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April 29th, 2013

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Private to Stephanie B.]
[Not over the comm, which is weird, but he's pretending its not.]

Do you have your not panicking boots on? [Green cursor blink. Blink.] Because I think I left mine in Bludhaven and I just injected myself with some fun chemical thing from Crane.

[Private to Muerte]

Thank you for watching Matilda. I got you a present. Can you at least pretend to be surprised when you open it?

[Private to Batman]

Uh, Dark Kn
So I think
I know Ra's is very im
Riddle me this, what looks like a cat, sounds like a cat but ag
[Nothing sent.]

[info]caelrox in [info]doors

Public, Goku

It's too bad that I'm too old for the prom. It sounds like fun. I never went to a normal school though so I missed all those good things. I probably would have spent more time getting the dupes to finish my work for me.

We need to get together again soon. I miss a good workout.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

Public, Blake T

Do you ever have no idea what you are doing? I need something to do with my time. I also need a new personal assistant.

What have you been up to? I'm hopelessly bored.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors


Vodka is evil.

[info]trickarrow in [info]doors


[As Oliver Q]

I'm left a little confused here. You would think with Batman on vacation, Gotham City would fall into chaos, but it seems to be quite the opposite.

I had to come and see for myself if the rumours were true.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[locked to neil d, ash d]

I just wanted to let you both know that I'm moving back to my apartment. Hopefully you will both survive adequately without my immediate presence, but I have a great deal of faith in you.

[info]sonofagun in [info]doors


If I say I'm bored will I also get entertainment gift baskets?

[And pause.]

Listen. Um... I forget what name you're using right now. But John's son, you know who you are. Your brother is in here starting to make up his own punchlines and you might need to call and say what's up. If you have ten seconds.