July 2016




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Jun. 14th, 2016


If you are in San Francisco or can get here, the bar is open to anyone looking for a safe place. Plenty of food, water, and solid walls and doors.

Feb. 19th, 2016


left for mikkel johnson on their bed this morning before he woke up! )

left on danny's work desk that morning )

Jan. 29th, 2016


Coldplay, Beyoncé, why you gotta hurt me like this? First, TSwift with her colonial hot mess of a video in Wildest Dreams, now this?

Mike, feed me ice cream until I feel better. :/

Danny, I want to take a page out of TV me's book and start a fertility clinic. Invest in me? Partner with me? :D?

Aug. 25th, 2015


So in an effort to break up the slew of depressing posts that seem to have permeated the network, I'm planning a huge Autumnal Equinox party. Yes, it's a week day on September 23rd, but it wouldn't be the same on another day.

If you have a band, special booze recipes, or anything fun to offer, hit me up. All witches and friends are invited.

May. 7th, 2015


The Mindy Project got cancelled.

And also, Zayn, I know you have to do your own thing, but Stephan Hawking made me feel 100% better about you leaving 1D.

Mar. 28th, 2015


Hey, so quick question - are you ever going to propose? Because I'm having some intense feelings re: the show and it's amping up my insecurities and I'm drinking a LOT of wine and I'm probably going to regret this in the morning.

And thank you, thank you, for not being an ignorant ass about my culture.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Guys, just don't do it.


Mar. 3rd, 2015



Oct. 7th, 2014


Out of curiosity, if you get kicked out of a Wal-Mart, it's just that store and not the entire chain, right?

A friend wants to know.

Sep. 26th, 2014



Johnsons, Castellano, and other friends - Washington High School, tonight!

Sep. 23rd, 2014


The portal misbehaving is a perfect reason for getting out of a test. The female bits might have been overdoing it a little though.

Sep. 19th, 2014


Great, now I can never listen to More Than a Feeling again. Thanks, Danny.

Jun. 25th, 2014


If you're going to make me time travel, Portal, can I at least get the same waistline I had the last time I was in 2014 and a few dry diapers?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


I'm feeling like a weekend trip to Vegas is in order. Anyone else?

May. 26th, 2014


July 24th. Save the date, and leave a nice cold-weather outfit out of storage instead of packing them all away, because you'll need it. Elsa's going to make an honest man of me.

Apr. 30th, 2014


this is a public announcement

go fish as a drinking game is a terrible idea don't do it

carry on

Apr. 14th, 2014


Oh, goodness. Our poor planner will be so disappointed.

Apr. 13th, 2014


Raise your hand if your source material is made of stupid.

Mar. 26th, 2014


That portal never picks an opportune time, does it?


All right, so which one of you finally pushed the portal over into complete and utter madness, eh?

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