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Apr. 1st, 2012


Monday April 27th 2009

Who: Garret, Rorie, Lily and Finn
What: A dinner party and debauchery
Where: Rorie's house
When: Tuesday Evening
Rating: TBD

Finn and his lady friend were coming over, and it was a little exciting. Garret hadn't bothered to tell Mal about the evening, because he had a hunch (which wasn't a hunch so much as it was Finn telling him) that Mal didn't like Finn. But Finn needed socializing, and his girl person probably needed to get out and see other people, so they were coming over for food and drink and talking, and maybe some drunken board games. Who knew? The night was young!

You promised I could drink... And I'm gonna. A lot. )

Jan. 15th, 2012


Wednesday March 25th, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Getting to the bottom line
Where: Campus on Garret's rounds
When: Afternoon

I don't know if I can leave or not. )
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Jan. 7th, 2012


Saturday March 21, 2009

Who: Rorie and Mal
What: Checking in and talking
Where: Rorie's hotel room
When: Early in the morning

The point of getting married is that we don't care what you've done in the past, but that we love each other. )
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Jan. 4th, 2012


Friday March 20, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie and small bits of Finn
What: Coming home after a sit down meeting and dealing with relationship drama
Where: Garret's house
When: Late evening

You get hired to put a hit on us? )
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Jan. 2nd, 2012


Friday March 20, 2009

Who: Rorie and Mal
What: Rorie moving out
Where: Garret's house
When: Mid-day

And how many times has Garret thrown a hissy fit over something he didn't like and changed his mind two days later? )
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Friday March 20th 2009

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Serious talking
Where: The house
When: 3am
Rating: PG 13

Rorie felt like death. After what had happened, what he'd done, how was he going to look at himself anymore? How was Garret going to? He'd done some things before, they were barely forgivable, but this was something that he was going to hell for. He knew it. Pulling into the driveway, he parked the car and headed inside. Closing the door behind him softly, he looked at himself in the mirror. There was blood splattered onto his face and chest, smeared on his hands and clothes. He'd gotten in too deep and thought he could handle it. How wrong he was. Slowly, as if in shock, he walked up the stairs, thinking Garret asleep. He needed a shower. To wash it off and it wouldn't have happened.

He'll always have this leverage over you, and one day he won't even care to keep it. )
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Jan. 1st, 2012


Sunday March 15th 2009

Who: Max, Rorie, Mal and Garret
What: Max is hosting dinner
Where: His room
When: Sunday night
Rating: PG 13

Despite how small the room was, Max had managed to make it passable. He liked Malcoda's house better, because the house had space and a kitchen and cookware, but he needed to prove to the humans and the elder that he could be a useful part of the pack. He missed his room, and the house, but he couldn't stay there anymore. He was a grown hound now and Malcoda insisted that he act like a human child to fit into the world up here. Well, he wouldn't. He was more grown and more strong than Rorie and Garret and he would not be the lowest member of the pack. Rorie and Garret weren't even hounds, and they didn't have to prove themselves to be higher up. It wasn't right.

But he wanted to provide for his humans, at least until he could maybe get some of his own. He loved Rorie and Garret and because he was a stronger pack member, he needed to care for them. And maybe if he provided for Malcoda as nwell, one day he might even surpass as Alpha. That thought made him very pleased indeed.

The bed had been moved to the middle of the room, a board placed over the bedframe as a makeshift table and the mattress propped against the wall next to the closet. Silverware, plates and glasses were lined up for everyone at four places around the table, and four large throw pillows sat on the floor around in place of chairs. The heavy cotton sheet used for a tablecloth was a dark blue, which (in Max's mind) made it look quite smart. He was very pleased with himself, pleased even more with the spread of food lined up at his desk- a hearty pot roast with carrots and potatoes, four little cups of homemade applesauce, a bottle of red wine (because the internet said pot roast needed red wine, not white) and for dessert, carrot cake (sadly store bought). It wasn't as impressive as the things Malcoda made the humans, but maybe they would like it anyway. It smelled delicious at least.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hall, Max yipped in excitement, flattened down his hair and ran to the door, opening it just before Rorie's knuckles could knock. "Hey! Hey!" he barked excitedly. "I have food! It's done and good and you can eat it!" Grabbing Rorie by the hand, he tugged him inside, leaving Mal and Garret to follow.

Dec. 11th, 2011


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who: Rorie and Malakai
When: Evening
Where: Mal's house
What: Rorie comes over and the two play fight!
Rating: PG13
Note: Lazy-ass AIM scene

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Dec. 9th, 2011


Monday, March 2, 2009

Who: Rorie and Bastian
When: Evening, after dinner
Where: Cafeteria
What: An apology, an invitation
NOTE: This is a lazy-ass AIMscene.

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Nov. 29th, 2011


Thursday February 26, 2009

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Nov. 27th, 2011


Friday - February 27th, 2009

Who: Estrella and Rorie
When: Friday Morning
Where: Bastian's Apartment
What: Rorie wakes up with a hangover.
Status: Incomplete

So what you're saying is that the key to getting Bastian to talk is getting him drunk first. )

Nov. 25th, 2011


Friday February 27, 2009

Who: Bastian and Rorie
What: Helping a drunk friend out
Where: Staff building A
When: Early, early morning

Yes, babe, you've got shoes on. They kept your feet from getting cold. )
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Nov. 11th, 2011


Wednesday - February 18th, 2009

Who: Finn, Rorie and Cassidy
When: Afternoon
Where: The gym
What: Cassidy is having fun messing with Finn's head

I'll spot you any day, Finn. )

Sep. 22nd, 2011


Thursday January 29, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Sexy rendezvouses
Where: Campus, Mal's apartment
When: Afternoon
Rating: NWS ;D

Rorie had come to the campus as he was told. Freshly shaved and groomed. It felt weird. Feeling his pant legs so close and rubbing against him. It took him a bit before he could finally walk without having to pull at his clothes. Augh, the things he did for his fiance. Oh well, at least they were going to do things to make up for said acts. He drove up and parked, quickly flashing his student ID as he walked in, looking around for Garret. They were supposed to meet up, but the older man didn't say where.

So, he looked around waiting to come across Garret because well, that's what Garret did. He didn't share the entire plan, but he sure as hell knew how to plan.
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Sep. 10th, 2011


Thursday January 22, 2009

Who: Mal and Rorie
What: Figuring out Rorie's new stank
Where: Mal's place
When: Evening
Status: Incomplete

Blarg with a side of facepalm. )
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Aug. 31st, 2011


Friday January 16th 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Rorie comes home after the incident with Rez
Where: Rorie's house
When: Early morning
Rating: PG

Things had been unsettled with Rorie for the past two weeks and it was finally taking it's true toll. He'd been dropped, broken, glued back together, then stomped on again. It was very early when he finally got back home from Rez's and the young man wanted nothing more than a shower and then some tension relief. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon it seemed and it was a wonder that he hadn't had a freak out with things blowing up. Creeping down the hall to the bathroom, he made sure to stay as quiet as possible. Closing the door, he turned on the water, let it get steaming hot before stepping in.

There were bruises started to form around his upper arms from where Rez had had him in his death grip. They were tender and sore and turning a sick shade of purple and blue. The hot water probably didn't help as he stood there and let the heat turn his skin lobster red for a bit before he finally got out. Drying off, he pulled on a pair of boxers, pj pants, and an old t-shirt that was pretty baggy on him. Turning the light off and checking to see if Garret was still asleep, he tip-toed back downstairs to the sound proof basement. There, he turned on the music and sat down at his drums, beating on them hard as his could with them already damaged a bit from his previous tension release session.

Garret wasn't sleeping. )
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Aug. 30th, 2011


Thursday January 15, 2009

Who: Rez and Rorie
What: Picking up Rez from a bar and then awkward mistaken identities
Where: A bar then Rez's dorm
When: Late night/early morning

Fisher. I called you Fisher. That's still your fuckin' name, isn't it? Or did he change that too? )
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Aug. 18th, 2011


Thursday January 8th, 2008

Who: Mal and Rorie
What: Comforting of sorts
Where: Rorie's house
When: Evening
Note: In progress

Hi. You look tired. )
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Aug. 12th, 2011


Saturday January 10, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Returning and figuring things out
Where: Garret and Rorie's house
When: Afternoon
Note: Incomplete

There is no point, so why should I even fuckin' try anymore? )
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Aug. 9th, 2011


Thursday January 8th 2009

Who: Rorie and Mandy
What: Finally revealing a secret
Where: Random hallway
When: Midday
Rating: PG

Mandy was definitely not ready to do this, but... she wasn't ready for any of it. But the sooner she talked to Rorie, the better it would be. She couldn't wait until there was a bump forming on her belly. She had chickened out for half the week already, seeing only fleeting glimpses of him as he passed, barely catching him as he left the cafeteria. But today, there he was, walking toward her, like some kind of sign from God. Trembling, swallowing, Mandy walked over to Rorie, trying to smile at him. "H-hey," she stammered, her hands resting unconsciously on her stomach. "Um... I wanna... can we like, talk? Like, now?" It had to be now, or else she'd lose her nerve. Even now, she still might.

Wha. . . )
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