May. 11th, 2009


Wednesday 11/7/07

Who: Jin-Sang, Shizuka
When: 6:30ishPM
Where: Generic sitting area
What: Cafeteria dinner to go and a nice chat

Letting his students leave after they were finished changing, Jin-Sang glanced at his watch. He knew it was six, but he liked to look at the time anyway. His eyes then took on a momentarily thoughtful look as he thought about what he had in his little apartment to eat. There was nothing in there that he found appetizing tonight. Figures. He sighed and checked his wallet after pulling it out of the bottom drawer of his desk. Plenty of cash to spend at the school cafeteria. Perfect. Changing shoes and slinging a yellow, zip-up hoodie over his shoulders, Jin-Sang made for the cafe. He was starved. After swimming all day, and especially teaching, he was hungry. Hopefully there was something good in the cafeteria.

There was. He was happy. Getting a To-Go box, he filled it with some hot pizza, french fries, and a bronwie for dessert. Picking up a cup at the soft drink machine, he got himself a Coke and started to leave when he saw Shizuka a few people ahead of him. He really shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help himself. Everything he ever said to her was the truth. He'd get fired for her. Actually, JC would do a lot of things for Shizuka. It was strange how he suddenly found himself at her whim and she didn't want to even attempt to use it. Maybe he was in love with her. Hell if he knew. Love was one of those emotions he had yet to feel. At least not toward another person who wasn't his parents. Parental love was different than a spousal-relationship love.

"Shizuka," said the Korean as he strolled up beside her. "I need to talk to you about your swim times. Would you mind coming with me?" He was smiling because he was lying so bad. He didn't even care. No one was listening. If they were they probably didn't care. Most of these students seemed to be too wrapped up in their daily sex lives to give a damn about whatever Jin-Sang and Shizuka were doing. Though there was probably at least one student, Shizuka's pink haired friend, who cared. Not that JC knew that.

May. 9th, 2009


Wednesday 10/31/07

Who: Jin-Sang, Shizuka
When: 4:25PM
Where: The hallway outside of the pool area
What: Shizuka runs for comfort

Having been at the pool most of the morning, Jin-Sang was out now to grab a quick drink before his class started in (roughly) an hour. Leaving the office hiding behind the pool at 4, he paid visit to a few co-workers on the way to the cafe where he bought himself a freezing cold iced coffee. Jin-Sang didn't really feel "cold" when others did, though he had no reason behind it. He attributed it toward being a siren, but he wasn't sure. He had gone to the polar swims in the past and didn't feel much of anything other than a chill. Though he really would prefer not to do it again. "Cold" was about as cold as he wanted to go. Freezing was. . .not pleasant. He hated winters because the water turned to ice and he couldn't swim unless at an indoor pool.

Fortunately, he had one now and he was heading on back. With his drink in hand, keys jangling at his hip where they hung from a mountaineers clip, Jin-Sang began the trek through the halls. As he walked he moved along with the students, though he kept to the side to not be in anyone's way should they be running behind. There were a few stragglers in the hall once 4:20 came to pass and they were officially "late." The others in the hall seemed to be on the way back to their rooms, most walking in twos or threes and talking. JC only smiled to himself while pausing outside of the pool to take his keys off of his belt loop to unlock the door--he kept it locked most of the time. Not that that would stop the students from breaking in if they really wanted in, but he hoped it would at least deter them. Was it really necessary to swim in the pool naked or to cause problems? Twice already had the filters been tampered with!

It really made Jin-Sang lose faith in people. But then again, some where born naturally to cause trouble. Now, where were those keys? How in the world did he end up with so many!

Apr. 14th, 2009


Tuesday 10/23/07

Who: Jin-Sang, Shizuka
When: Roughly half an hour after dance class let out
Where: The dance studio
What: JC stays after class to practice and give himself a good workout. Things do not go as planned.

After waiting for all of the dance class to leave and bidding farewell to Davia, Jin-Sang got up from the seat he had taken in front of the mirror. A water bottle was more than half emptied, he having drank from it in the fifteen to twenty minutes it took for him to take a short break. When he got up, taking one long, last drink, the cap was slammed shut against his palm. The blue bottle was tossed across the room to land harmlessly on his bag with a plunk. He wasn't in a hurry to start, so as he sauntered across the wood floor in his Nike brand sneakers he swung by the door. Someone had closed it, but the room was still stuffy from the heat exerted by the class. Pushing it open to let in some fresh air, he was pleased enough.

Going to the stereo, his burned CD already inside the changer, JC pushed around the buttons until his disc moved into place. Pressing play, he counted sixteen beats while moving in only a handful of long strides across the room. He stood center to the mirror and swung his shoulders in a fluid motion as the beat began. A groove then fell into place where his body moved in a very smooth motion, despite the fact that his knees and arms or back popped and locked into positions along the way. Lets get it on. His back turned on the mirror and he froze, the ties to his sweatshirt swinging as he leaned forward slightly.

Twelve beats later Jin-Sang moved into the real dance. It was slow, though it looked like it should have been going so much faster. That was the trick of the song and the dance. He always thought it looked interesting to move in slow-motion when one really wasn't. At the moment his eyes were closed, but when he turned around they opened and he watched himself in the mirror while the chorus started to pick up. A hand threw a long strand of hair from his face, some of it sticking to his forehead due to the sweat. He had been at this for over an hour.

Singing with the chorus, he spun once, made a quick foot motion, and then planted his hand to the floor and took his feet off. All was well and Jin-Sang moved along. The song progressed and he moved into a slow, smooth part of the song. He smiled, for he was having fun, but when he next threw his weight down onto his palm there was a pain that shot up his arm from the heel of his left hand all the way to his shoulder. Collapsing in a heap on the ground just as the song rose to a finish, he lay on the shining wood floor holding his wrist with his good hand against his chest. Jin-Sang didn't recall spraining his wrist to be so painful, but it had been years since he'd done it last.

Mar. 16th, 2009


Monday 10/8/07

Who: Jin-Sang, Shizuka (Allusion toward the class)
When: Swim class period
Where: The pool
What: JC has to cancel class

This. . .this is harder than you think. . . )

Mar. 14th, 2009



Who: Cassie, Arc, Jin-Sang and.... ?
What: Why swimming of course!
Where: Swimming pool silly!
When: Saturday, 7:30 pm.

Cassie was actually early for once! Standing outside the locked doors to the pool she waited for one of the others to arrive, pushing her hair back from her face in the ever so gentle breeze. The itty bitty bikini was already being worn and she had thrown an oversized sweater on that fell off her shoulders, along with the jeans shorts she had mentioned in Arcs journal. Of course Cassie was incapable of standing still, so as she waited she kept stretching, every now and then a short ballet combination seemed to pop into existance and she marked it through, mini versions of the port de bras, or a feeble arabesque. It was just habit when she was bored and there was space around her. 

It was one of these short exercises that she was doing when she turned gracefully and came face to face with one of the others, making her let out a short squeak and stumble out of what she was doing with a soft, slightly embarassed laugh. "Sorry, did not know you were there...."

Mar. 11th, 2009


Tuesday: 10/2/07

Who: Jin-Sang, OPEN
When: 8PM
Where: The Pool
What: An evening swim to relax

After his dinner had settled in, Jin-Sang left the apartment room he was staying in to head for the pool. He wasn't surprised to find it empty, though he wouldn't have been surprised to find students in it, either. Hell, he had gone swimming wrongly in the pools back at the university in Florida. There was no difference between himself several years ago and the students he taught now. Strangely, some of his students in dance or swimming were of equal age or older. Jin-Sang didn't find it weird or so much a bad thing, unless they disrespected him. Then they would have a problem. However, he being one of the "lax" types who was everyone's friend, he was sure there would be no issue.

Closing the door to the pool behind him, Jin-Sang moved further into the dark room. There were dim lights that were low-cost and always kept on. By that glow alone did he see, walking along the bleachers until he reached the one he felt most like putting his things at. Kicking off white and red Nike sneakers, peeling off white socks, the young professor leaned forward and pulled his shirt over his head in one go. It felt like some old ritual that had long been forgotten. Jin-Sang probably would not be swimming with his students, not when he knew a handful knew what they were doing. If he needed a demonstration he was sure he could just ask one of them. Xander, perhaps, who had boasted to being on the swim team before TJS as well. Good for him, JC was genuinely glad to hear there were students here who shared a common interest.

It's hard to say no when you want to say yes. )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Tuesday 9/25/07

Who: Arcelia, Jin-Sang
When: After dinner
Where: Babies 'R Us
What: Arc needs a crib because she's silly and forgot to get one. Super!Adviser comes to the rescue.

After dinner, which Jin-Sang had enjoyed, the swimming instructor/dance instructor returned to his room quickly. Changing his jacket and grabbing his wallet along with his car keys, he spun around in the doorway to make sure he had everything. It wasn't like he was going far, after all, but he hated to leave only to realize he didn't have something he needed. When he took a quick glance into his wallet to double check his credit card, gift cards, ID, and spare cash was all in place, Jin-Sang deemed himself ready.

A brief explanation had gone out to the headmistress before dinner about where he was taking his sponsee. So now he waited outside of the exit in the cool night air, arms crossed over his chest, for Arcelia. Part of the young man was curious as to why she even thought going to school when she was about to have a child was a good idea. It wasn't as if this school was college. It didn't necessarily pertain to the outside world other than how to handle oneself in it. Why would she want to be here and not at home tending to little Caitlin?

The other part of him wondered if she would recognize him for her sponsor. They had never met in person and aside from the fact that he told her he was twenty-two with long (for a boy) and dark hair. . .she didn't have much to go off of. Had he mentioned he was Korean? That sort of thing didn't come up in conversation usually. People didn't seem to care what race you were online, so long as you could type like a normal person and hold a sane or at least witty conversation. Yet when the doors opened and his brown eyes lifted to settle upon a very pregnant young woman, he knew he'd found his pick up.

"Arc?" he asked, just in case.

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Wednesday 9/19/07

Who: Davia, Jin-Sang
When: 11AM
Where: Davia's office
What: Jin-Sang drops by to smooth out all the wrinkles in his job description.

After getting up and having breakfast, Jin-Sang lounged around for a little while. He knew he had to shower and get dressed, get ready to have a meeting with Miss Davia, but oh how he didn't want to get up. These beds were surprisingly comfortable, so needless to say he could have stayed there all day. However, he groaned and crawled out from under the pale blue sheet on his mattress. Breakfast had been a trial to get to this morning, yet he had gotten back in bed afterward anyway. He had known full well that he had a hard time getting out of a comfortable bed, but he hadn't listened to his own advice.

Now, hitching up his boxers as they decided to slide down, he shuffled to the shower and got dressed after that. It was a quick process that woke him up instantly. Shaking his fingers through his hair to dry it out, he buttoned up a slimming shirt and pulled on a pair of jeans. Nothing too formal, nothing too casual. A little bit of both that he pulled off quite well. Grabbing his keycard and wallet, putting them into his back pockets, Jin-Sang stepped into a pair of black sneakers and headed on out the door.

The trip to the woman's office was quick work. When he arrived he made sure he looked alright, though more often than not he always looked pretty good, and then knocked. Jin-Sang had scheduled an appointment with the woman so they could work all of the kinks out. He was curious as to if he would only be aiding the students, because he wasn't really "teaching" the course, or if he was going to dance with them? It was a complicated idea in the long run. But he was more or less at her whim. If she wanted him to Cha-Cha, he would Cha-Cha. If she wanted him to Ramba or Salsa or break dance, he'd do any of the three. Jin-Sang was especially good at "pop and lock" or break dancing, and he had the definite strength to do it.

Any one who saw him in a t-shirt or shorts could see. It wasn't hard.

Feb. 1st, 2009


Monday 9/17/07

Who: Jin-Sang, Shizuka
When: Mid-Day
Where: The halls
What: JC doesn't pay attention to where he's going and meets a future student of his. Not that he realizes this.

The school was particularly beautiful. Much better than the college he had attended, though he couldn't say he missed any of the school itself. Jin-Sang only missed the people within it. But life was life and sometimes you pulled the short end of the stick. Well, he felt fortunate enough just to be here, with people like himself, that it wasn't really the short end. Not to mention he had always had a relatively easy time making friends. And now, while he made friends amongst his coworkers he might make friends among his students.

That was certainly a weird thought. Jin-Sang had never pictured himself as a teacher of anything, yet here he was. It was easy to forget, much like when you turned a new age. Even if you had a party sometimes it just slipped your mind in a time of need. At the moment, however, Jin was discussing the building layout with his foster mother, Lauren, over his cellular phone. It was a little black Razor that he hated, but it served his need of making calls. All was well.

"No," said the Korean-American as he backed around a corner into the main hall. "No, it's nice here. The view is pretty nice. Yeah, I think I'll like it. You'll have to come visit when you both get a weekend off. I'll show you around." He smiled as he spoke, turning on his usually dancing, swift feet. But as he said he loved his mother and hung up, Jin-Sang found his arm colliding with some poor young woman's side.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

January 2013




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