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November 9th, 2012

[info]snowscar in [info]doors

A reminder to everyone that the Kuroda Kai Dojo is having it's Grand Opening tomorrow, Saturday November 10. Everyone is encouraged to come. I'll be supplying free food and drinks, so how can you refuse that? It's all day, beginning around 9 AM and ending about 7 PM. Free level tests will be provided from 5-7 PM for anyone interested in karate. If you've no experience at all, you can still come to spar.

Also, I am still seeking a receptionist. Hours are flexible and I'm willing to train on the spot if you have no previous experience.

And Lin, you'd better show up at some point. Aubrey can come too, that's fine.

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Bruce B, Harry O, Peter P - as Gwen S]

[Locked to Bruce B]
Dr. Banner? Do you know someone named Dr. Octavius?

[Locked to Harry O]
I stole your gloves this morning.

[Locked to Peter P]
Are you still on clean-up duty, bug boy?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


I'm looking for someone who agreed to take care of a problem.

[info]inovens in [info]doors


[In loopy, casual cursive. Purple ink.]

I won't wax poetic about how 'cool' or, for some variety, 'nifty' these journals are, since I'm sure you've heard it all before and no one likes repetition. I'll simply keep my wonderment to myself.

Instead, something practical: does anyone know where I can find a sturdy pair of heels? I've already gone through two pairs this week, and unfortunately I can't just paint my sneakers and cover them in sequins and glitter, as much as I wish I could. Who knows, it could catch on, no?

[info]takespoint in [info]doors

[Inception Crew, Individual.]


I forgot how wet winter gets in Paris when it's not a dream.


[After some debate.] Eames, have you been messing in my dreams?


I left some of the chemical in a case in the warehouse for you. The key to the case is in your college mailbox. Be careful with it, okay?


I can work.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors


I hope you have all enjoyed your peace, and your quiet.

When I watch your cities crumble with panic from the threat of a simple weather anomaly, I am reminded of how stunningly small your steps have been from your primitive ancestors, who wept and built temples to a fool simply because he could show them a paltry stroke of lightning, and a little rain. Considering what I have in mind, I wonder if you are not too receptive an audience? Conquering you hardly seems a challenging enough goal for me anymore. Pray, do not bore me.