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Jan. 21st, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse Folk ]

Hey, so I was in Honolulu yesterday night for a job interview (why do they always ask you if you want to ask them any questions at the end of the interview?? I freaked and asked him if he preferred crunchy or smooth peanut butter. I suck. Anyway - ) and took a walk downtown and got some coffee. When I was leaving the coffee shop, I heard something on a roof above me and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a totally gross snake/lizard/Geico Gecko/dragon thing? I scaled the fire escape, but it hissed at me and took off and I lost it.

It was about six or seven feet of scaly foulness. Vaguely human shaped? I know there's a bunch of different were-things here, but I didn't get the impression that this thing was at all safe to be around people. Something about its eyes I could be wrong; I have a bad history with snake people. Like, way bad.

This mean anything to you guys?

[ /Filter ]

[ Added after this: Filtered to Steampunk!Jackson Whittermore ]

Hey, so I saw what appeared to be you doing your best impression of a Gucci crocodile bag last night. Are you okay?

[ /Filter ]

[ ADDITIONAL FILTER: Once more, to the HPD + Buffyverse ]

Here's a transcript of the convo. Going over there now. Slayer out.

[ /Filter ]

Jan. 3rd, 2015


Was it a spell? This has to be a spell. This has 'magic' written on it. This is spellalicious and I don't think I'm ready for this spell-y.

Hi, I'm Buffy, and I'm not supposed to be here. Here's nice! Here looks like a vacation! But I'm supposed to be in California; I just got my sister back...?

[ AU Buffy, she didn't date Riley or die. Comes from the end of S5! ]

Jul. 3rd, 2013


If one more person asks me why I don't sparkle, I'm eating them.

Apr. 9th, 2013


Here we go again.

I swear I didn't jinx anything this time.

Jan. 4th, 2013


Did someone lose a miniature boy version of me?

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Why is there a hole in the wall?

No, you know what? I don't want to know.

May. 21st, 2012


text to buffy )

May. 11th, 2012


Fuck the show and fuck finals. TIME TO PARTY.

Apr. 8th, 2012


I GIVE UP. This Valedictorian speech is impossible to write without sounding like a total cheeseball. I swear to god, I'm just going to quote Bono and throw in the towel. Peace out, Class of 2012.


Mar. 31st, 2012


Fictional? FICTIONAL? Send me back home right now!

Mar. 30th, 2012


So I spent the last two days watching Game of Thrones on the recommendation of a salesgirl when I was shopping yesterday. I feel like I have accomplished both something major and not at the same time.

I feel utterly useless here.

[ooc; Spoilers for s1 of Game of Thrones!]