Mar. 24th, 2010


Friday 25th April

Who: Tiger and Mikaela
Where: Arcaaade!
When: Friday after class
What: Mikaela is taking Tiger to the arcade - or is it the other way around?
Rating: F for Fun!

Tiger was hanging around the general entrance hallway of TJS waiting to see if he could spot Mikaela. He wasn't sure if they'd agreed on a place to meet, simply because he couldn't remember, so he figured that if he kept to the main hive of activity he might be able to spot her and set off for the arcade. He couldn't deny he was nervous, and not simply because he was making a new friend with an attractive wolf girl. He didn't care about that.

It had been years since he'd gone to an arcade. He used to be a regular until he reached his teens: teenagers weren't the most forgiving of people, they liked to pick on those who were different than themselves and after styling himself under punk fashion Tiger definitely went into the category of "weird". The first time he'd been beaten up had been in the middle of his best Pacman game ever. He'd never been able to look at it in the same way again and hadn't set foot in the arcades since.
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THURSDAY; APRIL 24, 2008 - 08:45PM

WHO Mikaela & Cherry!
WHAT Stewing.
WHEN Thursday evening.
WHERE Hot tub.
RATING R for brief nudity mention.

Chlorine bubbles were still bubbles. )

Mar. 22nd, 2010


TUESDAY; APRIL 22, 2008 - 02:57AM

WHO Mikaela and Charlie.
WHAT Getting caught. :(
WHEN Late LATE Tuesday night.
WHERE Outside of the dorms.
RATING PG-13 due to minor drug reference.

A wise young dryad once said – If you can’t sleep, smoke... )

Mar. 20th, 2010


WEDNESDAY; April 23, 2008

WHO Astrid and Mikaela.
WHAT The impossible happens! A Jedi master and a trekkie join forces.
WHEN Wednesday, after classes.
WHERE Their room - A1.

Even if Astrid was a trekkie. )

January 2013




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