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Apr. 11th, 2015


Shit. I haven't been separated from my Bianca for this long since a tyrannical Seeker kidnapped me and took her away. Try not to push any of her buttons, would you? I'd hate for all these lovely faces to get messed up.

Varric Tethras, at your service. I don't normally have to make such quick introductions, but given that I can be mistaken quite easily for an inferior a human...

Feb. 16th, 2015


I believe I'm quite ready for warmer weather.

[ Darcy ]
Why are you upset with me?

Dec. 28th, 2014


i've a great and mighty need for a wine that doesn't tasteas msuhc like water

Dec. 27th, 2014


i still don't get it

[OOC: Have Canon!AU Kili! Everybody-lives AU! - More here, beware some spoilers.]

Dec. 26th, 2014


cut for hobbit spoilers, filtered to older Thorin )

Dec. 17th, 2014


There's still time for a few more orders if any of you have jewelry needs for Christmas.

[ darcy ]
Bilbo gave me the Arkenstone when he got here.

Dec. 8th, 2014


I certainly won't argue with the immense amount of food you people consume, although I daresay a great deal of it will send you to an early grave.

Thorins, I know a version of you, the older version can verify that, all this damned versions nonsense is going to make my head hurt. Hobbits aren't meant to get this turned about, we like things orderly. When I establish a proper larder, I will cook us all a meal where things will still be confusing but at least it'll be tasty.


Who: Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield
What: A reunion of sorts
Warnings: naw, just sads

It was difficult to say now, in his grief, if it was his grief that said such sentimental things. )

Dec. 2nd, 2014


I have been assured and reassured and thrice assured that I am not in fact eaten by a dragon or drowned in Lake-town, although I knew the latter for certain since these waters are far less pungent. Only a bit in truth, but there is a distinct difference, once you've nearly drowned in a variety of lakes and rivers. That is to say that I do not know how much I believe this magic can be wielded by all or what the knobs do, and I am in fact speaking into it, for I had no quill and there is not much space to scrawl in.

You will have to forgive this rambling, for I have a heavy heart, and far too many thoughts to properly divide them in importance or clarity. It is important that I return from whence I came, and while I am but a simple Hobbit, I do not need to be spoken to slowly as if to a child. I need results and I am determined to get them. To the person who helps me, I cannot offer much in terms of a reward, but I have riddles, tales, no small skill at meal preparing with a healthy larder, and sincere gratitude.

With a wearing patience,
Bilbo Baggins of Bag End