Feb. 18th, 2009


Thursday: 9/27/07

Who: Go'al'enu and open
Where: Near the Pump House
When: After lunch
What: Go'al'enu practices some modified Tai'Chi.

Go'al'enu raised his hand and brought with it a tower of dirt that shot into the sky to the tips of the trees, and then with the same control he brought his hand down to bring the dirt with it, as it flattened back to its original state, not a speck of dust out of place. He then turned, and brought both hands in front of him, sending ripples outwards, but only a short distance away, containing himself in a small little circle.

He had been fascinated with the practices in the eastern world, particularly Tai'Chi for its calm movements and the emphasis on internal control. It had been a long while since he had been in a place where he could practice his particular modifications without worrying about being discovered.

He swept his arm as he turned in a circle, creating a spiral of dirt that continued up above him, and then dropped the spiral, this time letting a cloud of dust enter his circle so he could breath it in. As the dust filled his lungs he let himself turn into the dirt and collapsed himself into the ground, then bringing a pillar from beneath him, rose into the sky keeping himself perched on the top of his rising platform, but still made of the dirt he was manipulating. He grinned widely into the noon sky, and then let the pillar dissipate, falling backwards onto the ground with a loud thunk as he solidified himself into his original state of clay, deciding to feel the reverberations of his action rather than diving into the ground. And with that he lay upon the ground, looking up into the sky.
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