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March 28th, 2012

[info]befrightened in [info]doors

Gypsy P.

[Posted a good two or three hours after the Masquerade ended.]

Does someone want to explain to me how the Passages are supposed to work? Or would someone like to go on about how the Phantom door was swinging. Did I miss the memo or something?

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

[locked to wren m., luke h., eleanor m., adam w., and roger d. separately]

Have as fun and entertaining a Friday night as I did?

[info]twostepsahead in [info]doors

tony s./silver m.

[Locked: Tony S/Silver M]

Did you go tonight?

[info]forthecowl in [info]doors

[Private separately to Selina K. and Bruce W.]

Making sure you haven't died due to party related injuries.

[Public as Robin]

Well this doesn't help disprove a dollhouse theory.

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

Louis D, Eleanor M, Bruce W

[The day after things return to normal. She's spent most of the interim time taking almost double-doses of her medications, which partially drown out Alfred's voice in her mind. The emails to Louis and Nell are not through the journals. The message for Bruce is, but it takes her a long time to decide to indulge the "hallucinations" and to write to him.]

[email to Louis D.]


I felt that I should let you know that I have had an extreme setback of sorts with my health. I have an emergency appointment to see my psychiatrist tomorrow morning, and I fear it is quite likely that she will want me to return to a hospital. Perhaps for an indefinite period of time, if things are as serious as I fear they may be. I shall leave a key to my apartment for you with the manager's office here. If I am gone for more than a month, please break my lease as there is no reason to assume I will be returning at that point.

Due to the complications of "family" and legal and medical professionals, I don't know how much of my status they will share with you. Probably not much. Please contact my cousin Orin at [cell number], as he has helped arrange my care in the past and likely will in the future as well. Barring that, my parents can be reached at [California phone number]. While I don't enjoy the thought of you seeing me in the hospital, I hope you might visit at some point.

I will miss you again, Louis. And I worry about you. So please take care of yourself.

Your Sister,

[email to Nell M.]


I know we haven't even had a chance to get together here yet, but I will probably be hospitalized leaving for a bit. If you need to get a hold of me, check with your dad. He'll probably be the one who has the information.

Take care,

[Locked to Bruce W.]

Mister Wayne Batman Bruce,

I shouldn't even be writing this, but I like to be thorough. I fear that I will no longer be writing to you, nor providing any further research in the future. I intend to gather up the materials I have already purchased, and I will leave them in the library of the hotel for your Las Vegas companion to retrieve if you wish.

I wish you and yours the best of luck. I'm sorry.

Iris R.

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[as loki]


What a night it must have been for you all. No deaths, it seems? Just some maiming around the edges, and the pressing task of coming to terms with a fleeting brush with what you wish you were, or what you truly are. I imagine both have their difficulties. Leaving the one behind rips away a moment of pure happiness never to be replicated, and leaving the other burns into one's mind a vivid personification of all the terrible realities of who you are, or what a grandiose vision you had of yourself compared to the reality.

It's brilliant, really. I can only laud the architect, whoever they might be. A perfectly executed trick.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doors

Elias M, Louis D, Iris R, Aiden S, Liam R, Neil D, Gypsy P

[Locked to Elias M and Sherlock Holmes]
So, I'm covering all bases. Are you alive, or do I get your art collection?

[Group lock to Louis D and Iris R]
[Before she sees the Loki post.] This isn't sisterly concern or anything, but did you two make it out ok?

[Group lock to the Phantom crew]
Neil and I are alive. How about the rest of you bitches?

[info]author in [info]doors

Gypsy P.

[Locked to Gypsy P.]

Are we still on for dinner and drinks?

Let me know.


[info]darkestfears in [info]doors


So how many stitches did everyone have to get after last night?

I lost count after fifty.

[info]boltingly in [info]doors

public ; maren w.

[His handwriting is scratchy and thin and messy and so very boyish. Posted by Andrew M.]

I leave Vegas for one weekend and you guys decide to throw a party without me? Not on, but at least some of you learned your lesson. There ain't no real shindig unless a Mumford's involved.

[call to maren w.]

[info]bound_by_honor in [info]doors

[Text: Kate R]

How was last night for you?

[Locked to Kit V-A]

Your room at the Wynn is ready for you to move in at your earliest convenience. 

[Text: Raegan H.]

Did you attend last night and are you okay?

[Locked to Nell M]

I know we've only met once but I thought it prudent to ask if you were alright after the events of last night.

[After some deliberation, Locked to  Maren W and Ezra W individually]

I know I'm likely the last person you wish to speak with, but I would like to make sure that you're okay after the party last night.

[info]crossroaded in [info]doors


[as dean w.]

Why is it that it's Vegas on the side of this door that I'm not on? That's just not fair. Seriously not fair. Think of all the women I'm not getting a chance to meet.

I mean, I could drive there, but it's literally three feet away from me if I could just walk through this door and maintain control over my own body. Which is a really shitty situation. I'm sure you can all agree.

[ ... ] Also. Sam, if you're out there, tell me you're okay you put a dent in my car. Prepare for retaliation.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

[Locked individually to: Batman, Superman, and Sif]

I've seen you posting through the journals and I'd like to discuss the prospect of a joint effort in dealing with Loki.

[Attached is the information currently known about the light display that occurred as well as information on Loki himself.]

[Locked to Spider-Man]

Iron Man can't be dealing with Loki on his own. Can I count on you to help with the situation?

[info]madameroyal in [info]doors

[Public:: As Pansy]

[Written in a very precise script with a quill pen]

Lovely, I'm stuck in the head of a mudblood muggle

[info]morningbuzz in [info]doors


With everything going on I tried to talk my producers into postponing "Wine Tasting Wednesdays" on the show (I'm going to send Kathie Lee and Hoda a strongly worded letter about giving them ideas), they didn't agree. Instead they kept "Wine Tasting Wednesdays" and also decided it was a good day to have the monkeys on set. This didn't strike anyone as a recipe for disaster? I should have taken the job in Cedar Rapids. Apologies to my fellow early risers who were confronted with the lewd drunk monkeys in between their weather and traffic on the 10s...

[Alice H.]

Everything alright, Alice? You're not injured are you? Do you need anything?

[info]comeawaywithme in [info]doors

[Public, from Peter Pan]
