Jun. 15th, 2009


Tuesday 11/20/07

Who: Daigo, Lelia
When: 5:30
Where: The commons area between boy and girl dorms
What: The true meeting
Rating: N/A

A part of Daigo was sure this should not have been as exciting as he was treating it. But the only other shape shifter he had ever met was his grandfather. This was big, even for the businessman he was. Opportunities like this didn't just come along whenever and he knew when the Mister O was knocking. He grinned in the shower after jogging back to his room from track. The last time he had run for so long had been...quite a while ago. After taking up the businessman life he just had fallen out of practice.

Earlier, just after Supernatural History, Daigo had asked Lelia if she'd like to meet with him after his track class. Fortune would have it that she agreed. So he wanted to wash up quickly so he could see her sooner. She had been pretty attractive for an American, as well. This was just shaping up to be the best second day of school he'd ever had. Though college was entertaining in and of itself.

Blinking, shaking his brown hair out while toweling it off, Daigo looked at himself in the mirror. His usual chocolate eyes switched from green to a teal shade before returning to normal. Ugh. "Stop that," he told himself in Japanese while running the white towel over his neck. That was his problem, you see. He sometimes changed his appearance without even meaning to. Often it was only color, but now and then it was something else. But he was back to himself and made a mad dash for the common room after pulling a new shirt over his head. It was a clean, white, button-up shirt with long sleeves that he cuffed on his quick steps. The black slacks that covered his legs were belted off, shirt tucked in.

Daigo always dressed professionally.

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Jun. 4th, 2009


Saturday: 11/17/2007

Who: Lelia, Simon, Ophelia, Lyle
Where: The movies
When: Saturday Evening (Movie starts at six)
What: Lelia actually plans an event! Let's see how it goes.

Three out of five wasn't bad, considering it was the first time Lelia had asked "friends" out in quite a long time. And she was surprisingly calm considering that going out had involved a cab ride, going into the city knowing it would be dark when the movie ended. It helped having Lyle along. She was disappointed Peyton wasn't also attending, but considering what had happened, she understood why her room mate was choosing to pass on the evening. That girl was always getting into trouble.

As they stepped out of the cab, she was shocked at the chill in the air, not used to the climate at all. She let out a shiver and suddenly felt the nerves she had been hiding crawl up her arms. She was completely out of her element here and people were depending on her to be a good hostess. After all, this was her event. Should they have bought the tickets beforehand? And what if the movie was sold out? She had at least agreed to pay for the cab (since all her guests were much younger than her anyways) and went over to join them as the cab pulled away.

"So...we're here." She said, with as much a smile as she could muster. Oh this was already starting out much harder than she had though it would.

May. 25th, 2009


Monday - 11/12/07

Who: Vinnie and Lelia
When: Lunchtime
Where: The cafeteria
What: Lelia spills the beans

The past week or so had been kinda crazy for Vinnie, what with trying to figure out how to tell Zevira he just wanted to be friends and then the two bombs that were dropped onto Frankie. And one of those bombs had more of an affect on him than the other. That particular bomb was finding out that Kindle was Frankie's biological sister. That had freaked him out about as much as it did Frankie, but in a different way. He had been flirting with Kindle ever since she had arrived at TJS. And there had even been rumors going around about the two of them getting really close after the Halloween party, but he just couldn't seem to remember if anything had happened. He had to blame that on the combination of Captain Morgan and sambuca on a nearly empty stomach. Bad idea.

So when Vinnie realized that they had Monday off from classes, he was incredibly relieved. He needed the time to relax.. and maybe get some last minute homework assignments done. He already had an assignment for his music class that Professor Witt had posted, but that one he didn't mind. Anything that had to do with music was a piece of cake to him.

And speaking of cake, the growing boy suddenly found his stomach grumbling after he answered the music assignment. Closing his laptop, he grabbed his room keys and phone and headed off to the cafeteria to get some grub. Once there, he loaded his tray with a cheeseburger, fries, a soda and some cookies for dessert. Sitting down at the nearest table, he set his tray down and dug right in.
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Apr. 8th, 2009


Saturday: 10/20/2007

Who: Lelia, Ethiel, and open?
Where: Boston
When: Afternoon
What: Lelia tries to see a duck! And other happy things abound.

Lelia was nervous and it showed. She was shivering despite it not being cold at all, and she was overdressed for the weather as it was, wearing a green turtle neck with a black jacket, as well as thick womens slacks. But she was still not used to the Boston weather and the occasion was one that gave her butterflies in her stomach.

She was waiting outside for Ethiel, still not exactly sure what was happening, or how they would get into the city. But she trusted he would have a plan, after all he seemed so confident about things and had been the one to suggest the outing. Either way she wanted to see the harbour, and maybe even a duck!

She smiled widely as he came through the school front doors and had to resist bouncing up to meet him. She had to try to be calm, and remember that this was just a friendly outing. She'd been disappointed left and right and it wouldn't do to build up her hopes again. But it was so nice to be out and doing things with people. She waved eagerly and gave an enthusistic "Hi" as he approached, tucking her hands into the pocket of her coat to try to warm up. Maybe she should have worn a hat...
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Mar. 9th, 2009


Wednesday: 10/4/07

Who: Lelia and Zevira
Where: The common room
When: 3 a.m.
What: Sharing each others company.

Lelia was dressed in plain black PJ's that added little to her figure, clothing Arc would certainly not approve of. But she felt comfortable in them, and after her nightmare, comfort was important. She hugged her arms close at her side, still rolling through the thoughts that had plagued her dream. That man...except it hadn't been him...it had been...

She shook her head and crossed the threshold into the common room, easily spotting the girl she was looking for, despite having never met face to face. It was hard to miss a girl with pink hair in this school though. Lelia did her best to feign a smile, and slowly approached, keeping her eyes cast to the floor, her arms still crossed protectively over her. "Hi...I'm Lelia...thanks for...for offering to sit with me."
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Mar. 4th, 2009


Tuesday: 10/3/07

Who: Lelia and Open
What: Lelia hides after her online confrontation with Peyton
Where: beneath a tree on the grounds.
When: Post Peytons Post (early evening).

Lelia had shifted in the library after the confrontation with peyton. The students were less than enthusiastic by the 120 pound black widow that had suddenly appeared among them, and there was the usual shrieking of some of the female populace. Terrified Lelia had fled down the halls and somehow made her way through the doors to get outside the school, afraid to run into anyone else.

She made her way beneath a tree and her spider body started to quiver in a motion that, were it human, would be sorrowful crying, but in her spider body it looked more like she was trying to devour something. She was too upset to even focus on that right now though. She couldn't believe what had happened. How had Peyton found out about her date with Nathaniel. And why would she get so upset. She didn't even know who chicks before dicks meant, and it's not like she had asked Nathaniel out, he had asked her to dinner. And how had she found out.

After a few minutes she shifted back but continued sobbing, and after a few minutes, shivering as the night darkened around her. And now she was trapped naked under a tree far from the school. This night just kept getting worse.
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Feb. 16th, 2009


Wednesday, 9/26/07

Who: Arcelia and Lelia
Where: Arc's room.
When: evening, after dinner.
What: Makeover!

Arcelia reached for her large makeup case and placed it on the desk in preparation for her guest. She liked makeovers as much as any other girl and from what she could tell, Leila needed a dose of confidence. Good thing Arc was ready to give her the whole treatment - even lending some of her clothes if it got Leila attention from men. Who said she wasn't altruistic? Paying it forward and everything. Slipping on her fuzzy socks, she sat on the bed to wait for a knock on the door. She had already eaten a disgusting amount of food and that was bad; she needed to cut down on the gorging after she had the baby. It might get to the point where she exhausted herself, but such was the price to pay for beauty.

Since Arc had invited a girl to hang out in her room for once, she decided to make the place cozier by only having her desk and floor lamp light the room.In addition, she propped pillows up against the wall to create a makeshift couch before turning on her stereo to play indie music at a quiet volume. God, her belly rebelled against her. The baby kicked once and she placed a hand on the space where it happened. "You won't have to be bored for much longer. She's going to be here soon," she said and then realized she was talking to an unborn child who would not remember the conversation either. Definitely going insane, that was the only reason to explain this behavior.

A sudden thirst gripped her and she grabbed a huge water bottle to take a swig. To pass the time, she reached back to braid her hair and pick out the right scented lipgloss she felt like wearing today. Watermelon appealed to her, so Arc smeared some on her lips, making sure it was properly applied. Looking good, she thought as she saw her reflection in the mirror. She knew that she would be able to persuade Leila into wearing something hot and not be scared to have it on her body. Having a new project was so fun!
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Feb. 15th, 2009


Tuesday: 9/25/2007

Who: Lelia and Nathaniel
Where: The Library
When: After Supernatural History
What: Two classmates get better acquainted.

Lelia's head was swimming. With classes in full swing she was excited to be back in a learning environment, but she already had three assignments and she was almost regretting taking the advanced English course when she still didn't know how to control her powers, the whole reason she was here. After all, that was why she was here to learn control and then...what? Go back to her life of being a librarian? Wasn't this the chance she had always wanted? Higher learning?

She shook her head to her own thoughts and stepped into the aisle that contained the National Enquirer articles. She'd chosen to do a little more research on vampires, since she herself knew very little about them and wanted to get over her pre-built perceptions. After all, she was going to be living with these people, taking classes with them. It wouldn't do to be terrified of them when they meant her no harm.

She found the article with no problem, her twelve years of being a librarian being good for something, and noticed one of the students from her class also perusing the rows of magazines. She stared at him for a moment, trying to remember any details but finding herself drawing a blank. She really was a failure when it came to people. Then when she realized she was staring she turned quickly, blushing, and opening the magazine she had picked to make sure it held the article she was looking for.
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Feb. 2nd, 2009


Wednesday - 9/19/07

Who: Saffron and all new students
What: New Student Orientation
Where: The Auditorium
When: 11:00AM
Notes: This post will start out with Saffron giving a brief speech. After that, new students are welcome to mingle with other new students, enjoy the refreshments served, and speak with Director Swann about any questions, comments, or concerns they may have. All new students are required to attend this event, however you do not have to post your students. Please make all scenes in subthread with the subject titled for what people are involved or if the subthread is open.

The auditorium was set up rather nicely for the speech that was going to be delivered today by the facility director. The podium was set on the small stage, the seats that were before the stage rather plush, covered in red velvet, the metal accents in black, to keep in tune with the whole Gothic look that the entire school had. Along both walls on either side of the main stage were tables covered with a vast array of goodies and treats. There was something for everyone, even blood bags for the vampires, and treats of every taste and origin to appeal to every race and nationality.

All new students were required to attend this event so they could be briefed on the school, the rules and things of that nature, as well as have the chance to meet other new students at the school. It was exactly 11:00AM on the dot when Director Saffron Swann approached the podium to deliver her speech.

"Welcome all students." She began, in her voice that was cold and demanding. "I am Saffron Swann, the director of this facility. Tiberius J. Swann is my father, and the founder of this school. He believed in the need for education for supernaturals in order to teach them not only how to control their abilities, but to teach them temperance and tolerance for other races. This school originally opened with a very small number of students, in order to keep the wandering eyes from roving our way, but has sense expanded immensely, now that we have become more established in the community. We are not hidden, we are not entirely out of sight, but I assure you that we are all safe here in this place."

Pulling out a white packet with the school logo on it, she indicated to the students to take out their own. "In this welcome packet you will find a lot of useful information, such as a schedule of events, the times and locations of upcoming religious gatherings, and a list of the rules for students of Tiberius J Swann. Please read these rules and ensure that you abide by them. All disciplinary action will be handled by your staff sponsors, all of whom you should have met by this point in time. Any serious infractions will be brought directly to me and I will tell you all now that I do NOT tolerate repeat offenders and anyone who continues to violate rules and be brought before me will be expelled and will have to seek their education elsewhere." She arched a brow slightly as she paused, giving them all a moment to digest.

"In addition to the aforementioned information, you will find a map of the school highlighting all pertinent locations. There is also a map of the city around us for those of you who wish to venture off campus on the weekends. Please be advised that you may not leave campus grounds without written parental consent if you are under twenty-years of age and all weekend passes and visitor passes must be approved by me. Your sponsors will be able to set up an appointment with me if you have need for it." She arched a brow once more. "For those of you who are of age and feel that it is simply unfair to impose a curfew upon you, I give you this answer; You are here to learn. The curfew is in place for not only your protection, but to ensure that you are properly rested in order to learn what you need to learn. Do not come to me or to any other instructors complaining about the rules. They are not negotiable. And any student found in violation, or any staff member found to be enabling a student to violate these rules will report directly to me."

"With that being said, I hope you all enjoy your stay here at The Tiberius J Swann Detention Facility." She smirked a little. "Feel free to mingle and enjoy the treats that have been prepared. I will be available for any questions that any of you may have for me." With that, she concluded the speech and then moved to take a seat where she would wait for an hour, or until the last students had gone, whichever came first, to answer any questions that the students may have.

Jan. 29th, 2009


Saturday: 9/15/2007

Who: Lelia and Open
When: Between breakfast and lunch
Where: The library
What: Lelia meets someone while exploring the tomes.

Lelia was delighted. Delighted, calm, and just a little excited. She felt completely at home in the library, which not only held a large selection of the educational and personal pleasure reads, but also some of the oldest books Lelia had ever laid eyes on. She was too afraid to touch them, terrified that she might accidentally tear a page or that they would crumble to pieces in her hands.

She walked up and down the rows, over and over, just reaching out to feel the less delicate of the books, making believe she could absorb their knowledge just by touch, a little grin appearing on her face as she would think "I know German now, oh now I know the history of ancient Rome, and there, now I can recite to you every aspect of neutrinos."

When she rounded a corner to the books on the supernatural, she really began to focus, looking for any books that might explain some things about her particular power. She picked out two that seemed particularly interesting, one titled "Shape shifting through history" which had a person on the cover who was changing into a wolf (which she understood was one of the more common themes in regards to people changing into animals, since even she knew what a werewolf was) as well as a book with no picture on the cover titled "Controlling the change: A beginners guide to animal transformation."

She was so focused on the books as she walked towards the checkout counter, that she didn't notice the person in her way, and she bumped into them, sending her books flying to the ground and causing her to begin apologizing profusely before she had even registered who she had hit.

"Sorry, sorry, I was lost in thought, I'm so sorry, please don't be angry!"
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Jan. 25th, 2009


Wednesday: 9/12/2007

Who: Lelia and Ethiel
Where: All around the grounds (Starting at the main doors)
When: 9:30-10:00
What: A friendly meeting.

Lelia was nervous. Very nervous. She didn't even know why she was doing this! Curfew was at 10, and she didn't go walking with people she'd never met before and...

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She was just meeting a fellow classmate. They were just going to talk. She didn't have to be this frightened.

But he was...a boy. She hadn't been comfortable around boys since...that time...

No, she was supposed to be learning to get over her fears. She took another deep breath and rounded the corner, putting on her best smile and taking another deep breath through her nose. Here went nothing.
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Jan. 23rd, 2009


Monday: 9/10/07

Who: Lelia and Sydni
Where: Sydni's office
When: 5 o clock?
What: Lelia meets her staff sponsor.

She had to do her best to keep herself steady. With the way her morning had begun, she wasn't unconvinced that everyone in the school would be a raging ball of strange powers. It did not help that this was a person of authority, a person who could probably decide to kick her out of the school on a whim.

She was doing her best to coax herself to just step into the office, whispering reassurances to herself. "She's just here to help, she didn't sound mean in her E-mail, she genuinely seems like she wants to help, she didn't sound mean in her E-mail."

She finally stopped herself and breathed a deep breath, facing the open office. There was no avoiding it, she had to do this.

She stepped inside and knocked on the open door to let the professor know she was coming in.

*knock, knock, knock*
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Jan. 21st, 2009


Monday: 9/10/07

Who: Lelia and Peyton
When: Pre-breakfast. Around 7:30
What: Lelia meets her new roommate.
Where: Room A2

Lelia was hesitant as she opened the door. It was very early in the morning and she didn't want to disturb her new roommate. Waking someone up was definitely not the best way to greet them.

She had very few things. A bag of the same clothing she'd been wearing for years, for lack of desire for new clothing, and a bag of all her favorite books. She had wanted to be an English major when she went to college but...that hadn't worked out.

She did her best to tiptoe quietly to the dresser to start unpacking, trying to navigate through the filtered light through the blinds.. The floor was a mess, covered with plates with some crusted food, several energy drinks and soda cans a laptop sitting on the floor, some pillows, and an odd assortment of clothing. She didn't know how she was going to survive this.

Especially when she saw the screen saver on the computer. Some terrible little alien with its brain exposed and a death ray of some sort. It disturbed her, enough so that she wasn't looking where she was going and slipped as she stepped on an empty soda can with a large crunch.

She wouldn't have made such a loud racket if she hadn't flung her bag of books into the air which came down with an equally loud thump a few inches from her head. She cringed, knowing there was no way her new roommate would sleep through that. This was not going to be good.
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Wednesday - 9/12/07

Who: Lelia and Shizuka
When: Wednesday night
Where: In Lelia's dreams
What: Shizuka's being herself and staying in other people's dreams

Wednesday had been just like yesterday, and the day before that for Shizuka. She had spent some time checking out a few of the places, like the Library, but, she was tired even when she got back to her room just after dinner. Social interactions were hard for her, they made her incredibly nervous, she shook, she stuttered and she... she knew they would never work out the way she wanted to. She was terrified of talking to guys most of the time, mainly because she was always afraid they would want nothing to do with her.

With that in mind, Shizuka had decided to hide under her covers again this evening, skimming some of the journals that had been put online from other students. She didn't spend too long on any particular one, but the fact that someone mentioned beaches had made her blush, glance at the screen and, while she thought she recognized the face, she didn't want to pursue it any longer. Gasping, she shut her computer screen and let the laptop go on standby before she curled up in bed and tried to sleep.

Surprisingly, it didn't take all that long before Shizuka's mind had finally slipped away into the dreams of others, and she found herself wandering before she finally settled on someone.
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January 2013




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