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Oct. 8th, 2012


Monday October 7th 2019

Who: Jack and Greg
What: An afternoon cheap date
Where: The common room
When: Late in the day
Rating: TBD

Greg had everything ready by the time Jack got there. Gooey pb&j sandwiches along with a jug of milk with pb&honey-banana sandwiches as well. There may even have been some Reeses cups thrown in somewhere as well. A few funny movies were tossed into Greg's bag of stuff for the day. If there was nothing on TV, then they could pop in a movie. Sitting on the counter, already biting into a naner sandwich, he waited for Jack, munching away.

Started without me? I hope that doesn't happen all the time... )
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Jul. 17th, 2012


Monday September 2nd 2019

Who: Mara and Jack
What: Girls exploring like girls
Where: An old building in Danvers
When: After dark
Rating: TBD

So far, this place sucked. But Jack and Taylor had raided the vending machines so at least she had a huge stockpile of twizzlers. Chewing on one as she made her way to the front door, Jack's boots clomped hard on the stone floors, echoing her boredom with this entire place. These people were weird, and some of them were downright creepy. But some of them were really cool looking too, and that was probably enough to stick around. Not that she had a choice in the matter.

But this chick that was taking her to somewhere interesting, and maybe it could come in handy in the future. A hideout, if she and Taylor needed to get out of here. And maybe the attention hungry spaz might actually be cool outside of the internet. Sitting on the front step, Jack waited for whoever it was to show up, twisting the ends of her hair.
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May. 5th, 2010


Friday | May 16th 2008

Who: Karaoke peoples!
When: Friday, later in the evening AFTER DRESS REHEARSAL.
Where: The bar Astrid and Keagan's karaoke party is at.

"Hey, everybody," Astrid giggled as she sidled up to the mic, tapping it for everyone's attention. She was a little tipsy. Okay, no, way more than tipsy, but she'd been doing a really good job of being social over the last hour since karaoke had started. The thing had started while Duncan still had his kids in dress rehearsal, so imagine her surprise when he showed and Adora hadn't seen him yet. "So, okay, next up..." She giggled a little more, as if to a secret only she knew. "We have my favorite Il Profesore to siiiing. Mister Boyaaard..." She said with flare as she moved off the stage and went to go plop down in the first seat she could find, which was next to Summer.

For the first time in a very long time, Duncan was a suffering from a slight case of stage fright. It wasn’t the masses of young faces staring up at him from the dimly lit audience. Nor was it the fact he had to follow a rather handsome boy performing that goddamn “Hallelujah” song that made women automatically drop their panties. No, the unsure expression on his face and the way he came on stage with his eyes slightly downcast was because of one woman, at one table, in one direction. He knew exactly where Adora was sitting.

He may have known where she was, but Adora hadn't quite made out what Astrid was saying. To be honest, it had gotten to be white noise by that point. She wasn't even facing the stage, she was kind of moping. She'd thought Duncan was going to be out here for karaoke, that maybe he'd be a dork and do something. She thought she had it aaall figured out. But then she'd remembered his dress rehearsal and she honestly thought he wasn't going to show.

His eyes stayed on the rolling teleprompter that scrolled the lyrics. He gently laid one hand on the standing microphone while the opening notes to “Stand By You” by The Pretenders began. When he sang, his voice was soft, unsure, but clear and beautiful.

... )

Apr. 13th, 2010


Saturday 3rd May

Who: Cassie and Jack
What: Grabbing food together because the demon is boooored.
Where: Going off campus
When: Saturday evening.

The fact was Cassie hated having to wait for food on her own, plus she was bored. Add in the fact that since her birthday she and Jack really hadn't seen much of each other and she did intend to stay friends with him, and that was how you ended up with Cassie texting him to come out for the drive with her. Besides, he was a guy, he probably wanted to see her car anyway.

There was barely 30 seconds between Jack telling her to pick him up and her knocking on his door. She hadn't intended to take no for an answer anyway so she'd only been in the common room when she got his text. When he opened the door she held up her keys, dressed in boyfriend jeans and a black clingy sweater, a fairly normal sort of outfit for the chaos demon. "Right answer." She smiled to him.
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Apr. 12th, 2010


Wednesday | April 30th, 2008

Who: Astrid, Summer, Jack
When: 9.40pm+
Where: Halls/Dorms/Astrid's Room
What: Summer needs to vent, and Jack needs to PREVENT.

Summer was glad Astrid had agreed to let her come over. She needed to vent. As soon as it was out of her system, she could push it aside, continue with her day, and not think about it anymore. The redhead couldn't think of the last time she'd been so angry. Not just at the totally inappropriate things Jacob had said, but at the fact that he'd purposely said them just to upset her, and also because he had managed to ruin what had otherwise been a really great night.

The memory of horseback riding with Nick was basically gone, now. In his place stood ugly words and just cold anger.
... )

Apr. 4th, 2010


Sunday | April 27th 2008

Who: Jack and Astrid
Where: Jack's room
When: Sunday evening
What: Astrid finds out he's back in town and needs hugs and friendness!

The news about Simon's death had hit the school pretty quickly, and it had honestly freaked Astrid out. Having grown up going to city schools, teen suicides and drunk driving accidents were an unfortunate part of her life, but normally, the person who died was one kid out of forty in a classroom that she never talked to because of his or her lifestyle.

This was different. She knew Simon somewhat. They certainly weren't friends, but they'd had two classes together and both of them were pretty small classes. And the notion of just going to class and him not being there... honestly freaked her out.

... )
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Mar. 18th, 2010


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Who: Jack & Fox
When: Thursday evening
Where: Fox's Room
What: Jack and Fox talk about feelings -- but do it manly style. With booze!

Jack would have been worried about the alcohol in his backpack if he thought security actually cared. As it was, he strolled along quite pleasantly, bag slung off one shoulder, toward Fox's room. Poor guy. Jack felt really bad for him. Joe Bronsky had been his only family -- hell, his only real friend, from the sound of it -- and that guy was gone. Jack had felt more than alone when his grandfather died, but he had had his grandmother and Rae to think of. Fox had no one.

When the half-angel let him in, he swung the pack over to his front and unzipped it immediately. "Hey man, what's up."

And the night of revelry begins. )
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Feb. 28th, 2010


Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Who: Astrid and Jack
Where: Fox's room, then Jack's room
When: Saturday afternoon or so
What: Astrid can't find Fox!

Waking up to realize you acted like a slice of scum-cake was pretty humbling. Like, humble pie level of humbling. )
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Feb. 19th, 2010


4.5 Saturday Morning

Who: Jack, Fox, Rae
Where: Living Room
When: Early afternoon
What: Guy Talk, before Rae joins. Awkwardness!

Jack was chowing down on a slice of pizza when Fox returned from getting a tattoo. He had texted Rae a nonchalant "where are you two?" earlier in the day and gotten a response. Jack was in the loop.

... )
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Feb. 18th, 2010


Tuesday April 1st 2008

Who: Fox, Rae -- later, Jack
When: Tuesday morning, early!
Where: The kitchen/living room
What: APRIL FOOL's from Rae to Fox.

I had a sex dream...about you. )


Saturday, April 5th, 2008

Who: Astrid and Jack
Where: Out on the beach
When: Saturday, April 5th, 2008, afternoonish
What The two have a chat on da beach before leaving tomorrow

... )
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Who: Rae, Fox, Keagan, Astrid, Jack, Cassie
When: Friday night
Where: The beach house!

... )

Feb. 10th, 2010


Tuesday April 1st 2008 EARLY (like 1am or later)

Who: Jack and Astrid
When: Late!
Where: Astrid's bedroom
What: Drunk Astrid thinks Drunk Jack is Drunk Keagan, since Drunk Jack has shifted to look like her boyfriend to steal her panties.

... )
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Sunday March 30th 2008

Who: Jack and Astrid
Where: Halls
When: Early morning
What: Jack runs into Astrid in the halls on the way to the shuttle van!

... )
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Monday March 31st 2008

Who: Jack and Fox
When: Mid-morning, early afternoon
Where: Supermarket
What: Jack and Fox have been voted to get foodstuffs for the house, as they have a 21+ ID(s) among them.

... )
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Thursday April 3rd 2008

Who: Rae, Jack, Fox
Where: The kitchen!
When: Pre Cook-out
What: Jack tries to tease Fox, but it backfires. Rae and Fox have a smushy moment.

... )
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Jan. 25th, 2010


Sat March 22, 2008 [AIM: Jack&Fox]

Yo Jack, your sister likes talking about you late at night. )
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Jan. 14th, 2010


Monday 17th March 2008

Who: Summer, Astrid, Rae (maybe later)
Where: Outside, school grounds-- then, Astrid's room
When: After 3pm
What: Summer and Astrid are hanging out with he dog when chaos strikes

"It's so funny," Summer said, taking the toy from Sebastian's mouth as he brought it back for the tenth time, "because it totally doesn't even really look like a fox, I mean..." she held it up, showing Astrid how it was more of ared  tennis ball with a fake foxy tail attached, "but I guess how it moves, it just makes him nuts."

The two girls had become fast friends. Astrid's rapid fire, extroverted nature complimented Summer's general inclination to be reserved and shy. They had similar interests....Astrid was just more open about talking about them. A lot. Summer didn't mind whatsoever; she welcomed Astrid's forwardness openly. Astrid wasn't upset that her boyfriend had been responsible for her being temporarily blind last week, and Summer was hoping that she could introduce them on better grounds. Maybe they could all become friends?

Summer pulled her arm back and threw the toy again, further. Sebastian took off like a tiny gray shot, tail high, stubby legs flying.

Jan. 5th, 2010


Friday: March/14/08

Who:  Jack and Ami
When: dusk
Where: School grounds/outside school grounds
What: Jack and Ami stumble into each other, but on four legs.

Jack had run until his muscles were properly warmed. Now, in the form of a larger sized Eastern Canadian timber wolf, he was hungry. Was it usual to see a timber wolf in Massachusettes? No. Odd looking? Not really. He had seen one in a zoo when they visited Vancouver, and it was his go-to form, because it was closer to his weight than a regular gray wolf. In the dusky evening glare he appeared no different than other wolves with the exception of his size. His coloring was gorgeous, like all wolves', and his movements were convincing.

When he saw the unsuspecting bunny rabbit he immediately let go, and the human part of his psyche took a step back. He had done this many times, for many years, and was getting quite good at it. Not many shifters hunted in animal form so successfully. At least, not many he had ever met. Most of them did stupid shit, and none of them except Rae -- and maybe this new chick he met -- really appreciated the air, the earth, and speed.

Ears back, tail low, he slithered through the grasses toward the scent of something delicious.
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Tuesday, March 10th, 2008

Who: Jack and Astrid (Then later mebbe Keagan and Rae)
Where: Outside the supernatural history room
When: Tuesday Afternoon
What: Both Jack and Astrid are waiting for people to get out of class and run into each other instead

Okay, it was official. Fox was an enigma wrapped in a cookie and now dunked in rock candy. She just could never figure him out. Although, she had his number, she knew it was that he was too scared to get truly involved with people, but she couldn't figure out how in the hell they had gone from hating each other Sunday night to sort of being okay on Monday. What. The fuck.

So, naturally, she figured that she'd surprise Keagan today with popcorn - unpopped - as a not-so-subtle hint that Star Wars night was to be had tonight!

As a result, this meant that about ten minutes before his supernatural history class was ending, Astrid was hanging out outside the door, pacing the hallway without a care in the world, bag of unpopped Pop Secret popcorn in hand.
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January 2013




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