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Sep. 6th, 2015


So many Mugg Branching into the Muggle world is more difficult and time-consuming than I expected. Luckily, the name affords me more interest and curiosity than judgement as far as that's concerned, but starting a company? Bloody hell.

Which is to say I'm looking for a few investors, preferably in-house. I had some offers from strangers and people outside the community, but I'd feel more comfortable and want to offer the opportunity here first before resorting to rich "fans" that would be more interested in Harry's autograph than being a shareholder in my business.

I'd like to recreate my fashion line here, and branch out even more. I owned a shoppe in Godric's Hollow, so I'd like to do the same here and perhaps go even further? All of my clothes are self-adjusting, meaning they fit any size, any body type and look amazing while being functional and comfortable. Charmed fabrics that shift and change colour with different lighting. Jewel tones that can indeed look like jewels. Spill wine or have children? Fabric that is self-cleaning and impossible to wrinkle. Never worry about a tear in tights, never fuss over pantylines showing. Lingerie that is sexy and comfortable. Bras you can wear for hours and it'll feel like.. Oliver Wood is holding everything in place.

I've been sketching since I got here and have been building a portfolio, if you're interested and would like to see more. I could also use a few willing models, since Hermione sighs at me when I come near her with my measuring tape. (Really, you put someone in a couture designed gown and you'd think they'd be far more appreciative of your skills.)

Aug. 18th, 2015


Open position, to be filled immediately: Paid intern, does what Granger says, unless I say "don't do what Granger says in this specific case", in which case listen to me and not her. Make coffee and don't bitch about it. I don't care if it's good coffee but it's gotta be passable and if you just reheat that shit I will know it and you're gonna have nightmares the rest of your goddamned life once I'm done chewing you out. Filing the shit that needs to be filed; neither Granger nor I have done much with that so I hope you like piles. of. shit. Answer the phone, answer the door, be nice to our clients, and goddamn shower once in a while, Christ. Be a fucking human being, take some goddamn pride.

And for fuck's sake if I catch you smuggling magic carpets down at the blackmarket off Mayfair don't piddle about with "wow, what a strange coincidence that this illegal deal is going down so close and unrelated to me" because that's how we lost our last intern and I'm gonna be mighty upset if I need to go down memory road.

Anything else?

Oh yeah, what we do - detective agency, hire us when you don't want to deal with the brass's bullshit - just kidding HPD and NYPD, you're great - but we're not gonna front for you or hide your shit. We solve. Questions? Comments? Ask Granger, she actually likes people.

Apply or something by... doing shit, I don't know. Surprise me.

Podmore out.

Aug. 15th, 2015


"We'll see if we can locate them for you, ma'am." Is not an appropriate answer to "Where are my bloody kids?" Are all Muggle police this thick, or just the Americans?

[OOC: Parvati from Draco-Is-A-Werewolf AU! Harry's (seperated) wife and mother to the kids, more here! Sorry HPD, someone got hexed!]

Jul. 29th, 2015


I demand to speak to whoever is in charge of this madhouse; you don't simply yank people from their daily lives and drop them into an ocean and then say "well, we can't stop it, really". I'm DRACO MALFOY; does that mean nothing to you? This is what happens when Muggles interfere with magic they don't understand. Gross inefficiency and PASSING THE BUCK. Who's going to send me back? More importantly, who's going to pay for my robes?

May. 22nd, 2015


Fucking hell, someone explain to me how this is possible.

Mar. 15th, 2015


Not to be all "what the fuck is going on" in the wake of a perfectly lengthy explanation that I sure as shit didn't pay much mind to, but what the fuck is going on?

Report, assholes. One of you has to be capable of summarizing this bullshit in twenty words or less.

Sturgis Podmore, hitwizard, by the by.

Feb. 22nd, 2015


Bloody buggering hell

One would expect something like a magical portal to be more present in the curriculum at a bloody magical school. Though, I suppose since there's supposedly no way to return, the lessons wouldn't have made much of a difference anyway. Still, something like this might've been a bit useful over the last few years.

What year is it?

[ ooc; Hermione from a world where the Battle of Hogwarts was just the beginning of a much longer war that the Death Eaters had a bit of an upperhand in. Muggleborns are being arrested and/or killed on sight, and so she was in the process of navigating a small army of them across the Scottish highlands in search of more fighters. ]

Nov. 29th, 2014


Just when I thought there was hope for you yet, world, I overheard someone at the store ask how to store their Spam turkey. I don't even want to know how that is a thing here.

Who can I talk to about any openings that might be available? I worked as a hitwitch back home, and I'm not doing to well at this life in paradise thing.

Nov. 15th, 2014


I just got lei'd.


Yep that's awful but I refuse to retract it.

[ooc: scorpius malfoy from this amazing post, basically]

Oct. 30th, 2014


We were going to hold off on saying anything for a few more weeks, but circumstances have changed and I probably won't be able to keep this a secret for much longer. The verdict is still out if this counts as a trick or a treat, but I'm not apologizing for picking out all of the Twix for myself this year.

((OOC; posted after they told their immediate family.))

Sep. 29th, 2014


Merlin's tit, do you know how many months I was working on that undercover case? Seven. All that work, down the drain!

[ooc; 28 year old Parvati! Working as an Auror following Lavender's death, would love to see her sister around!]