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Feb. 29th, 2016


Predictable is now a bad word.

[ ooc: Linz, no rush, we can backdate!! ]

Dec. 16th, 2015


-you're quite certain this contraption will- Ah! So it does. And this, it does wha-

[ ooc: Liam Jones, AU where he lived because he stayed in Neverland. He was eventually freed from the island several hundred years later when everyone came to rescue Henry and the Dreamshade cure was administered. OTHER CHANGES/TWISTS ARE TBD IF I GET ANYONE ELSE FROM THIS AU. [edit] speech-to-text, obv. Gimme all your people. ]

Dec. 8th, 2015


I have an apartment! Got the keys today, so it's currently completely empty and I'm just sitting in the middle of it basking in the silence (no offense, family).

Obviously that means it's party time. Right?

Just kidding, can't say that with a straight face. Don't trash my apartment.

Dec. 1st, 2015


I'm so sick of portals.

Papa? They said my other parents aren't her- Henry?

[ ooc; Same AU as Remy Mills & coma!Henry Mills! ]

Nov. 30th, 2015


I'm getting bloody tired of being ripped away from things I take comfort in, and someone will suffer for Now who do I have to thank for this lovely world? Really, now. I'd like to send them flowers. Perhaps a fruit basket. Everyone enjoys a good fruit basket, aye?

Nov. 29th, 2015


Apparently someone just ordered the rest of the shrimp at Kamekona's, so along with having my newly-straightened hair dunked in the ocean, being transported to 2015 and needing to join the "my parents don't know I exist" club, I also don't get any shrimp. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Oh, right. Hipsters are in. Let me find some sunglasses while I introduce myself: Irina Barnes. You probably haven't heard of me.

Nov. 10th, 2015


So I might be a tiny bit kidnapped by cultist sorority girls. They didn't think to check to see if I had a second phone, so.

Come rescue me, yeah? My GPS is on.

Nov. 5th, 2015


I'm a published artist.

Holy crap.

I'm published. The first two pieces from my summer commission are out on the shelves as of this week. Companion pieces, both graphic novels. [Insert picture of the display at a Comic Shop Here]

It's crazy to buy them all, right?

Oct. 29th, 2015


You're looking at the newest member of Zeta Tau Alpha. This is Beth, btw.

I was never even in a sorority when I did get my degree.

Two deaths on NYU campus, they're very ... cultist. There's openings for a professor and a TA, I've already started the paperwork on getting Lincoln in as a guidance counselor (you're welcome).

Oct. 18th, 2015


[ text message meant for beth, but accidentally sent to oliver VERY VERY EARLY this morning ]
literally just kill me now, b. even when i don't make bad decisions, i keep thinking i want to.


There is something very significant to be said about getting full range of motion back. I'm officially (more or less) all-healed up now and back to full active duty.

Which, naturally, means it's time for a new mission. B, you up for it?

Oct. 10th, 2015


If I don't get my sons, husband, and our wife back right now, I'm going to do more than turn people into frogs.

[ooc; OT3!Regina from this AU.]

Oct. 9th, 2015


And again, the Annual Fall Paradox begins -- a festive time of year where I, in my excitement over the changing season, inadvertently can't stop making flowers that are completely not suited for autumn, thus sticking myself into a floral-scented time loop.

My morning company of animals is so confused already, and the leaves haven't even changed yet.

[ Comments about traveling to Syria are retroactively filtered against her parents. ]


The only way Dramamine actually helps is if I take it before swimming, boats, or docks. Not only was my entrance remarkably ungraceful and swear ridden, the waves are not what I'd call calm today so basically I'm just going to lie down for a little while.

So how many Swans and Joneses are there at this point? Are we talking sizable baseball team or actual village? (Just so you know, I counted and did this research when drunk one night, and we absolutely could have our own village. And town motto. Who wants to come up with the motto? I don't know why this is still in a parenthesis.)