Nov. 18th, 2012


BACKDATED: Friday November 1st 2019

Who: Nic and Olivia
What: Not being at parties
Where: Outside
When: Evening
Rating: PG

Nic was not drunk. Not entirely. He had been drinking, yes, but so had the rest of the staff. They might have been at the party in town instead of walking around on campus, but that wasn't the point. He wasn't harassing students, he was just walking around. And watching his breath in the cold night air, and laughing at how the puffs of vapor looked close to when he exhaled the cigarette smoke form his lungs.

As he drew closer to the recreation center, Nic had enough sense to sit himself beneath a tree and not go inside. Just in case he was drunker than he should've been and would present himself poorly in front of the students.

Are you a stupid person for Halloween or just drunk? )

Feb. 26th, 2009


Thursday: 9/27/07

Who: Nox and Olivia
When: Thursday
Where: mostly at Nox's off campus apartment
What: a date

Nox had been feeling nervous about this second date with Olivia )
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Jan. 27th, 2009


Friday - 9/14/07

Who: Olivia and Simon
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Olivia's office
What: Olivia meets with her second student charge.

One would think that the second meeting of the day would be far less nerve wracking than the first. And one would be wrong. It wasn't just a matter of getting her feet wet that had Olivia completely stressed out about this job, it was the fear of not being liked and not being accepted that really tried her nerves. And even though things had gone well enough in the morning, this was a completely different student who may be completely different in nature. And that was simply terrifying!

Simon Curtis sounded like a nice enough boy on paper. He was from the states, had lost his father (There was a similarity again.), and his mother was in an institution. Fire was his element, which she knew precious little about, but he was raised in a very religious household, something else that they would have in common. He too was a transfer from Halcyon, just as Ita had been, and as were many of the students this semester. And that probably made her all the more nervous simply because sometimes people rejected change and he could have been one of those boys.

Similar to this morning, she was at her desk waiting for the clock to hit three. She was on her feet and at the door the moment that his hand had touched the wood, her acute hearing having clued her in to his approach. This time, she didn't forget the introduction. "Olivia Albright!" She extended her hand towards him. "You must be Simon. It's simply lovely to meet you. Please, come in, have a seat. We'll just have a spot of a chat and you can be on your way. Sound good?"
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Thursday - 9/13/07

Who: Olivia and Ita
When: Thursday Morning
Where: Olivia's office
What: Olivia meets with her first student charge.

Nervous. That was the one word that would describe Olivia in a nutshell right about now. Not only had she had a very strange night that had resulted in her wings being out which wasn't something that she typically adorned herself with, but she was meeting her very first student charge and, well, this was a girl that she knew nothing at all about. Or almost nothing.

She was an elemental. And like Olivia, she was a rare case. Most angel-spawn did not have wings and most elementals were not reproduced by natural means. But Olivia had wings and Ita was born, not made, and she had lost her family, something that Olivia could relate to to some extent. She still had her father, but she had never had her mother. And growing up that way had a huge impact on the way that a girl developed, or didn't, perhaps.

She was sitting at her desk, her back completely stiff, her foot tapping nervously upon the floor as her eyes darted to the clock over and over again, waiting for eleven am to approach. When she heard footsteps, she nearly tripped over her own feet to stand up, already at the door before the girl even had time to knock, a single knock sounding before the door was opened and Olivia was there, bright and shining and beaming as she ever was.

"You must be Ita!" She offered her an even more brilliant smile than the first had been. "Please, come in. Have a seat." She crossed over to her desk and then stopped and turned back around with an "Oh!". "I almost forgot to introduce myself." She explained. "Olivia Albright. But you may call me just Olivia if you would like or Professor Albright if you would prefer. Some people do prefer that."
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Jan. 20th, 2009


Wednesday - 9/12/07

Who: Nox and Olivia
When: Wednesday, starting around 4:30pm
Where: leaving the school and heading to Nox's off campus apartment
What: a DATE!

Read more... )
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Jan. 17th, 2009


Tuesday - 9/11/07

Who: Olivia and Nox
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: Nox's office
What: Olivia has a few things she would like to talk about.

It was not just some sort of happy coincidence that Olivia Albright was lingering in the corridor just outside of Nox Alekos' office. She was waiting to see him. The thing was, he wasn't in his office right now and, because the school year hadn't actually started yet, he didn't have his office hours posted. So it was really no telling how long it was going to be before he showed up, but Olivia could be patient. And aside from that, she really, really needed to talk to him.

The truth of the matter was, she was freaking out a bit. She was going to be meeting with the students she would be sponsoring this week, had already met with a few of them in fact, and then next week, on Thursday, classes would begin. And she was not certain, not by any means, that she was ready for this. She had been a student here for nine long years. She had learned all that there was to learn and then some, but how was she to teach her peers? How was she to sit at the front of the class and look back at the faces of people that she herself had classes with just last semester? The mere thought of it made her slightly ill.

And it wasn't just that that she needed to talk to Nox about, though certainly that was a large part of it, but there was also this rumor going around about someone that Director Swann had intentions to employee that really upset her! Eli Eden? In this school? The mere thought of it was enough to make her stop her pacing and cross herself, exhaling a deep breath before her feet began to move once more, wearing a path back and forth upon the Gothic tile as she toyed with the ink pen in her right hand, a clipboard clasped to her chest. So many names! So many faces! Would she ever remember them all?

Touching him was kind of like sticking her tongue to a nine volt battery. )
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Wednesday - 9/12/07

Who: Adora, Olivia and Eli
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Adora's office
What: Olivia happens to pop by Adora's Office, then Eli shows up and Adora sets her sights

The only sounds in Adora's office were the quiet tapping of her fingers on her computer's keyboard as she casually typed in the name of James McCafferty's stepfather, Billy Idol's Rebel Yell playing from a CD player across the room, and the ticking of her clock on her desk. Adora's hair was down, strands of her - at the moment more blonde than brown from the summer sun - hair was in her eyes as she kept scrolling through various Wikipedia articles online. There wasn't much that she could find out that would help her right now, and she was slowly coming to the very delicious realization that she would, in fact, need to meet with James himself, find the information she needed her own way.

Private lessons always seemed to work out better for her than the students anyway, she had found. Closing her eyes and running her tongue along her luscious red lips, Adora leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she tried to think. She would need to take action soon, as there was only a week or so til classes began, and if she wanted to get out and meet McCafferty's stepfather, that needed to be done soon.

But, hello? What was this? Adora's eyebrow rose just a little as she heard the sounds of high heels outside her door, and she perhaps wondered if it was darling Director Swann here to pick another fight with her. With a knock at the door this time, Adora chuckled softly. "Come in," She purred, going back to working at her computer.
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January 2013




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