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January 22nd, 2013

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doors

[Bruce W.]

Bruce, I know you're super busy, and hopefully super busy fixing things, but I've got a really cranky Lois and a fierce concern about what's going on over there from my own brain. Can you give me a heads up maybe? Something? Anything?

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Harry O]

[During this.]

[Locked to Harry O]
You've been ignoring me since Peter is Are you going to the party at our Flash's?

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

[Locked to Max/Kara]
[She writes the same message over and over again, every hour for as long as she can, not knowing where Max is but hoping she gets the message all the same.]

Please send her back. I need to see Kara.

[Locked to Olivia]

Morgan wanted you to know... We're sick. I'm sorry.

[info]fair in [info]doors

bigby w, boy b

We've got incoming.

Addendum: Huntsman's back.

Addendum 2: Scratch that. He's fine. He won't try and kill me.

[info]tsukino in [info]doors


Things are so very quiet still and it is so very boring.  Is there anyone else spending time here?

[info]inthename in [info]doors

public, sam a

Thank fuck for Netflix.  This whole working only when needed is getting fucking ridiculous.  At least I can afford cheap beer and 8 bucks a month for an endless supply of amusement.  Top Gear is pretty sweet if you're into cars but otherwise I'll watch pretty much whatever for five minutes.  There has got to be more interesting ways to waste your life away.  Seriously, toss them my way.

[Locked: Sam A/Kevin M]
I heard you got the souffles meant for Tess.

[info]garrettdonnelly in [info]doors

public, morgan c, adrian r, barbara g

[Public; Anon]
This fucker needs to shut the fuck up ASAP before I do something drastic. He needs to get it through his fucking head he's not going across. You'd think fucking adults would grow the fuck up about it.

[Text: Morgan/Nico]
Coming back soon?

[Text: Adrian R/Nico R]
How're you doing?

[Locked: Anon/Barbara G]
Consider this a fuckin compromise. He ain't comin through but he wants to know if you're okay.

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[locked to tony s]

Sorry I haven't made it over there. There are some kids here I'm supposed to keep an eye on and I heard they needed some help. How's she doing?

[info]onerule in [info]doors

stark tower.

[Soon after this. A vial of green liquid from Wonder City's Lazarus Pit is, as promised, left inside Stark's lab. No note. He assumes it will be used sparingly, and that he'll be notified should more be needed.]

[info]laminette in [info]doors


[Maddened thing sent while in and out of consciousness, before the Laz Pit delivery, before blinking out entirely.]

[Locked to Riddler]
[Transcribed.] youll do me a favor wont you eddie do the kitty cat a favor? dick is sick almost as long as me. dick with the stripes and the suit that ras took that dick. we talked pits once and you have one a pit. i know you listen. if you hear that hes flown take care of it please the pit. hes old like you. hes seen people go in and go out. he didnt say no. damian needs someone and im almost done. blame me wont matter.

[info]building_dreams in [info]doors

public; sveta m

I think I might actually be grateful for this voice in my head. Coming back here and going through the Academy isn't the worst thing in the world after all.

[Locked: Charlie M/Sveta M]
Do you have a minute?

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

tony s

[Tony S; his lab]
[Faxed to his lab are the papers for a contingency plan concerning the future of the company.  It is handed over to Virginia Potts immediately upon his death, though the plans indicate that the Vice President (or whoever it is that's directly beneath her on the corporate food chain) will run the day to day business of the company for a minimum of six months.  The paperwork stipulates that a psychologist must sign off on Virginia returning to take over. The most recent version of his will is also faxed to him.  The message comes via JARVIS]

Ms Potts kindly requests that you look over these documents, sir.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Comm to Steph]

[Frantic ping, ping, ping until she picks up.]

[Private to Death]

I'll give you a rough time estimate. Shouting it out randomly means you'll hear it, right?