Oct. 8th, 2012


Monday October 7th 2019

Who: Jack and Greg
What: An afternoon cheap date
Where: The common room
When: Late in the day
Rating: TBD

Greg had everything ready by the time Jack got there. Gooey pb&j sandwiches along with a jug of milk with pb&honey-banana sandwiches as well. There may even have been some Reeses cups thrown in somewhere as well. A few funny movies were tossed into Greg's bag of stuff for the day. If there was nothing on TV, then they could pop in a movie. Sitting on the counter, already biting into a naner sandwich, he waited for Jack, munching away.

Started without me? I hope that doesn't happen all the time... )
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Oct. 4th, 2012


Thursday October 3, 2019 [Backdated]

Who: Charlie and Greg
What: Counseling
Where: Charlie's office
When: evening

Everyone expected us to grow up suddenly when we're still 6, but look 15. Then, when we do act our age, they get upset that we don't act like our real age. )
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Sep. 26th, 2012


Wednesday October 2, 2019

Who: Greg and Mal
What: Giving order, kinda.
Where: Mal's classroom
When: After Sex Ed class

Once again, why had he taken on the class with immature idiots who wanted to know more about the Kama Sutra than the safest way to sleep with the water elemental next door? )
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Sep. 14th, 2012


Monday September 30, 2019

Who: Greg and Nox
What: Skipping parole
Where: Cafeteria
When: Evening/Dinner time

Goddamn Nazi )
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Sep. 1st, 2012


Friday September 26, 2019

Who: Greg and Anyone who wants to go to the party
What: Party
Where:Hilton in Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: TBD Possibly high

Greg had gotten out, the hotel was secure, and the room full of stuff. The beds were pushed against the walls and buckets with cans of beer and ice in them were here and there along with wine coolers for the ladies. A stereo was set up with a good cd mix. Greg had flirted with a teen witch to get her to charm the room so it was sound proof, that way no one could call in and complain. It was a pretty good plan that he had pulled off, yet again. Now, all he needed were some people to show up and then give the word to those following.

It was very funny to him, that the guy in charge of keeping him from doing things like this, was the one that had his name on the bill. Greg thought it poetic justice. After all, no one could tell him what to do since he was an 'adult.'

January 2013




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