Feb. 20th, 2012


Wednesday April 8, 2009

Who: Lil Adam and Riley
What: A safe place to go.
Where: Riley's house
When: evening

Adam was in his mad zone. That meant that he was so mad that he just walked and didn't care. He walked around for a few hours before his feet found a semi-familiar path. Not that he'd walked there before, ridden there in a car though. Looking around, he finally noticed that he'd walked all the way to Riley's.

It was dark and cold and Adam was hungry. His belly gurgling loud at him as he stared at the house. Charlie was in there and he didn't want to go in, but his phone was dead and he was getting tired and cold. So, he sucked it up and went up to the door and knocked on it.

People tend to be selfish Adam, even ones that love you sometimes. )


Wednesday April 8, 2009

Who: Lil Adam and Trever
What: Brothers fighting
Where: Their apartment
When: Afternoon

No one ever listened to him anymore! )

Jan. 14th, 2012


Tuesday March 24, 2009

Who: Lil' Adam, Finn, Rez, and Trever
What: Pizza and family stuff
Where: The Brood's apartment
When: Evening

Uncle Jon! You're butt buddy's here! )

Oct. 21st, 2011


Tuesday February 10th 2009

Who: Adam and Ari
What: Looking for comeraderie in certain death
Where: Adam's room
When: Afternoon
Rating: R for language

There were very few things of which Ari was ever certain, but right now he was certain that he was going to die. He couldn't imagine surviving this. His lungs were full of fluid, breathing was impossible. Every inch of him was sore, and heavy, and even just rolling over in bed was exhausting. Breathing was exhausting. After three days of laying in his bed, throwing up and sweating and hallucinating from fever and shivering from cold, Ari had decided that this was the end. And when it was the end, you had nothing to lose, right?

So he rolled out of bed, pausing on the floor where he landed a moment before he forced himself to his feet, swaying slightly. He was bare foot, bare chested but had a thick fleece blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His wings were lackluster, all shimmer gone from them. Every plant that had been filling his room, the vines along the wall and the flowers bursting with color, all were dead. And that was how Ari knew. His gait was slow, painstakingly so, and it took him ten minutes just to make it to the door. He blacked out a few times, leaning against the wall until his vision became clear again. Another five minutes to get to Adam's door, another pause to rest, and his hand feebly reached up and knocked, twice. Adam wouldn't come. Adam hated him, and he wouldn't open his door to Ari, and Ari would stand here and just die, alone, all alone, no one to even notice until this was all over and they needed to sweep him out of the hallway.

Tears started streaming down his face as he waited, blanket wrapped tighter around him, nose running in sickness and sadness.
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Sep. 14th, 2011


Wednesday January 21, 2009

Who: Lil Adam and OPEN
What: Adam's got science fails
Where: Science class then hall
When: Morning

How could they expect them to focus after a class like that? )

Jun. 5th, 2011


Friday - December 5th, 2008

who: adam and rez
when: afternoon
where: adam's dorm
what: rez wants answers
note: aim scene

You know it can't happen again, right? And you should prolly apologize, try to make it right. )
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Jun. 1st, 2011


Thursday December 4th 2008

Who: Adam and Ari
What: Fightin'!
Where: First Adam's room, then Ari's
When: Early evening
Rating: F for FIGHTIN!!

It was going to suck, and Ari knew it was going to suck, and he was gonna do it anyway. And he kinda hated himself for it. So much of his self respect was flying out the window right now, but it was probably a necessary evil. Maybe. Standing in front of Adam's door, he was shirtless, barefoot, but at least he'd put on some pants. He raised his hand to knock, thought better of it, then grasped the doorknob and just let himself in.

He didn't go far into the room, not that he thought Adam would let him without tearing him to pieces. Shutting the door, Ari stood a moment, looking strangely awkward. He was never one to look awkward but he sure as hell did now. "I'm sorry," he said simply, looking right at Adam. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have said that shit." There, an apology. Sincere and tasting like acid in his mouth. "That's it." he added, giving a small shrug and turning to go.

Get the hell out of my room. )
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January 2013




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