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Oct. 22nd, 2015


I'm breaking some sacred law of the universe here because it isn't Tueaday, but I'm ~flirting with danger~ and making tacos tonight in honor of the new taco emoji. This is a much better thing to do than study for midterms.

And it's tacos. 🎉🌮🎉🌮🎉🌮😋

Apr. 10th, 2015


I told you that you used too many chicken feet, Petra.

Mar. 19th, 2015


My bracket is in the 0.4th percentile courtesy of Lahey Luck: March Madness Edition.

Feb. 5th, 2015


I tried, I really did.

If any of my enemies would like a piece, I'm cutting generous slices.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


This round of "Unpopular Opinions" is brought to you by waiting for the prof to hit 15 minutes late so we can all book it. Have I mentioned lately that college is a trainwreck and I love it?

It's easy to play Unpopular Opinions - you just give your opinion on something contentious. No fake-unpopular opinions that everyone agrees with, and try not to insult people in the fandom if you go to pop culture. Basically, be contentious, but not a dick, and be prepared to defend your opinions. Mine are:

  • Mexican food > Asian.
  • Neil Gaiman recycles the same plot every book.
  • Mr. Yukimura is the hottest Dad on the-show-who-will-not-be-named.
  • I'd rather go see the Spice Girls lip sync in concert than Radiohead sing live.
  • Chicago > New York City
  • (This one's for you, Liam) Art died with Warhol.

Come at me.

Jan. 26th, 2015


Superbowl Sunday, my place, everyone's invited, even if you're a Pats fan. Bring food/beer if you want; I'll have some stuff, but not enough for a crowd.

Supernatural apocalypse, keep it together until Monday, I beg of you.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


And this is why fucking around with the universe is a bad idea. If an entire species dies out, it’s for good reason. If you bring that species back to life, then something else has to disappear in its place. Granted, my thought was pretty well and truly focused on the fact that it’d be the human race that met extinction – apparently, it was just the state of intelligent decision-making that ultimately kicked the bucket. But I suppose tapping into MWI isn’t too illogical a leap when you’re already rewriting natural history to replace it with the unnatural whims of ego-centric mankind.

[ ooc; Jurassic Park cross-over genderswapped Kira! See his journal for more! ]

Jan. 6th, 2015


Weirdest thing about traveling back in time besides the everything else part has gotta be the music. It's like you're stuck on someone's idea of an oldies playlist all the time.

And thanks for your pancakes and calming me down, Isaac!

[ Ella/Liam/Tristan ]

The Full Moon went great! Isaac kept my mind off things fine and then I had two breakfasts, one with him and then one with my parents. I think the latter was a guilt breakfast but whatever. Two breakfasts then a nap! Things are looking up.

Tristan I'm including you on this filter since we're adopting you and you're adopted now. I'm not sorry if it's weird.

[ /Filter ]

Jan. 4th, 2015


Whoever wants to claim the Alpha hanging off the side of my building by his pants, you might want to do so before the fabric gives out.

Jan. 3rd, 2015


Okay, all right, I'm definitely not used to being on the receiving end of this whole 'Welcome to Hawaii' thing. I've been in Hawaii! I grew up here! Portal, I thought you and I were bros. This is not okay! Cassandra McCall-Hale, by the way, and because that's terrible, just Cass. Just Cass. Cassie if you're cute.

Also, 2015? Please don't take this the wrong way but your internet is really freaking slow.


Early this morning, Deputy Stilinski was attacked in the HPD weapons locker. Whoever did so took a good amount of our stock as well. If anyone saw or heard anything, please let us know immediately.

Jan. 2nd, 2015


who Isaac Lahey and Kira Yukimura (RTW)
what Isaac and Kira talk about ~the future~ and Isaac tries to invoke the right to go to class when he feels like it
when Christmas night!
where Isaac and Scott's apartment, featuring the couch.
rating/status G!

Read more... )

Dec. 28th, 2014


PSA, don't be that person.

Dec. 18th, 2014


Okay, okay. I get it. I've been slacking on my supernatural lore lately. There really was no need for this kind of immersion, though. Some of us have responsibilities.

Petra, I may be overshooting your abilities here, but this seems right up your alley.

Dec. 11th, 2014


snapchat to all friends )

Dec. 8th, 2014


[ Filtered to all Laheys; Lydia can read ]

Hey gang of Laheys. I know this time of year's crazy and it's never easy, but I thought a little low-key get-together might be fun. New Year's Day? I'm cooking Hoppin' John, a little good luck recipe I picked up while I lived in Atlanta. Keeps all day so come anytime, even if you're nursing an underage hangover I know nothing about.

Bring your SOs; going to be plenty of food to go around.

[ /Filter ]

Nov. 30th, 2014


This is truly a work of art and needs to be mine now.

And hey, Isaac, I think I got some of your mail yesterday. It has UH's logo on it and looks pretty official, so I'll hold on to it until you come by.

Nov. 20th, 2014


Just when I was being reminded that my loaner wasn't the most desirable car...

Happy birthday to me.

Nov. 11th, 2014


I'm like five steps away from figuring out the chemical composition of the magic drink the college us came up with. Who wants to be a guinea pig with me?

Nov. 1st, 2014


i love evryone thank you goodnigh

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