Previous 20

Sep. 24th, 2012


Sunday September 29, 2012

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: A Date
Where: Boston
When: Evening

Lip gloss and mascara are a bit too much. . . )
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Aug. 30th, 2012


Friday September 27th 2019

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: The fever has claimed Rorie's brain
Where: Garret's office
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG

Rorie had been sick all week. Unlike what he had though originally, it kept getting worse and worse till he finally was seeing things. At least, he didn't know he was. Running a fever and sweating like he was in the desert, he had gotten up to get some water. His hands were twitching wildly here and there as well as the rest of his body when he was laying down. The bites and scratches look disgusting and very infected. He'd gone into a fit of rage at one point and smashed his table because he thought he saw Liam, his DEAD father, sitting at it. Just smirking as he watched his son deteriorate. He shouted at him and glared, but nothing worked. Then it became worse. Which was saying something. Liam was trying to kill him. Rorie had seent he knife, had seen it glinting in the dim light.

Going from furious to panicked, Rorie didn't know what to do. His fingers wouldn't work to call anyone and he couldn't focus with his powers. If he stayed in his apartment he'd be killed for sure. So, he did the best thing he thought he could. Barefoot and in his boxers and sleeping shirt, he struck out and walked quickly across campus to Garret's office. He was attracting stares and he was scared security would be called, so he hurried up. Getting into the floor Garret was on, he was about to just go to his door when the secretary stopped him.

Okay, so Rorie had gone off the deep end. That much was confirmed. )
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Aug. 25th, 2012


Wednesday September 25, 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Taking care of sicky Rorie
Where: Rorie's apartment
When: Evening

Word through the grapevine was that Rorie had been sent home from work on Tuesday morning and he hadn't been seen since. )
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Aug. 20th, 2012


Saturday September 21, 2019

Who: Rorie
What: Flat tire and rabid raccoons
Where: Between Boston and Danvers
When: Late, nearly midnight

He was getting tired finally and was ready to hit the hay and sleep Sunday away. It seemed his car had other plans. )

Aug. 17th, 2012


Thursday September 19, 2019

Who: Luca and Rorie
What: A curious hellhound investigates
Where: Luca's room and maybe else where
When: End of school day

Rorie had not been having a good week. If the evening didn't go well, he was contemplating suffocating himself by laying face down on the bed in his fluffy pillows. Death by goose down. Mandy would raise him from the grave and kill him again. Tired and worn out emotionally, he wasn't on top of his game much and when he discovered Luca Rossi's ID on his desk. Swearing, he clocked out and headed towards the other man's classroom. He didn't mind being off duty and doing a run like that. After all, he'd just go back to the locker rooms and change before hitting the gym. Maybe work off some of that mood he was stuck in.

Walking to the man's room right as a class was dismissed, he waited for the students to disperse before knocking on the door and stepping in. "Mr. Rossi?" He said, looking at the man and feeling like he was stepping into the Twilight Zone. Those eyes. . . "Uh. . ." Rorie's words got away from him for a moment as everything was tossed out the window as he stared into Luca's eyes that made him feel like he was swimming in the ocean. "I-I brought your ID," he said stepping forward and nearly physically shaking himself out of the daze, holding the school ID out to the other.
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Wednesday Sept. 18th 2019

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Meeting to talk
Where: A cafe
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13
Note: Aimscene

Read more... )
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Aug. 12th, 2012


Sunday September 15th 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Rorie wakes up in Garret's apartment
Where: Garret's apartment
When: Morning
Rating: NSFW

Rorie had gone out to the other lycans like everyone else did on the full. He shifted and after that it was a bit hazy. There wasn't much he did remember after the fur came out, but what he did remember was that he was not anywhere near a pile of dirty socks, let alone a possibly freezing room. Wait, room? Blinking as he slowly uncurled his form, Rorie looked around confused. It looked familiar, yet different. Sitting up, he looked around the room taking everything in before realizing he had a familiar smell about him too. Freezing, he looked towards the bed and spotted the still sleeping Garret. Swallowing hard, he couldn't do anything but just sit and stare as he tried not to breath too loud, scared it would wake Garret up.

Oh, just you. )
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Aug. 8th, 2012


Saturday September 14th 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie (as a lemur)
What: Finding a sleeping lemur
Where: Garret's office
When: 2am (so technically Sunday)
Rating: PG
Note: Lots of Garret rambling

The evening with Finn had been a lot less... boozy than normal. It had still been pleasant though, and Garret had enjoyed the night, even though he had needed to call it an early one. Taking a few classes on top of work meant that he had to cram in homework when he could, which meant that at two in the morning he was going to his office to get his textbook to do some last minute reading. He had two hundred pages to get through before Monday.

Phasing through the door, Garret switched on the light, sat down at his desk and opened the bottom drawer, and paused. His book was in there, yes, but on top of it was a curled up, sleeping ring tailed lemur. Rorie. He couldn't even fathom how the little lycan had managed to sneak his way into the building, or how he had gotten into the office, or into the drawer without opening it. And for that matter, why was he in Garret's desk? ten years ago, when Garret had still been on security, Rorie had ridden on his shoulders during rounds on the full. Maybe his little lemur mind had associated this place with Garret, and he wanted to reconnect to what was familiar. It made as much sense as anything.

This was going to be a long, banana filled evening. )
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Aug. 4th, 2012


Saturday September 14, 2019

Who: Rorie and Mal
What: Fighting frustrations (A Full Moon Routine)
Where: Mal's Apartment
When: Midmorning

Door's open, Rorie. )
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Aug. 2nd, 2012


Wednesday September 11, 2019

Who: Rorie and Mark (NPC)
What: Meetings and giving of numbers
Where: A cafe in Boston
When: Early evening

I'm a magical mishap. )
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Jul. 27th, 2012


Monday September 9, 2019

Who: Rorie and Mara
What: Meeting in his security office
Where: Security Office
When: At the wend of his shift, mid afternoon

Rorie had had an interesting day, to say the least. It was full of heart wrenching videos, annoying conversations, and then this mess of love. All he was wanting to do was get home and relax. He had pizza to pop in the oven and then just sit there and let himself unwind. If he could get there though. First he had to go to his office and see Mara. Apparently something was up and from everything he'd seen today proved that magic had gone whacky again and now everyone was loving everyone. Which he suspected was Mara's problem that she had to talk to him about.

Going to his office, he stepped in and there she was, right on time, sitting there and waiting for him. It felt like a death walk almost. "Hey, Mara," he said coming in and giving her a small smile and wave. "So, what's up?" He asked as he took his seat around the desk so there was a barrier of sorts.
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Jul. 19th, 2012


Friday September 6th 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Drinks and putting an interesting spin on Rorie's life
Where: Steakhouse in Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

Nervous was an understatement. All of Friday, Rorie worked and couldn't stop thinking about the drink he was going to have with Garret. He got off at 3 that day because he was meeting Mandy half way to drop Eileen off for the weekend. Next weekend, Eileen was staying with either Wesley or Mandy again. It was all up in the air at the moment, so he had that as well. He needed a good run. Getting back from dropping Eileen off, he went to work out for an hour to try and work his nerves out. It helped and coming back to the apartment and taking a hot shower helped even more. He would have to keep his cool if he didn't want to freak Garret out. It had been so long though and he was wondering what this meant, but for the last 20 minutes before he had to go meet Garret, Rorie meditated. He'd do it every night with Eileen and it helped with her power control.

Taking deep breaths and letting them out, he calmed himself and centered himself before he went and got dressed. He'd dug around his closet before the shower and picked out his clothes, an old tee that used to be loose on him that now stretched across his now broader chest. It was his skeleton tee, the one that he'd worn with Garret numerous times, portraying the bones of the human anatomy. A pair of jeans that he thought fit nicely. Not too baggy and not too tight. Slipping on a pair of converse he used for just running out real quick, still full of holes slightly, he felt he was ready. He'd let his hair be as it swayed in a slight breeze like a bird's downy coat. His phone and wallet and keys were all in his pockets as he headed out to meet Garret, feeling a bit more sturdy.

It was amazing how much thought Garret was putting into not putting thought into this outing. )
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Jul. 15th, 2012


Tuesday September 3rd 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: An awkward reunion
Where: Garret's office
When: Ten-thirty
Rating: PG

Rorie had finished his paper work, taken a pee test and now had to finalize it all. It had taken a rather long time, but the school had to keep it like that so not just anyone could get a job there. Dressed in his uniform, as it was his first day, he was shown where to go. All it was was just some papers to finish signing and disclosure waivers if something happened, blah blah blah. Going into the office he was told to, Rorie froze for a second when he got a whiff of the place. "Shit," he sighed before sitting down and waiting for the office owner to come back with all the papers that would be agonizingly long.

Okay, so that makes you.... )
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Jun. 26th, 2012


Tuesday June 9th 2009

Who: Max and Rorie, then Mal and Garret (and a brief appearance by Sim)
What: The Rescue!
Where: Evil vampire's house
When: Midday
Rating: PG 13 for violence

Rorie had come home tired and went straight to bed. He’d slept all of Monday, not even noticing if Garret was around or not. There hadn’t been any noises, anyone tapping on him to check on him or just creeking on the door way as if they were leaning in to look at him. Nothing. Not that he really noticed anything right off the bat. Rorie was passed out and hadn’t moved except once to get up and go pee. Come Tuesday morning when he wasn’t as tired or sore, he shuffled around the house, foraging in the great fridge for something to eat when he finally noticed it was quiet. The kind of quiet that tells you no one’s in the house with you. Even Pete was silent in his corner of the room.

Read more... )

Apr. 19th, 2012


Thursday May 7, 2009

Who: Lyle and Rorie
What: Vamp bonding
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: After Rorie wakes up from his power nap.

Enter, awkward penguin Rorie )
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Apr. 16th, 2012


Thursday May 6, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Dealing with the bitiness
Where: Their house
When: Evening

Om nom bunnies )
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Apr. 14th, 2012


Tuesday May 5, 2009

Who: Bastian and Rorie
What: Rorie's got new fangs and is very hungry
Where: Campus
When: After the spell takes effect

I'm just. . . . So fuckin' hungry. )
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Apr. 12th, 2012


Wednesday April 29, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Sim's Snow White Spell goes Amiss
Where: Rorie's house
When: Late afternoon/early evening
Note: In Progress

Rushing over and kneeling down, Garret's pulse pounded twice as hard when he found that Rorie's wasn't going at all. )
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Apr. 9th, 2012


Wednesday April 29, 2009

Who: Rorie and Sim
What: Giving special cookie
Where: School
When: Noonish

Cookies can turn a day good sometimes. )
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Apr. 4th, 2012


Monday April 27th, 2009

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Talking about the awkward confession
Where: Their house
When: Midmorning

Is that why? Do you just not want me anymore? )
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