's clear he's no longer in Wonderland and that he's not pleased with this development.]

The cattle are butchered where the men are hanged. All slaughtered as one. Tarred shoes in let blood & fat. Efficiency, I hear, is always bloody & this city is a carnal thing, devouring flesh for pleasure & profit both. I prefer the more languid approach myself.

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Bruce B, Billy K, Kitty P]

[Locked to Bruce B]
Dr. Banner? The cook at your favorite curry place said you were back?

[Locked to Billy K and Kitty P, individually]
Hey, do you have a minute?

[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Bruce W.]

Stephanie passed along information that Crane might be planning something soon. We're all coming back to Gotham. I'll tell you if it gets worse.

[...] Come back soon and safe.