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Nov. 18th, 2014


[ Filtered Away from (her) Isaac ]

I was wondering if one of you could do me a favor? I'd like to get the apartment decorated for Christmas while Isaac's at work and surprise him when he comes home, but while I've mastered being solid enough to do the basics, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get a tree from the store to the apartment on my own. Can someone who has a spare hour or two to kill help me? I can't pay you, but I can offer to haunt your enemies.*

This time of year isn't easy on either of us, so making the apartment look festive and warm and ours is sort of a priority, I guess. There's no rush, so I'd be happy to work with your schedule.

* I won't actually haunt your enemies, sorry.

[ /Filter ]

Does anyone have any use for someone who can walk through walls and be invisible? And by "use", I mean... a job. That pays me. Now that I've gotten better at being corporeal, I'm getting cabin fever.

Thank you in advance!

Nov. 8th, 2014


I keep having dreams and writing them down when I can. I'm not sure if they're memories or not, but they're all very strange.

I may finally watch the show.

But in the meantime, I want to hike today. Do any of you have suggestions for where?

Nov. 1st, 2014


i love evryone thank you goodnigh

Oct. 6th, 2014


S. McCalls and friends! Get your butts here now for your cakes. I have been baking all day.

Sorry, Erica. ♥

Sep. 12th, 2014


Well. Who's joining me in Astoria, Oregon tonight?

Sep. 8th, 2014


WHO Memory!Scott and Allison
WHAT They go bowling and Allison has a good day!
WHEN Waaaay back-dated to August 22.
WHERE Bowling alley!
STATUS Complete.

I could do with more days like this one. )

Aug. 22nd, 2014



[ ooc: appears as a blank entry, so it can still be responded to as an oddity~ ]

[ her scott ]
We danced together at a party. In a gym, I think? I don't know. It's just a little moment.

Is that real?

Aug. 21st, 2014


[ Filtered to TW People ]

Hey, everyone. I know we've got a few new banshees in the mix, so I thought I'd let everyone know that there's a banshee focus group (doesn't that sound official?) to train, exchange notes, and drink too much coffee happening in Hawaii. I know we're from different universes and so everything won't be identical in terms of powers, but it can't hurt, and sometimes it's just good to vent.

We've also got a few non-banshees who have been trying to figure out a safer way to locate the dead bodies, so they're going to be in the mix.

I've been up to my eyeballs with work lately, but how does next Sunday evening work for a meeting time? Let me know.

[ /Filter ]

Aug. 10th, 2014


who Memory!Allison Argent (and implied Scott McCall)
what Scott brings pizza over and has to stay through the storm, and they have a really good day followed by a really, really bad morning in terms of Allison's memories. A little narrative to put the moment into play beyond just OOC talk, because I like writing and that's how I roll.
where Papa Argent and Allison's place, the living room.
when Saturday night into Sunday morning.
rating Nothing bad!

She felt fear filling her, the overwhelming sensation of being lost filtering into her entire body as she laid there. )

Aug. 5th, 2014


I've never really been the kind to burn, but goodness, this Hawaii sun is intense.

[ those with abilities related to memory ]
Hello. My name is Allison Argent. I've [...] recently experienced a sort of [...] trauma that has left my memory in shambles, both those from the past and those moving forward. I was wondering if I could speak to someone with some knowledge of techniques I could use to stabilize the new ones, at the least.

Thank you.

Aug. 3rd, 2014


who Memory!Scott McCall and Allison Argent
what Scott takes Allison to get some food, and they take a tiny detour.
when Backdated to the day Scott arrived - 7/25
where Walking through town, the library, and ending up at the taco stand.
status Complete!

Allison Argent wasn’t so keen to believe that starting fresh was all it was cracked up to be. )

Jul. 31st, 2014


Home sweet home.

Filtered to RTW TW:
We brought home plenty of kool-aid that we're willing to share, tonight. Our place.

We'll be making American food, at Allison's request. She (for some strange reason) missed mac and cheese.

Jul. 28th, 2014


Is there someone here who has been here awhile who can help me make a map of this part of the island? Only if you don't mind, of course. I can get one of the island itself from a tourist shop, but I want one with more specific places on it. Where people are living and where certain buildings are, that sort of thing.

Jul. 25th, 2014


[...] I've been told there are multiple A. Argents here. I'm looking for one in particular, though I'd like to meet you all.

Jul. 23rd, 2014


This is

But I was finally starting to blend in a little. Sort of. A little I mean, not really, but

Is this really Hawaii?