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November 10th, 2012

[info]baretrees in [info]doors

[Public, as Grace]

[Cramped and tiny writing, as if there is not much room on the paper.] If this is a new way for them to make us believe we are mad while we are in solitary, they will not succeed.

[info]websling in [info]doors

[Spider groupies.]

[Locked to his peeps.]

I kind of screwed up. Everybody go stay with Harry.

Explain later.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[Tristan Montagne was taken into police custody today following a search of her home. Ms Montagne, aged 32, is believed responsible for the death and mutilation of one Tiffani Rigby. Ms Rigby's car was found abandoned and burned outside of the Metropolitan area, only her hands and feet were located inside. Ms Montagne's representatives were unavailable for comment.]

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doors


[Handwriting with a distinct lean. The book is off kilter, he's drunk, or both.]

Lost a damn pawn.


I liked it better when the door was the break from the madness and not actually the madness.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[Door update: Fairy Tales]

[The presence of non-Fairy Tale magic in the Fairy Tale door does not go unnoticed, and it does not go unpunished. Shortly after Draco's visit, darkness begins to envelop the world beyond the door. It begins at the edges, casting the Mundane world beyond the Homelands in shadows first, and it moves inward, blanketing the entire world in dark and cold and black. Ravenna's men carry the word across the land: Other magic will not be tolerated here.]

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Sam A, Olivia L, October F, Public

[IM to Sam A]

It's been a while, Sam. Is Las Vegas still your city?

[Phone call to Olivia L]

Ring, ring.

[She takes a risk and tries. Locked to Dr October F.]

Thank you for seeing me, Doctor. I feel better knowing I'm not crazy.

[And finally, a public entry.]

These should come with a welcome letter or even an instruction manual. Either would be welcome.

[info]stillspinning in [info]doors


Is there a point where enough is simply enough?
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