May. 14th, 2011


Thursday - November 27th, 2008

Who: People at the BGH
When: Evening
What: Thanksgiving!
Where: The BGH

Thankfully Jonah had gotten things started long before Cissy had arrived to help him finish up dinner. It was going to be a beast what with so many different guests arriving. The two cooks were going all out. There was going to be turkey and ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, all the basic staples of a great Thanksgiving dinner.

Guests were set to arrive at five, but dinner wasn't going to be ready until six in spite of Jonah getting a head start. There was just too much to be done! But Cissy had ensured that the bar was well-stocked so that people could enjoy drinks while they waited for dinner. Hopefully tonight would go off without a hitch. It was certainly going to be interesting to say the least.

[Note: I figured we could use this to do any sort of mini-scenes we wanted pre-dinner and then end it with people sitting down to eat.]

Mar. 12th, 2011


Wednesday 29th October

Who: Wes & Kimmi
Where: BGH
When: Weds afternoon/evening
What: Wesley is still being coached in a break up
Rating; no clue

If there was one thing Wes couldn't stand any more of it was chick flick movies. Not that they moved him but they were insipid and boring and they were always like tragically happy or whatever in the end. Wes despised such movies. He'd come close to throwing something at the TV but there hadn't been anything to hand unless you counted Mandy's newly bought handbag and he wouldn't ruin that for her.

The only thing he enjoyed about this intervention was having Kimmi's company. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed her until he was around her again. After the few days, if not the weeks, he'd had she was a welcome ray of sunshine. Affection was definitely still there, helping him cope with the other shitty things; Roger was gone. Ric, it appeared, had abandoned him. Kim and Starbuck were having a kid, they were all rosy and happy and asking Wes to take care of their new perfect addition. Garret had used him for healing before going off to be with his boy. One of them. Both. Who knew. Mandy was scared of him, having called in her mother to assist in getting his ass in check. He was a disappointment, an embarassment, and he felt humiliated, but he was managing. At least that's what he told himself as he attempted to scour some pans at the sink.
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Mar. 7th, 2011


Saturday 25th October

Who: Wes and Mandy.... and Kimmi!
Where: the BGH.
When: Saturday night
What: Wesley's dear darling daughter has arranged a divine intervention.

Wesley was lounging around on the sofa, bowl of potato chips perched on his bare chest whilst his legs, only barely covered by baggy sweatpants that were almost off his ass they were sitting so low. He'd just sunk deeper into the sofa, flicking between random channels. It was now the History channel, a documentary about World War Two. Interesting. He knew Blake had served, but hadn't asked many questions about it. He wasn't really watching it, just letting the narrator's brisk British voice soothe him into a dull, mindless state.

The bang of the door didn't even alert him much. He figured it was Ric or Hope or Mandy, returning home at last to save him from his misery. "Hey, can you bring me another bag of chips?" If they were up they could detour to the kitchen.

January 2013




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