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August 25th, 2012

[info]ex_bloodofdr310 in [info]doors



[info]incharge in [info]doors

harry o.

[At some point during the day, while at Oscorp, when he finds the time to -gasp- actually care. Enough to to initiate contact, at least.]

[text to harry o.]

What are you being tutored for this time? Did you think I wouldn't notice I've raised an idiot Newsflash, Normie, we already knew that

[info]willpower in [info]doors


You cannot watch and only watch.

I'm thinking about getting a dog.

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors


My mouse is missing.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

Eleanor M

[Delivered to where Nell has been staying with Anton Sparke. The flowers are seasonal, oranges and yellows, sprigs of greenery to brighten it up, but it's the stuffed animal that accompanies them that's unique. It's not new, battered with its fur rubbed raw in places, but the small stuffed kangaroo can only come from one person. It's seen Seattle, seen Italy, here and back again, and now it's back with its intended owner once more. No card is included, but it's clear who it's from.]

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

Public, as Theon G.

No longer am I on Pyke, for which I am, in part, grateful. Though the fact remains that Westeros is missing vast numbers of its nobility, it is somewhat of a consolation that here it is a touch less desolate than the stony Iron Islands. And I know wher It is likely that no one before me, at any point in history, has said such of this barren stretch of land north of the Neck - yet, at this moment, it is true.

I suppose I should thank the Drowned God that the brothel at least still stands occupied. Perhaps there is something to be said for religion.

[info]withpurpose in [info]doors


Does anyone else struggle with the thought that their alter beyond the door deserves more time in their world than you manage to offer them?

I simply feel as though he is more accomplished, more successful than I'll ever be, and it's not the most comforting of thoughts.

[info]takespoint in [info]doors


I can't get over seeing emo-boy's smug face at the end of The Return of the Jedi. It just bugs me. Where is the happy bald guy of my childhood?

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doors

CIA Comm to the good lady (lol) Max) )

[info]author in [info]doors

The Phantom

[Locked to the Opera Ghost]

I hate to do this, but we should speak about what to do about this Daniel character.