July 2016




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Dec. 26th, 2015


[Filtered to Arrow people]

There's someone here who looks like Malcolm Merlyn, but apparently isn't him. Just so there's no surprises for anyone else.


Especially you.

Dec. 13th, 2015


Oliver, stop stealing stuff from people.

They said your world story matched up with mine, and I have to admit, I'm really hoping you remember everything. Or, if not everything, at least most of it.

If not, hey, I'm Tommy.

[ ooc: Tommy Merlyn from Andrea's Oracle AU for Felicity. Tommy specific details are sort of haphazardly in his journal. PLEASE GIMME A THEA FROM THIS AU. And a Malcolm. And Dig for all. AND EVERYONE ELSE.

Dec. 11th, 2015


I hate everything I'm going to drink way too much wine. eat way too many fried foods and play with fire tonight, who wants to moderate me?

And by moderate I mean "don't tell me what to do and I won't hit you over the head with a tablet, but enable me and eat/drink just as much so I don't feel so bad". Easy, right? So easy. I need a keeper.

Aug. 29th, 2015


Who wants to go to the 34th Annual Greek Festival today? It's on Ala Moana and starts at noon.

Aug. 12th, 2015


To the blonde that I woke up with on Monday - sorry for running off, had to puke up what felt like everything I had ever eaten. You were gone by the time I got back and I'm pretty sure I owe you breakfast.

Danny, I'm getting New Jersey lasered off my ass as soon as I get the cash. I love you, but not that much.

[ooc; Open to any blondes that August might have dragged along on the minis' Vegas weekend! Male, female, doesn't matter!]

Jan. 25th, 2015


I distinctly remember us portal captives being able to cancel television shows in the past. Is that still a thing?

Also, unrelated, who can purge the internet of certain content?

Jan. 5th, 2015


I feel like a need a chart for everyone here.

[ filtered; Nyssa ]
These future-babies are freaking me out.

Dec. 30th, 2014


To all the new arrivals - hello, sweeties. I'm Dr. Pamela Isley, and I work in research and botany for the botanical gardens out of Honolulu. If you happen to notice a blonde, irrepressibly cheerful clown in your midst, send her my way, will you, and keep heavy objects out of her hands?

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions - I go by the natural clock, not one dreamed up by some sixteenth century pope. It's hard to avoid the optimism that goes hand in hand with the holiday, though, so I thought I'd write down my hopes for 2015:
  • I wish Astrid would flower; I'd dearly like to see it.
  • I'd like my public interaction component of my job back, even if the vast majority of the public are simpering morons without the slightest bit of common sense or decency.
  • A bigger greenhouse for my apartment would be a good project.
  • My above-mentioned clown friend.
  • Greater production and customer retention for the green industry.