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August 24th, 2012

[info]skelterhelter in [info]doors

jules s.

[Phone call to Jules.]


[info]flamemustang in [info]doors

[Filtered: Chris R.]

Your offer caught my attention and I am still very much interested. Is there a place where we can meet to discuss more in person? Perhaps I can demonstrate some of my own abilities that you might think of as ridiculous.

-Roy Mustang

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doors

[Little Red Riding Hood from Evangeline S]

Hi. How are you doing?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

dc door update

[The theft at Wayne Enterprises is not quite headline news, but it's certainly more than just a blip on the radar. Details are sparse at first, and speculation runs rampant as Gotham PD arrives on the scene. Bruce Wayne himself, owner and acting CEO of the company, makes an appearance, but rather than simply going in and out of the building as expected decides to hold an impromptu press conference instead. He confirms the break-in, which was focused on one particular safe, though what exactly was stolen is not specified. Police suspect the thief is a woman, and while a brief description is given, recent events are quickly overshadowed by news of Wayne Enterprises newest ventures; from infrastructure development to charity work, energy projects to cleaning up Robinson Park, the intended message is clear-- the future of Wayne Enterprises, and by extension Gotham itself, is bright.]

[info]laminette in [info]doors

Luke H/Bruce W

[After this, but B.V. (Before Villainy).]

[Locked to Luke H & Bruce W, just to be safe]
I'm not sure I approve.

[info]author in [info]doors

It's Friday night, I'm rather bored, and if I stare at my novel any longer, I think I'll throw my laptop across the room.

So for everyone else who may be in a similar position, let's play a game of 'This or That'.

I'll go first.

Wine or beer?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[marvel door update]

[Roughly an hour and a half after this conversation, a recording of it is sent by way of Jane Foster's cell phone to one of her co-workers at SHIELD. The sender obviously assumes it will be passed on to someone higher up, likely intercepted before it ever reaches the co-workers phone. It is not encrypted, and can be easily traced to a crater in the desert not far from Jane's home. It's late afternoon now, and the recording comes with an additional message from the male voice in the recording - That was over an hour ago. Five hours left. His demands have already been outlined to Thor and on the recording itself, so he does not bother to make more of them. He simply waits to see who will come - Thor to free him, or SHIELD, to take him back and let the girl die.]

[info]bigby in [info]doors


I still haven't gotten the hang of what exactly I'm supposed to say in this thing, but I'll follow the lead of the rest of you and speak my mind, for better or worse. (My mind is a much more interesting place than my life is at the moment, which means you should all be glad you're not getting the short end of the stick.)

For those of you (read: one person) who's still interested, I'll share: I have a bonafide badass living in my brain. Not only is he the sheriff in town (no, literally, I swear!), he actually wolfed out the last time I was through. You think the wolves in the Bourne Legacy and that Liam Neeson movie were scary? Trust me, they've got nothing on my guy. If this were the internet, I believe the only appropriate reaction to the situation would be "!!!!!!". Or maybe "dsfglkjdgljkdfgj".

Anyway, that's enough from me. What I really want to know is what fun things the rest of you have gotten up to in Sin City. Come on, help a girl out!

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

Harry O, Peter P

[As Gwen S., the morning after the "science museum incident."]

[Text to Harry O]

[Text to Peter P]
Not getting out of bed, but you can come over and study? Dr. Banner isn't here.

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

public, tony s, thor


Can anyone recommend a good bottle of wine to go with all this paperwork?

[Email: Tony S/Pepper P]
Attached is MJ Watson's resume, schedule, and a copy of her contract.

Your new PA starts next week. I've attached the particulars.

[Locked: Thor/Pepper P]

I have a book I think you should read.