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January 19th, 2013

[info]mirkwoodscout in [info]doors

[Spencer W/Malcolm D]

Just wanted to see if you're okay out there. Missed you in yoga. Hope you're all right. Let me know, when you can, please?

[info]bloodjunkie in [info]doors

Jan F, Toby F

[After this.]

[Group lock, January & October]
Either you folks know someone named Blake? How about Hunter? Figure what good are brothers for if they don't come with a whole lot of gossip? Unless either of you are straight. Wait, scratch that. Freudtober, you a straight boy?

[info]caelrox in [info]doors

As Jamie Madrox

What is wrong with the city? new York has been miserable for weeks? I'm tired of the looters, and I miss having lights in my apartment. Does anyone want to chime in here. I have a crew if needed to help get this show up and running again.

[info]willpower in [info]doors

Nico, Seven

[Locked to Nico]
[After this]

Why are there three dead men behind the studio? Don't tell me Miss Olive learned how to use a fucking gun.

[Locked to Seven]

You ever see that girl that was running the studio for us?

[info]ex_thorns985 in [info]doors


[After this.]

[Locked to the Beast]
Something wonderful happened! And something not so wonderful too.

[info]original_snake in [info]doors

Public, Blake, Justine

The deal is done and I now have a house. It will be nice to move out of the Wynn. The deal for this house will be signed Monday, cash delivered, and it's mine. I know there are some there that just hate to see me leave the Wynn.

I know it has 7 bedrooms and more space than I need but look at it. I could not say no.

What do you think? Do you want to help me move? I think a housewarming may be appropriate.

[info]number11 in [info]doors

[River S.]

Would you like to know the death toll, or would that just make you feel accomplished?

[info]antiqued in [info]doors

[Riddler, Batgirl, Public]

[Locked to the Riddler]

This city is starting to remind me of sections on the plague in history books. Did you escape infection?

[Locked to Batgirl]

[After speaking to Riddler]

Rumour has it that you've had a cold, Batgirl.


[After much consideration.]

I've got a solution to all those afflicted with the illness plaguing our fine city.

[info]musicalwater in [info]doors

[Selina Kyle]

You're not dead yet, are you?