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Jan. 15th, 2012


Monday - March 23rd, 2009

Who: Will and Devon
When: Evening
Where: Out
What: Dinner and a movie

In progress )
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Jan. 2nd, 2012


Saturday: March/21/09

Who: Maggie and Devon
When: Saturday night
Where: Devon's new room!
What: a slumber party of awesomeness!!!!!

Maggie was SO EXCITED! She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this excited. It was a real slumber party in the older kids' dorms with Devon, who was turning out to be her very best friend ever. She still totally loved Kamea, but Kamea was quite a bit younger. Devon felt more like her age, though he was older. They had a lot in common and understood each other.

She jogged through the hallways in her pajamas (pink flannel pants with red hards on them and a pink Motown t-shirt from her uncle Charlie), carrying a bag with chips, soft drinks and TWO kinds of ice cream (vanilla and chocolate). She didn't want to be late for all the fun, though she supposed the fun wouldn't start until she got there since it was just her and Devon.

When she reached his room, she knocked enthusiastically. "It's me!"
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Jan. 1st, 2012


Sunday - March 15th, 2009

Who: Devon and Will
When: Evening
Where: The apartment
What: A conversation

Devon was nervous. The last thing he wanted was to make Will feel bad, to make him feel like Devon was abandoning him because that wasn't it at all. He just... realized that he needed a little time to grow up before he'd really be ready for everything that he was trying to be ready for right now. Talking to Bastian had made him feel better but... he was still anxious. He still had a feeling that this wasn't going to go over very well.

"Will," Devon said in a soft voice when he finally got up the nerve to go poke his head inside the bedroom where Will and Syn presently were. "Can I.. talk to you in private for a minute?" He smiled at Syn and then inhaled and exhaled a slow and nervous breath as the smaller man moved to his feet.

"I need to visit the restroom and get a snack. I'll leave you two." Syn kissed Will and then he moved to exit, leaving the two other men to have a bit of time alone.

Devon felt even more nervous now that they were doing it in the bedroom. The living room would have been much less... personal but, whatever, fine. He crossed over to take a seat on the edge of the bed, glancing down at his hands as he fidgeted a bit.
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Nov. 30th, 2011


Sunday: March/1/09

Who: Maggie and Devon
When: Sunday evening
Where: Maggie’s dorm room
What: pizza and movies!

Maggie was SUPER excited for Devon to come over. Pizza! Movies! Maybe they’d even watch some PG13 movies, which she’d never been allowed to see before. But she was old enough now! She borrowed a few from some girls in the dorms, plus, Devon was bringing a few. They could haggle over what they watched when he arrived.

She made sure her room was clean, because her mom taught her that it was important to tidy up when guests visited. She’d also fussed over deciding what to wear, which was where Kim’s assistance came into play. This wasn’t a date, according to Kim, so Maggie didn’t feel the need to dress up. She just threw on some jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. She also wore some big fuzzy slippers because they were nice and warm and cute too!

There was one other thing she was wearing that was NOT comfortable or cute or cool in any way/shape/form. A pad. Who invented these things? It was horrible! But Kim seemed to think it was necessary. Maggie’s appetite and cramps earlier in the day indicated she might be about to get her first period. It really freaked her out, and she was trying to just not think about it. But it was so scary! Kim assured her that it didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t like she was going to bleed to death, but the idea of bleeding in general was terrifying. Maggie could read all she wanted online about first periods, but she didn’t feel ready for it at all. She hoped it wouldn’t happen while Devon was over.

When it was nearly 4:00, she checked her hair in the mirror. It wasn’t a date, but she still wanted to look cute. Devon was cute, and a boy, so even though he was just a new friend, she wanted to look nice when he showed up. She was still learning how to apply makeup, and had gotten a bit of help from Kim on that as well. It was simple, just a little mascara and lip gloss. Kim said she looked nice.
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Nov. 24th, 2011


Wednesday - February 24th, 2009

Who: Syn, Will and Devon
When: Evening
Where: Syn's apartment
What: A surprise
Rated: NSFW

It had started out as just a conversation. Syn and Devon had been sitting around talking about a variety of things when the idea had crossed Devon's mind and come out. Syn considered it for but a moment before he was in agreement and it was all under way. The pair of them had been working on it all day, ever since Will had left the apartment that morning, pretty much, abandoning classes in favor of getting this done. By the time it was done, Syntax was exhausted, but Devon was bouncing and ready for Will to come home and see what they had done.

Prior to today, this had been Syn's apartment and Devon and Will had only been staying here. Now it was completely redone. All of Will's things and all of Devon's things had been moved into the apartment which had been redecorated more in accordance with Will's taste. No longer did it look cold and barren and not lived in. It was a far cry from the apartment that Will had left that morning, and that was just the living room.

Devon had sent Will a text letting him know that he could finally come back to the apartment. He as excited for him to see, especially since this had been mostly his idea, and most certainly he wanted him to see the changed that had been made to the rest of the apartment. He was pacing back and forth in the front room waiting for Will to show up while Syn sat and waited quietly on the sofa which was now tossed with multiple lush throws and pillows.
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Nov. 11th, 2011


Sunday - February 15th, 2009

Who: James, Will, Rocky, Devon and Syn
When: Afternoon
Where: Syn's apartment
What: James is here to save the day!
Rated: NSFW

Why the fuck are you here? )

Oct. 22nd, 2011


Wednesday - February 11th, 2009

Who: Syn, Will, Devon, Rocky and Wes
When: Evening
Where: Syn's apartment
What: A miracle

I told him not to do it! )

Oct. 16th, 2011


Friday - February 6th, 2009

Who: Devon and Haddon
When: Evening
Where: Devon's dorm room
What: Haddon comes to forewarn the medium.

Don't panic, when it happens. )
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Oct. 15th, 2011


Friday 6th February

Who: Dev and Will
Where: around TJS
When: Friday evening time.
What: Will is getting sick and having been tipped off, Dev's in search.

Will had been wandering aimlessly trying to distract himself, because really he had no clue why he wasn't back at the house but the snow had, for once, dampened his mood to walk somewhere. He was also hoping to bump into Syn to have an excuse to talk to him. Since the time in the Chapel nothing had truly been said between them, and whilst he knew he should be talking to Devon as well recently he was more the kind of man to step back and wait for things to come to him.

Now he was trying to give it a little push by ambling around the freezing hallway. Did nobody use fucking heating any more? As if on cue he heard the whirr of the motor, the buzz of the heating blowing through the vents. "About fucking time," he snarled, stalking around the corner when he suddenly had the distinct feeling that something was wrong. A shiver ran through him and his head, without hours of crying, felt like it was heavy and dense.

Within minutes he slumped on the floor, wincing and aching all over his body. He wasn't moving anywhere.

Sep. 26th, 2011


Wednesday - January 28th, 2009

Who: Devon and Blue
When: Evening
Where: Her dorm
What: Hanging out

Even though Devon had left Vegas in a hurry, he had made sure to pick up something for Blue before he left, especially after what Tiger had told him. He had had it shipped instead of carrying it on the plane with him because it was rather large and the package had just arrived today, which was why he had waited until today to talk to her. He wanted to be able to take her her gift when he saw her again.

So with the rather large box in hand, Devon made his way up to Blue's dorm dressed in one of his more dapper suits. He knocked on the door and then held the box up to cover his face, waiting for her to open it, a grin pursing his lips from behind. As soon as he heard the door open, he said in a fake British voice, "Special delivery for Miss Bergeron."
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Sep. 19th, 2011


Sunday - January 25th, 2009

Who: Devon and Will
When: Afternoon
Where: Logan International
What: Devon's back home and gets a surprise pick up at the airport.

Read more... )
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Jul. 27th, 2011


Wednesday - December 31st, 2008

Who: Devon and Will
When: Night
Where: Ibiza
What: New Year's Eve
Rated: TBD

It was 9pm when Devon showed up in Will's room, knocking once before letting himself in without invitation. "You've been moping long enough," he informed him. "You've got an hour to get ready before the cab gets here. We're going out." And before he could protest, he held up his hand. "And don't say no. Otherwise, I'll go out by myself and who knows what sort of trouble I'll get into." He smirked as though he knew that would get him, and then he showed himself out of the other man's room to head to his own to ready himself.

An hour later, Devon was downstairs waiting for Will. The cab pulled up to the gate and he buzzed it in. "Hurry up, Will. The car's here!!!" He fidgeted somewhat nervously. Hopefully Will wasn't going to call his bluff and not come down because then he really would be stuck celebrating his first New Year's Eve as a grown up all on his own and that would really really suck. This whole thing was starting to make him miss home too and that was really saying something.
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Jul. 7th, 2011


Wednesday - December 17th, 2008

Who: Devon and Blue
When: Night
Where: A club
What: A date
Rated: NSFW

Dad said that the red food coloring makes me hyper. )
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Jun. 24th, 2011


Sunday - December 14th, 2008

Who: Will and Devon
When: Late Night
Where: Devon's room that Will is staying in
What: Devon can't sleep and sneaks in to see Will.
Rated: NSFW

I have perfect vision. )
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Monday December 15th 2008

Who: Will, James, Devon and Fisher (and Penny maybe)
Where: Wherever the cures are getting handed out
When: night time.
What: Will is turning back into his tall, glam self.

Since the previous night Will had been pacing his room. A cure for him was floating about and he was still debating whether to take it despite Devon's words. He knew people would want him turned back but he doubted whether it was all because they missed him, more for convenience. They would rather have the man who was used to this time and could fend for himself than the young angel who needed almost constant attention so he didn't burn anything down. If he took it there was no guarantees that he would return to his older self. It would be putting a huge amount of trust in the witch, and facing what would be sort of like a mini death for the seventeen year old. He would cease to exist and his older self would take over.

Though it was scary, and weird, and he was tempted to run Will asked the brood of people who had taken care of him to see him to the Witch in order for him to take this potion. There was no way he could deny Devon his best friend despite what may await him.

Now sitting with the cure in his hand Will stared at it. Maybe this was all a dream and he would awake back in the stable of New York, covered in straw and ready to go about making his living in the dark. The clothes he wore were... odd. Having changed so that his future self wouldn't rip anything that covered him, Will still didn't understand why the pants were so worn and the black shirt was all... floaty. He didn't understand it - but he liked it. Perhaps there was something to be said for this time after all.

Jun. 17th, 2011


Thursday - December 11th, 2008

Who: Devon and Wesley
When: Afternoon
Where: The Grounds
What: Wes has returned to teen town.

Are you hitting on me? )
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Jun. 16th, 2011


Friday 12th December 2008

WHO: Will - Devon - James - Fisher
WHERE: The old marital apartment
WHEN: Friday sometime
WHAT: Fisher's coming over to give James a hand deal with two teens.

After being informed that Fisher would be coming over to assist in the care of Will, the fallen angel had taken great care in preparing himself. He was curious to meet this man, the man that James would leave him for in future. It wasn't that he wanted to conduct a study of him, he was merely intrigued after hearing of him so much from Devon and the history...

The tricksy box was on in the living room and Will was trying to make sense of some very odd cartoon. He'd only ever seen stationary drawing and this was definitely a learning curve. He stared at the television with his mouth open and eyes squinted. If he was drooling people might mistake him for being braindead.

He honestly couldn't see how a talking sponge could live in a pineapple.


Thursday - December 11th, 2008

Who: James, Will and Devon later
When: Late Morning
Where: The grounds then his apartment on campus
What: Will is a teenager again

It was a very odd feeling and he wasn't sure he enjoyed it. )
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Jun. 9th, 2011


Monday - December 8th, 2008

Who: Devon, Will and James
When: Morning
What: Devon has his first case of morning wood.
Where: BGH

On tv last night, there was this show, and at the end there were girls jumping on trampolines. )
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Sunday - December 7th, 2008

Who: Devon, Will and James
When: Morning
Where: BGH
What: Devon's secret comes out.

Devon was taller, older. Will was stunned. And confused, and very unnerved. )
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