Jul. 6th, 2009


Thursday, 12/06/07

Who: Danny and Charlie
What: Bags of Blood and Catching Up
Where: Charlie's Office
When: Late Evening, Thursday

Danny was both ecstatic about his new job and a little leary at the same time. He had a lot on his plate. Running two tattoo shops from a distance, opening a brand new one, teaching (which he both enjoyed and freaked out about at the same time), worrying about his friend, worrying about himself. When did he turn into such a chick? For being eternal, supposedly, he sure felt older than 34. The main thing, that was causing this though, was the pain in the ass that went by the name of Charlie.

When he and Charlie were turned, Charlie took it A LOT worse than Danny. Danny just went with the flow, assuming he'd figure out things as he went, but Charlie started questioning everything. Granted, he did have the most run-ins with the nut job that did them both in, and weird shit seemed to follow him around. But still, turning into a vampire was enough to rock anyone's boat. Charlie wouldn't talk to Danny though, and for the better part of year they mostly bickered and fought, and did a lot of drugs. And since there wasn't much going on for Danny then, he left Charlie at the school without so much as a good bye. Not that he was bitter - he just found something interesting to do and didn't think twice.

However, just as Danny grabbed a few bags of blood and headed to Charlie's office, it was almost as if they had come full circle. Danny arrives, Charlie's going through some weird shit, only now they're talking about it, mainly just to satisfy Danny's curiousity. When did they get so mature? Okay, well maybe Charlie was the one maturing since Danny had a half empty mickey of vodka in his jacket that he planned on mixing the blood into.

Either way, the thought of maturing gracefully didn't sit well with Danny, and it was apparent on his face when he knocked on Charlie's door, "Let me in douche bag!"
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