Jan. 25th, 2012


Tuesday - March 24th, 2009

Who: Ingrid and Reese
When: Evening
Where: Their apartment
What: A surprise

It was dumb to be nervous, and yet she was. This was a sensation that was a relative new presence in her life and Ingrid was remiss to admit that it had become quite frequent. Now that Reese was back in her life, though, she wanted to do everything right, everything better. And she was trying very hard to do that and, in turn, putting a lot of pressure on herself. But pressure was good. Pressure she could handle. She was determined. And hopefully tonight would go a long way toward showing that.

The dinner was set. Wyatt had already been picked up from daycare, cleaned up and seated in the high chair at the table as well, playing with his little spoon and babbling. It was admittedly a little bit cute. Dinner was ready, just put on the table, a large and piping hot dish of Shepard's Pie. Beside that, there was a smaller one, a single sized portion that was less aggressively seasoned and pulverized to shit before being cooked. That one was for the baby, and she was allowing it to cool a bit while waiting on Reese to get in.

It didn't stop there, though. She'd made peach cobbler too, complete with a touch of lavender. And chilling in the fridge was some sweetened and whipped mascarpone cream that would help to offset the flavors. This was the type of cooking her mother had always done. And Ingrid could only hoped that it tasted good. Her palette couldn't really pick up on the flavors, couldn't quite determine if they were too subtle, too strong, or just right, but Bastian had given her a pretty comprehensive recipe and she had followed it to the tee. She just really, really hoped that it had all turned out right.

When she heard the key in the apartment door, she could feel her stomach tighten up ever so slightly. Her hands smoothed down the front of the dress she had changed into once the messy part of the cooking had been done and she called out once she knew he was in the apartment. "We're in the kitchen." He could probably smell that. The whole house smelled of food at the moment.
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Jan. 15th, 2012


Tuesday - March 24th, 2009

Who: Ingrid and Bastian
When: Late Morning
Where: The school kitchen
What: Ingrid needs supplies

In progress )

Dec. 28th, 2011


Wednesday - March 11th, 2009

Who: Ingrid and Reese
What: A talk
When: Late
Where: Their apartment

It was now or never, Ingrid had decided. She could either have the conversation with Reese that both she and Nox agreed she could have or she could just keep it from him forever and continue to feel as though she was growing apart from him. Neither option suited her but... the former seemed a better choice than the latter. It wasn't like he wouldn't notice eventually that she was so distant if he hadn't already.

Wyatt was sleeping. He had been for a while now. Reese was in bed reading some sort of book. Ingrid had been in the other room pretending to watch television but of course she hadn't been. Instead she had been thinking about what to tell him, what she could tell him, without violating Lyle's trust. She had no more idea as to what she was going to say when she walked into the room than she had when she had first come to the conclusion that they needed to talk, but she couldn't put it off any longer.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Ingrid's large eyes peered at him, her red lips formed into a pout that silently demanded his attention. Once she had it, she decided to just put it out there, like ripping off a band-aid. It was for the best that way, right? "I had sex with Lyle. Before you got here." And just to clarify she added, "As in before we all got sick and I called you."
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Nov. 8th, 2011


Sunday - February 15th, 2009

Who: Ingrid, Reese and possibly some Peyton
When: Sunday Night
Where: Infirmary
What: Reese has come to get his woman.

Things with Lyle had gone exactly how she had anticipated. He had been a bit miffed, made some remark about her being a liar and she had gone off, of course, yelled at him about him using her which had, in turn, caused him to go off some more and it ended with her storming out of the apartment. It was pretty typical. In a few days they would talk and everything would be okay again, probably, maybe, but for right now, things just weren't.

Ingrid was angry and hurt and tired. On top of that she was anxious and giddy and a fucking nervous wreck as she sat around the lobby of the infirmary waiting for Reese to show up. Every time the door to the infirmary would open, which was often, she would get her hopes up that it was him. So far it hadn't been. She checked the clock on her phone and frowned. How fucking long did it take to just teleport? She was ready for him to be here already.

Nov. 4th, 2011


Sunday February 15th 2009

Who: Lyle, Fisher, Ingrid and Nico
What: Getting cured
Where: Nico and Lyle's apartment
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG 13

It had been days since Fisher had been trying to get to his brother, and even though he'd barely slept at all, he felt completely alert. There were three needles clutched in his hand, three doses of antidote for the three people apparently living in his old apartment. Three people (one of them his straight brother's fucking boyfriend) that were dying of whatever sickness was going on in there. Fisher's stride was long and quick as he moved, and since he still had a key to the place, he walked in without knocking.

The last person Lyle had expected to see stride into his apartment uninvited was his brother. )

Oct. 20th, 2011


Who: Bastian and Ingrid
When: Night
Where: Old, abandoned parts of the former mental hospital
What: A Win/Win Agreement
Rated: NSFW

No strings, but chains are okay. )

Oct. 7th, 2011


Sunday February 1st 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico (and probs Ingrid)
What: Whatever
Where: Their apartment
When: Sunday morning
Rating: PG (as far as I know)

Life had been somewhat tense in Lyle's apartment since The Night. Ingrid was still kind of miffed that he talked to Nico and not her, and also that Lyle was being a little bit dickish about his unwillingness to forgive and forget properly. He couldn't blame her for that. It was harder to just let go with Ingrid, because she meant so much to him and he loved having her close but at the same time he hated having her around. It brought forth a great internal conflict Lyle was having trouble balancing. And Nico, clearly trying to keep the peace, just stayed quiet and did what needed doing and tried staying out of his vampire roommates way. Which of course made Lyle feel a little guilty, and it made him worry that Nico would just move out on him one of these days.

It was thoughts like this, and similar ones, that had Lyle up and about very early on Sunday, even awake before Nico for once. Lyle could have gone outside and stood on the front lawn and not fear burning, that's how early it was. But since it was so early and he had nothing to do, he decided to cook- first starting a batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch, and while those were baking whipping up a quiche for Nico when he got up. And while he worked, he smoked a joint from the Canada stuff Ingrid had brought him, and he did something that most people had never heard him do before- he sang.

"Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong
You're enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh so sad, so quiet..."

It was quiet, low and smooth, his voice full and rich and deep. It wasn't loud enough to wake anyone, but certainly loud enough to be heard by those already stirred from their slumber.
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Jul. 6th, 2010


Wednesday: June/18/08

Who: Reese and Ingrid
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: his NEW room
What: prolly smexin'

As soon as Ingrid put up her away message, Reese set to work making sure his room was presentable. Perhaps he should have done that BEFORE chatting her up. Eh, it looked alright. He wasn't completely happy with the arrangement of the furniture just yet, but his belongings were all unpacked and stowed away where he wanted them. The only thing he needed now was a good sofa and a decent bed to replace the piece of shit the school provided. He'd wanted to do that when he first moved in, but the room he shared with Fox wasn't big enough for anything other than a twin. Now that Reese had a room to himself, he could probably fit a full and a love seat. Had to have somewhere comfortable to sit while playing video games, and seeing as how Ingrid might be staying over more often, he figured they'd both appreciate a slightly bigger bed.

Reese checked himself out in the mirror before Ingrid's arrival, making sure that he looked better than presentable. Ingrid was going to fuck him, not the room, so it was more important that he looked good. Though as he checked to see if he smelled decent as well, Reese began to ponder the information Ingrid had shared with him. He smelled different. Different how? Did the alteration of his DNA make him stand out as a non-human even more than the scales did? And would Ingrid figure out what he was?

He didn't get a chance to mull over such thoughts any longer because there was a knock at the door. Reese opened it with a smile and stepped aside for his 'mistress' to come inside.
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May. 31st, 2010


Sunday: May/25/08

Who: Reese and Ingrid
When: Sunday night into Monday night
Where: heading into Boston
What: a date?

Standing in the parking lot, ass pressed against the driver's side door of his car, Reese checked his watch. An hour ago, he'd sent Ingrid a text telling her where to meet him. He'd given her plenty of warning, right? They'd talked about going out the other night, he'd mentioned what kind of clothes she should wear. Didn't take him much time at all to pick some dark jeans and a fitted white cotton shirt. What the hell was the hold up on her end? It was dark. Time to fucking party!

Finally, the sound of heels clicking on the pavement caught his attention. Reese peeled himself away from the car to spin around and see one fine woman walking toward him. "'Bout time. I was beginning to think I'd been stood up." Not really. Though he was starting to wonder if Ingrid was Italian. Those women were never on time for ANYTHING! They routinely showed up three hours late, no apology or excuse, and then got defensive when you bitched. He bought a watch for one woman he'd dated over there, and she actually took offense, saying Italians don't operate on Eastern Standard Time. Bitch didn't even put out until the fifth date, and it wasn't all that great!

Ingrid was better than great though, so Reese would tolerate a decent bit of abuse from her. She could show up a week late, and he'd probably still be waiting.
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May. 18th, 2010


Monday: May/19/08

Who: Reese and Ingrid
When: Monday night
Where: various places inside the school
What: some fun for the birthday boy.. plotting and smexin'

This was a bad idea. Bad in that it was completely wicked. But that was what made it so damn appealing. )
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May. 10th, 2010


Wednesday - May 13th, 2008

Who: Grid and Dom
When: Night
Where: The Water Tower
What: Some Enlightening Conversation

Here I thought the only reason I'd be happy about a house full of children would be because it'd be like an all you can eat buffet. )

Dec. 21st, 2009


Sunday - March 2nd, 2008

Who: Leo, Shawn, and Ingrid
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Leo and Shawn's Room
What: Stuff and Things
Note: I lost the first bit of the scene where Shawn and Ingrid were talking, but to paraphrase, he told her that she was hiding something and that she should tell Leo, that he would understand. She told him that she wasn't sure about that and he told her that he'd known him longer before fading out of sight just as Leo walked into the room wearing only a towel.

I will see your tongue, and I will raise you a nah-nah-nah-nah boo boo, stick your head in doo-doo! )
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Dec. 19th, 2009


Monday - March 3rd, 2008

Who: Ingrid and Fox
When: Monday Night
Where: Lurking in the Darkness
What: Bwahahahaha!

It was Monday. The norm here lately for Ingrid would be to strut her way over to Leo's room to annoy the shit out of him while he equally annoyed her. But ever since their little spat, or maybe it the dream that had done it, she hadn't felt as much like being around him. She was... scared. And that was a feeling that she didn't like, at least not when it was that particular type of fear. So instead of annoying him tonight, she'd decided to go for a walk on the grounds. It was cold. It was dark. It was just the way she liked it. And she could use a cigarette and a little peace and quiet for a change.

It wasn't as cold tonight as it had been here lately, not that the temperature really mattered that much to Ingrid. She couldn't really feel it. Or she did feel it, rather it just didn't affect her like it would have were she alive. It was still cold enough, however, that she could do what she normally did in the Winter months when she found herself outside at night with a cigarette between her lips. She blew out the smoke and pretended it was her breath, visible in the cold night air. It was strange how little things like that could make her feel more human after so many years of being dead.

Last drag was inhaled and exhaled accordingly before she dropped it to the ground beneath her, following shortly thereafter, a boot crushing out the end. So much for being alone. She could feel him long before he'd ever be able to see her, could hear his heart beating, could feel his pulse, could smell him. He smelled... clean.
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Dec. 12th, 2009


Wednesday - 27th of February, 2008

Who: Leo and Ingrid
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Leo's Room then the Porsche.
What: They spend an hour arguing before she finally convinces him to take her shopping.

I played with your slinky. You owe me one. )
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Thursday Feb. 28th 2008

Who: Lyle and ingrid
What: The Meeting
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Ingrid's Room
Rating: R

It felt like walking to death row. Ingrid's door loomed before him life safety reinforced fire-resistant doom. He knew Ingrid was in there because he could feel her there, and it felt like coming home. It made him sick. At first he just stood there, too angry and scared to go inside. She would know he was there. Hell, she'd known he was at this school. He hated her more than he could ever possibly say, but he knew he also wanted her desperately.

Finally he raised his hand to knock, paused, grabbed the handle and went inside. She was expecting him, and while she might have locked the door to make his anticipation greater, what better way to torture him than to make him come in himself? Force himself to accept what was? Her room looked precisely like it should- unexpected, like it was trapped in a time that it did not belong in. His heart felt heavy as he closed the door behind him, a nail in his coffin.

"I'm here."
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Tuesday - February 26th, 2008

Who: Ingrid and Leo
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Ingrid's room
What: Leo comes bearing gifts
Note: This isn't in typical scene form because it just sort of happened in aim but since we still wanted it to happen, we decided to edit it a little and post it anyway.

Are we really discussing the quality of your tits? )
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Nov. 30th, 2009


Friday - Feb. 23rd, 2008

Who: Jack and Ingrid
When: Friday Night (After Curfew)
Where: The woods outside of the school.
What: Someone's been bad!

She had arrived and she had settled into a room. It wasn't too shabby of a place. The bed was comfortable and there was running water. Already it had a few up on the last place she had been staying. But Ingrid was never the type to be able to simply sit and be still, especially not at night. So shortly after the last of her things were unpacked, she tucked her lighter and her cigarettes into the top of her black boot and pulled on her worn black leather jacket before sneaking out of the building and onto the grounds where she could have a walk and a little time alone with her thoughts.

The feeling was stronger than she could have ever imagined being this close to him. It was like she could feel the very blood pulsing through his veins, like she could hear the sound of his faint, almost non-existent, heartbeat over the sound of everything else. It was almost torture... And she liked it.

Eventually she found herself perched upon a tree branch, feet dangling as she took drag after drag off of her cigarette. Her eyes were focused upon a light in the distance, in a single window of the main building where she knew he presently was. But in spite of this focus, she still felt it when the man began to approach. And she pulled her legs up onto the branch with her, hidden in the shadows of the tree, dark eyes watching the figure that was lit rather clearly by the light of the waning moon.

It wasn't until the man began to tug off his shirt that Ingrid decided to make her presence known. The sound of her boots hitting the ground as she jumped down from the tree was louder than it should have been in contrast to the silence of the night around them. "Nice abs," she remarked cooly as she exhaled the last drag of her cigarette and dropped the remnants to the ground, crushing it with the toe of her boot.
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January 2013




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