July 2016




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Nov. 3rd, 2015


For those that might have missed it, we're dealing with an Allison that's possessed by the Nogitsune. My Allison and I have been out hunting for her, and have a few minor leads but nothing major.

We successfully removed the Nogitsune from Stiles, we think we can do it again with Allison, we just need her and it alive.

Do not trust her Lydia. I am deadly serious about this part. She may hit the point of desperation where she's afraid we'll kill both the Nogitsune and Allison and while that's an option and will probably lash out and try to find a way to do it on her own.

This can explain Nogitsunes better than we have time to do, but our ultimate goal is to take her alive and bring her to a secure location - Dr. Martin's lab in Hawaii has been offered up, it's underground and has a secure room. If you're willing to help, meet us there and we'll talk, in person, about code words.

And don't believe anything you see if you start going after her, it can cause mass hallucinations.

Sep. 15th, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD ]

So I know we're standstilling on the selkie murders. I've got a lead on someone who apparently saw something like this in Norway years ago; was willing to show me the area and talk about it. Who's up for some travel and pickled fish?

[ / Filter ]

Whoever wrote ...something... on my arm in sunscreen when I fell asleep on the beach this weekend? Hilarious. Just hilarious.

Sep. 5th, 2015


I know some of you have done it, so: thoughts on Tinder?

Aug. 25th, 2015


Someone killed a bunch of selkies. They're all over the beach.

HPD? Someone? What should I do?

Aug. 21st, 2015


That desk duty notice has been upgraded. Taking an unpaid leave of absence until further notice. With any luck, we'll have more information Monday night, but I'm not going to be taking any chances.

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Allison, I've got a design ready for your blade belt whenever you and your friends feel like making a trip out here.

[ Darcy ]
Which of these little icons did we say was the "hey friend, I need your help" bat signal?

Jul. 24th, 2015


Finals until the 30th, then I'm done with summer semester until August 10th. Seems stupid to take a vacation when we live in Hawaii, and yet...

Who's joining me? Hungary has a 80% lower homicide rate than the US.

Jul. 16th, 2015


This is so intense.

[ooc; Mason Hewitt from TW coming in from the RTW canon. He's coming in from a near miss with Scorpion Boy.]

Jul. 9th, 2015


Two Full Moons in the month of July. Not unheard of, but atypical. In this case, it's happening with a Blue Moon. I'll let those of you blessed with humor make the obvious joke.

[ Filtered to HPD & NYPD Supernatural Divisions; TW Werewolf Alphas + Christina Argent can read ]

With some of the more enthusiastic arrivals through the portal in mind, I've created a tranquilizer. Acts a great deal like kanima venom, if you're familiar with that - paralysis being the key side effect. Wears off in around 20 minutes, less for werewolves - enough time for a puppet spell. I don't anticipate it being used on any more than a fraction of any arrivals, as being unable to move usually inspires panic more than an open-mind, but in the event that it's needed, I've sent a vial to your office. No more than 1ML for any humanoid person.

Christina can vouch that it's good work and not something ~evil~, if that's your concern. The ingredients are expensive and a pain in the ass to get. Use it well.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to TW Werewolf Alphas + Christina Argent]

Likewise, you each will be getting 1ML each. I trust you to use discretion if the situation arises that such a tranquilizer is necessary.

[ /Filter ]

Jul. 1st, 2015


A sudden, undignified drop in the ocean and I still look fantastic.

Thank you, handsome officer who pulled me from the waves.

Jun. 30th, 2015


I'd say I'm sorry about kicking your asses, HPD, but you shouldn't have kidnapped me in the first place.

[ooc; Super Girlfriends AU! Spoilers for the latest ep. Kicked the asses of anyone that was on portal duty this morning with her powers.]

Jun. 16th, 2015


I'm going to spend the night learning this. Who wants to be my guinea pig?

Apr. 10th, 2015


Wrong werewolves, Portal.

Mar. 23rd, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse ]

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled corralling of The 100 kids to bring you some truth tea.

Hi! We lived! Go us. And now that things are quieter since Angel went into hiding and probably hates himself and is eating rats I thought I'd give you a quick kanima update. Basically, you know how he was looking for a master? Orrrrrr, more optimistically, a friend?

Hi, so that happened.

I don't know how it happened, but he listens to me, which is good news for the public at large. I don't think he's dangerous right now. We still need to figure out how to keep him from turning into a scaly thing, but we're no longer operating in Worst Case Scenario, which is a win, right?

The Teen Wolf kids still don't know. Jackson would prefer them not knowing, I think.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Instagram. )

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Hey, HPD.

I bought a pimped-out coffee maker for my apartment, then realized I drank it more here, so my gain is your gain. I chucked the old one into a fiery pit, but be on the lookout for it - could still come back.

[ Filtered to Lydia ]

Ballpark figure here, Lydia - how many shoes do you actually own? I ask, because I keep counting the ones lined up in the bedroom, get distracted, and then when I return to counting there's more. As a scientist, can you confirm whether or not shoes reproduce?

[ /Filtered ]

Jan. 25th, 2015


OKAY. I know the ~official~ age requirement for applying to the HPD is 20, but if I have to flip burgers or some other crap for another fifteen months, I'm going to freaking lose it, so I was hoping maybe I could get a waver on that? Even just to work my way up? I can clerk! I'm really good at making sure people eat! And I mean, you've got at least three built in references working there. Unless they get parent-y and refus Probably. Maybe four, if Lydia's having a good day.

Uhh yeah, okay, probably shouldn't count on that one. BUT STILL.

Please. Please, throw me a bone here. I need a job that doesn't suck away my will to liiive.

Jan. 21st, 2015


I was told there were Argents here.

[ OOC; Race-swapped young Chris Argent from a slightly altered world! ]

Jan. 11th, 2015


"Let me do your hair", she said.

"It will be fun," she said.


Dec. 28th, 2014


[Address] Young man, mid-twenties. Definitely murdered.

Bring aspirin. Oh, and you know. Police things. Evidence gathering. Whatnot.

Keep dinner in the microwave, I'll be home late.

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