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Feb. 22nd, 2015


I've been doing predominantly jewelry for the last few months and miss forging blades. Is anyone in need of anything of the sort? Functional or decorative, or anything in between.

I have to attend one of those awful black tie gallery openings this weekend. It's in LA. Want to be my date?

Feb. 21st, 2015


Before some stalker fan gets ahold of the information and spreads it, I wanted you all to know that Jake and I will be getting a divorce after mutual agreement. We're going to remain friends and we want no one to feel like they need to pick sides.

Feb. 16th, 2015


I believe I'm quite ready for warmer weather.

[ Darcy ]
Why are you upset with me?

Feb. 8th, 2015


Oh God, oh God, oh God Quick question - how do you turn someone back from being a frog? Note that I will not be kissing them.

Jan. 31st, 2015


And more snow is expected. Someone tell the weather to quit it because I can't handle being a human popsicle any longer. And we need a better heater, guys, this one is on its last legs. I can kick in $100 for a good one.

I was offered a job at the If Only Farm Equestrian Center in Freeville. They want me to give private lessons on the weekends once the weather stops acting up. I thinking about taking it as part-time work in addition to the shop.

Jan. 28th, 2015


It's difficult enough to get out if bed when I've got dog and toddler cuddlings on a normal day, but add in freezing temps and snow? Nope. Not happening.

Filtered to Older!Jefferson:
Tell me the truth, how panicked are you that we'll go from two kids to five overnight?

ALSO. You know what we haven't done in a while? A vacation. Something longer than a two day honeymoon (and even that was a year ago. Holy shit.)

Jan. 25th, 2015


I need an axe. Or gardening tools. For science.

[OOC: Absolutely in response to this which you should all watch because asldjfkCOLINSTOP.]


I'm not sure why I agreed to check out Tinder, but I absolutely regret it.

Jan. 5th, 2015


Bien , vas te faire encule trop, Portal. You just had to ruin the camera. I know, I get it. You just can't help yourself. And you did get me out of a tight spot. But leaving the family behind was kind of a dick move. I'm just saying.

Let's see, January 2015. Nobody around here even knows the name Tristan d'Herblay, huh?

It's okay. If you feed me, you can call me Suzie for all I care.

Dec. 17th, 2014


» Sooooooo Bilbo gave Thorin a super crazy awesome huge gem that is like. Thorin's reason for life.
» Also, yknow, totally not awesome for him to keep because in canon it kinda drives him a little insane.
» Sooo he's melting it down? I GUESS THAT'S POSSIBLE.
» Anyway. I'm standing by and being his backup. With a fire extinguisher.

» I love you!

» If I live, I got us a super fancy hotel room in Vegas for the weekend and a babysitter. Surprise?


There's still time for a few more orders if any of you have jewelry needs for Christmas.

[ darcy ]
Bilbo gave me the Arkenstone when he got here.

Dec. 13th, 2014


Okay. If I promise to pretend that I believe all this stuff about a primitive galaxy and our lives played out in a holovid, will everyone stop looking at me like I've grown two heads? In all fairness, I'll do a halfass job of it, but I'm starting to get a complex here. Work with me.

Dec. 8th, 2014


I certainly won't argue with the immense amount of food you people consume, although I daresay a great deal of it will send you to an early grave.

Thorins, I know a version of you, the older version can verify that, all this damned versions nonsense is going to make my head hurt. Hobbits aren't meant to get this turned about, we like things orderly. When I establish a proper larder, I will cook us all a meal where things will still be confusing but at least it'll be tasty.

Nov. 20th, 2014


If I don't have my kid and my Lilly here soon, I'm going to find a way to punch the portal.

Nov. 6th, 2014


Why do I always get the urge to plan a vacation right before Christmas?

But seriously. We've done a few of these, still itchy to cross off the rest. (Also feel free to lol at the fact that I got Jefferson to Victoria Falls. I even had one of those "push off the cliff" pictures back home.)

Trailer day. You giving the other guys a heads up or waiting to see if they stumble across?

Nov. 4th, 2014


You're looking at UMass Boston's newest assistant coach for their women's ice hockey team.

Oct. 27th, 2014


Nice as it is to have people around, my more isolated days didn't include quite as many pies to the face. Nice work on the Children's Carnival, though.

[ Melissa ]
I'll be in Hawaii this week. Are you on your normal schedule?

[ Darcy ]

Oct. 23rd, 2014


I did not plan to swim today.

[ Young PH AU Thorin who got stuck young during a de-age experiment. Only has memories of the six months or so that he was in PH de-aged, rather than anything surrounding it otherwise. Coincidentally, since that de-age experiment didn't involve them dropping into the ocean, this is the first time he's done so. ]

Oct. 22nd, 2014


My apartment looks like I had a massive monster orgy in the living room and the partygoers forgot to get dressed when they went home the next morning.

Which is a weird way of say my life is full of so many costumes.

Oct. 11th, 2014


I was given extra tickets in some of the invitations I received to attend the comic convention here in New York. I've four left for tomorrow. Anyone want one?

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