Jun. 19th, 2011


Saturday December 13, 2008

Who: Rorie, Liam and Mal
When: Evening
Where: Outside in the parking lot, then Adult!Garret's apartment
What: Liam comes to pick up his son and Mal walks by

Rorie was nervous. He was not a rule breaker at all, but this was his father. Not some random man that just happened upon him. It was the man that helped create him and his brother and apparently his little sister. So as the time came to get picked up, he bundled up in the clothes Mal had brought him, feet shoved into a pair of boots and wrapped up in a black pea coat and stocking cap on top. It was approaching 5 when he saw head lightly come into the parking lot. He was starting to rethink this. Maybe he could get his father to go get dinner and bring it back here instead of him leaving. Maybe he shouldn't have snuck out while Garret was in the shower, leaving only a note and hoping that he wouldn't be too mad. Too late. The nice, black car pulled to a stop in front of him and an older gentleman in a black coat with a smooth smile. It looked just like Finn's when he was sweet talking girls or anyone to get his way. He was definitely his father. "Hey you," he said, his smooth, baritone voice said. It was like dripping honey. "Ready to go?" Liam asked.

"I. . . I don't know," Rorie said biting his lip, the pale pink was cracked and worn looking from all the wear it was recieving resently. "Maybe-maybe, you should just bring the food back here. So Garret doesn't get mad that I left him," he suggested, hoping it'd work.

"Are you sure? I made reservations and they don't exactly have take to having people not fill them," Liam said, playing the guilt card. It seemed Rorie was a people pleasure when he was younger and scared of making people mad. He could use that easily. "I mean, I'd have to still pay for the seats whether or not we go. Might as well go so we can at least have a nice dinner before bringing some back."

Oh, Mal was going to be so mad and so was Garret )

Dec. 2nd, 2010


Friday September 12, 2008

Who: Finn, Garret, Liam, and Rorie
What: Meeting the fasha
Where: Hope's office
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13

Listening to it, Finn sat there dumbfounded, his father had been watching him the whole time. Not just watching, but telling the people who were after him where he was! )

January 2013




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