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Nov. 3rd, 2015


For those that might have missed it, we're dealing with an Allison that's possessed by the Nogitsune. My Allison and I have been out hunting for her, and have a few minor leads but nothing major.

We successfully removed the Nogitsune from Stiles, we think we can do it again with Allison, we just need her and it alive.

Do not trust her Lydia. I am deadly serious about this part. She may hit the point of desperation where she's afraid we'll kill both the Nogitsune and Allison and while that's an option and will probably lash out and try to find a way to do it on her own.

This can explain Nogitsunes better than we have time to do, but our ultimate goal is to take her alive and bring her to a secure location - Dr. Martin's lab in Hawaii has been offered up, it's underground and has a secure room. If you're willing to help, meet us there and we'll talk, in person, about code words.

And don't believe anything you see if you start going after her, it can cause mass hallucinations.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Terribly, terribly sorry for the power outage earlier! Little mistake, easily rectified.

Jan. 26th, 2015


There will be roast pig, as well as a viewing of the Superbowl, this Sunday on the beach. Ale will be provided if you have the stomach for it.

Jan. 19th, 2015


Right then.

[ Steampunk!Isaac lahey, part-time hero, part-time criminal! Information here. HPD, as he was processed he DEFINITELY pickpocketed at least one of you, so if you want to have had that happen, go for it! ]

Jan. 16th, 2015


[Filtered AWAY from HPD/NYPD/Official Police types]
I require someone with underground knowledge. Black Market? Every world has one, I'm sure of it. A way to get items that may not be readily available for the general populace because they're dangerous in the wrong hands or more on the supernatural level of things. Your time and knowledge will be reimbursed.

Oh. I suppose introductions are in order. Dr. Lydia Martin.

Filtered to Steampunk Ladies:
I brokered a deal that involved trading in my entire coin purse to a collector, in exchange for money from this era. By our standards, it's a fortune, but given the incredible inflation of things... Well, we'll have to start making money soon.

Allison, you can stop wringing your handkerchief. Your future is secured.

Jan. 13th, 2015


I would very much appreciate confirmation of the lengthy and incredible explanation I just received for it not being the year of Our Lord, 1897, and for my presence here in the Republic of Hawaii.