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Apr. 21st, 2012


Friday: May/8/09

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Friday afternoon
Where: starting at the grocery then heading back to their apartment
What: Ed called with some bad news.

Starbuck could have called Kim himself, but he felt like this was the kind of news best shared in person. Still, if Kim's parents were really trying to find her, then she might be in danger, so he didn't want to waste much time. He hoped that Ed wasn't an complete tool when telling Kim the news, but from the look on her face when he pulled up to the grocery and rushed out of the car to greet her, he could see that Ed sucked at relaying sensitive information.

"Frankie's watching Kamea and Reed. They're safe." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. "I think maybe we should get back.. pack up some stuff.. and take a trip."
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Feb. 13th, 2012


Sunday, April 5th 2009

Who: Harlow, Fox and Starbuck
What: A first meeting, and a healing
Where: Fox's room
When: Afternoon

Harlow made her way up to Fox’s room, nerves did not even describe how she was feeling at the moment. Her stomach was going to burst with butterflies. The whole way to this school she had been hoping that her half brother would be better than their father. But Harlow didn’t let herself believe that he was, because if he was dick like Chase than at least her heart wouldn’t get broken.

The little blonde rolled her eyes at herself. “Of course your heart will get broken Harlow, he’s all the family you got left.” She said quietly to herself as she stopped in front of his door. Her powers wanted to push into that room ahead of her and find out what he was doing but she held them back since that would have been extremely rude. Harlow knocked on the door and waited, trying not to crumple the letter Chase had given her for Fox in her hands.

She worried about her appearance for a moment, chase had left some spectacular bruises on her wrists, a black eye and a split lip that was just starting to heal. It was her punishment for standing up to him. Hopefully Fox wouldn’t say anything to bad about it.

you’re kinda the only family I have left but I don’t expect shit from you )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Friday - March 27th, 2009

Who: Riley, Starbuck, Mara
What: Fixing a little girl's sick tummy.
Where: Riley's house.
When: Early Friday evening.

Starbuck hopped in his car after confirming his visit with Riley. There was no reason for the guy's daughter to suffer with a cold. It was an easy fix. The drive was short, as he followed the directions, and the nymph soon arrived at a very nice home. He made his way to the door and knocked.

click )

Dec. 21st, 2011


Thursday: March/12/09

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When: Thursday evening
Where: Their apartment
What: Reed’s finally on his way!
Note: Monica and I started this awhile ago but both got crazy busy, so it's A LONG WAY from being finished. Other people might join the scene eventually.

Last night’s full moon was EXHAUSTING for Kim. She was carrying a full term baby boy while trying to run around and it just wasn’t working. She spent most of her night just padding along slowly and stopping to rest quite often, but that didn’t mean that her body felt any less sore today. She slept in for a good while, not waking up until early evening when she felt Reed kick her pretty hard. The ache she felt in her body was more than usual and minor Braxton-Hicks contractions were of the norm lately, but nothing seemed out of the usual.

Having just woken up, Kim slowly shuffled into the bathroom, peeling off her sleep shirt and underwear as she turned on the hot water. She really needed a nice hot shower right now. Her entire body was begging for relief.

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Nov. 3rd, 2011


Thursday 19th February 09

Who: Ava and Starbuck
What: Returning his keys and a chat
Where: His apartment
When: Thursday evening

This whole day had been a bit of a rollercoaster. First fighting with Charlie on the phone, then Maggie turning up, and all of that going from feeling really good to feeling like the worst person in the planet, and ending with Charlie being... somewhat nice to her. It was exhausting, and she really needed to de-stress.

First Ava needed to return these keys to Starbuck though. It said a lot about him that he still lent her his car, even when she had been an awful friend during and after the virus, and she made a little promise to herself to get him and his family something as an apology. Now all she had to offer was a thank you though, so she'd go with that. It didn't take the vampire all that long to walk from the car to the family apartments, and she knocked on his door softly, not wanting to wake up Kamea if she was already asleep.
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Oct. 10th, 2011


Sunday: February/1/09

Who: Starbuck, Kim and McKenna (and Kamea for a bit)
When: Sunday evening
Where: Starbuck and Kim's apartment
What: a small dinner party

The lasagna had turned out nicely, and, as expected, Kamea absolutely adored McKenna. The woman's tricks with water inspired an awestruck expression on the little girl's face, before it lit up and spewed forth giggles of mirth. There were many cries of, "Again!" Starbuck just chuckled as he watched. It was a shame McKenna couldn't have children of her own. She'd be a fantastic mother. Starbuck hoped she really would adopt one day.

After dinner, he shooed everyone into the living room to chat. "I'll take care of the dishes. Maybe you guys can find a movie to watch."

Kamea chimed in on that one, "Nemo!" she demanded.

"Sweetie, I think we've all seen Nemo enough. Maybe you should see if McKenna has a preference." He would sit through another showing of Nemo if necessary, because it was a cool movie, but he was burned out from watching it so often lately.

Sep. 28th, 2011


Saturday: January/31/09

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Saturday night
Where: their bedroom
What: something's bugging Starbuck

The conversations with Cassie and Ana plagued Starbuck as he put Kamea to bed for the night and set about cleaning up the kitchen. He picked up toys and changed into pajama pants. All the while, his mind was focused on everything that could have possibly happened with Charlie and his family. Something felt off. There was no way that all the Burghards were simply ignoring him and Cassie. Something was wrong. It started with the visit to Ava. Hearing how upset she'd been, and that she had signed the divorce papers. But then learning that no one had heard from Charlie or his family since really caused the worry to set in.

Being unable to reach them had Starbuck considering a trip, but if something was wrong in a dangerous way, Starbuck couldn't put himself at risk and leave his own family at home. This wasn't a decision he could make alone. He needed to discuss what he was thinking with Kim.

Climbing into bed finally, he made himself comfortable by propping up some pillows against the headboard. Usually he'd read for awhile or watch some TV with Kim, but he didn't reach for a book or the remote right now. "What would you think about me going to California to check on Charlie and his family?" he asked her abruptly. There was no skirting around it.
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Sep. 22nd, 2011


Friday: January/30/09

Who: Starbuck and Ava
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Godric’s BGH
What: Starbuck drops in to look after a friend.

Starbuck didn’t pay any attention to Ava’s protests. )
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Sep. 18th, 2011


Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

Who: Starbuck and Ash
Where: Infirmary
When: Afternoon
What: Ash is a klutz and needs some help

Read more... )

Aug. 31st, 2011


Friday 16th January 09

Who: Ava and Starbuck.
What: The vampire needs someone else to talk.
Where: His apartment.
When: Friday evening.

Ava was, ironically, on campus working on a song which she was thinking about sending Charlie. Their anniversary was coming up and he was weighing heavily on her mind. The song had been mostly written before he left, and finished after the spell and his subsequent departure, but she was trying to get at least a rough recording done and decide if she would send it to him afterall.

What she was NOT expecting from her day was to receive something from Charlie. Especially not what was delivered to her. Divorce papers. For a couple of minutes Ava just stood there looking at them in a state of shock. What an anniversary gift. There were no tears, she just seemed to become... empty. It almost didn't feel real. Should she sign them? Should she talk to Charlie? He wanted a divorce...

There were three people Ava found herself thinking of, three people she could share this with now. Godric was probably back at the house, and right now she didn't feel like driving was such a good idea, plus he had been avoiding her. Ana spent so much time dealing with her twin's disasters that it didn't feel fair to throw this at her. Then there was Starbuck. He could be a pain in the ass, especially when it came to meddling in Ava and Charlie's marriage, but she still found herself outside his apartment, knocking on the door and sincerely hoping he was there. He was one of her best friends, and she needed him right now.
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Aug. 17th, 2011


Thursday: January/8/09

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Thursday
Where: hall closet near Belle’s classroom
What: a “bathroom break”

Starbuck shut his laptop and immediately ran out to fetch someone to look after Kamea for an hour, claiming is was important, but he didn’t explain the situation. Getting laid was important, right? Right.

With the streaking idea out the window, he did wear clothes as he ran over to the education building. As soon as he was outside Belle’s classroom, Starbuck sent a quick text message to Kim saying ‘maintenance closet down the hall.’ With that, Starbuck stepped inside and waited for his girlfriend.

more )
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Jul. 19th, 2011


Friday, December 26th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When: Friday midday
Where: Maui
What: Just hanging around on the beach

Every time she came to Maui, Kim felt so incredibly relaxed. The Hawaiian atmosphere and laid-back way of life was contagious and she didn't mind it one bit. After everything that happened after telling Ed that she was pregnant, Kim needed this. She had been such a mess for a good while afterwards so it was a good thing that their trip to Maui came soon after.

Having Starbuck with her during the whole mess meant so much, but having all their friends in Maui with them meant so much as well. Kim loved seeing Lauren get along so well with Frankie and Lu and it warmed her heart to see the Vallarios here as well.

With so many people at the house now, it was rare for Kim and Starbuck to get a moment alone, but they managed to sneak away to the beach, even if it was just to walk around for a while. "I'm still kinda sad I can't surf," she replied as she ran a hand over her belly. "At least Boomer doesn't mind me sitting and getting a tan."
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Jun. 16th, 2011


Saturday, December 13th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Staff apartment lot then their apartment
When: Kim's a mess and needs Starbuck's help

The entire cab ride back to the school was spent blankly staring ahead at the road before her. Luckily, the cab driver had gotten the hint that she wasn't up for any idle small talk from the depressing body language she was conveying. Her face was still stained from the tears that had streamed down her face and her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, but she wasn't crying anymore. She didn't have the energy for it. She felt numb now, mostly because she had forced herself into that state for the drive to the school. Hopefully, she'd stay numb, but she had a feeling that would change.

Once the cab rolled into the staff apartment parking lot, Kim closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The cab rolled to a stop right in front of the building where Starbuck was already waiting for her. Kim paid the driver and stepped out of the car, trying to hold in the tears as she walked towards her boyfriend.
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Jun. 10th, 2011


Thursday: December/11/08

Who: Starbuck, Ava, and Ana
When: Thursday (probably noonish?)
Where: Ana's apartment
What: checking in on the teenage twins

Starbuck went to Ava's apartment first, because he was actually friends with her, and it was closer to his own apartment. But after several minutes of knocking with no reply, he decided to head over to Ana's place. Along the way, Starbuck kept an eye open for anyone who was like Godric.. looked familiar, like the could be related to someone he knew.. just in case he had to explain this crazy situation to another person. But he didn't bump into anyone. Perhaps some people were so scared, they'd just decided to stay locked in their rooms. Good plan.

When he got to Ana's place, Starbuck knocked again. He didn't hear any sort of response at first, so he called out, "Ana? Ava? It's Starbuck.. you don't remember me.. but I'm a friend." Based on what Cissy had told him, it sounded like the twins were confused, and that Charlie had been with them. Confused likely meant that he'd tried to explain what was going on. Hopefully, Starbuck wouldn't have to start from scratch with them.
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Jun. 8th, 2011


Wednesday: December/10/08

Who: Starbuck and TEEN! Godric (and Kim eventually)
When: Wednesday night
Where: random hall then Starbuck's apartment
What: Starbuck finds a wayward teenager who seems to has lost his fangs a few decades of life.

Something was.. off when Starbuck returned to campus. At first, it was just a feeling, but he'd bumped into a few people while headed back to the apartment, and one of them talked about all the adults being missing. It didn't make much sense at first. But then Starbuck started to notice people he didn't recognize at first glance wearing baggy clothing who bore a resemblance to people he did know upon second glance. Was this bring your kid to work day?

Telling Kim he was going to investigate and asking her to look after Kamea while he did, Starbuck set off to the infirmary, hoping to see what was going on. His spidey senses were tingling, telling him this might be another magical shit storm.

He never made it to the infirmary. On the way there, Starbuck saw yet another oddly familiar person who he didn't know. A guy, maybe fifteen or sixteen, again with the baggy clothes, and he seemed quite lost. "Can I help you with something?" he asked, a little cautious in his tone. The kid looked extremely confused.

Jun. 7th, 2011


Sunday: December/7/08

Who: Starbuck, Kim, Kai
When: Sunday, December 7th, late evening
Where: in their apartment
What: a Skype convo with Kai to tell her the big news followed by LOTS of sex
Notes: still not finished even though we started it MONTHS ago.. and it's got plenty of XXX content

Starbuck was extremely excited. He’d been waiting MONTHS to tell his mother the good news, and given how often they spoke on the phone, it had been very hard for the very honest son to keep such a big secret. He told his mom just about everything. Now he could finally inform her that she was going to have a second grandchild. Kai would be thrilled. And it was going to be good for Kim to share such joyous news as well, since Starbuck knew her conversation with Ed wouldn’t be a happy one.

“I’m dialing her number right now!” Starbuck called out to Kim, who was in the kitchen, probably raiding the fridge or making tea. She did both on a regular basis.

As soon as Kai appeared on the computer screen, Starbuck smiled brightly at her. “Hey, mom.” He could see the sun still streaming into the Maui house he called home for so many years. Arranging these chats could be tricky, because of the big time difference, which was five to six hours depending on daylight saving.

Kai waved in return, happy as always to look upon her son’s face. “Is Kim joining us tonight?” Kim wasn’t always part of the frequent Skype conversations.

“Yeah, she’ll be here in just a sec.. we’ve got something to tell you.”

Kai’s interest was immediately piqued. A million thoughts sprung to mind. Were they getting married? Were they moving back to Maui? Had Ed finally gotten over his grudge? “Well then tell her to hurry up! It’s not nice to keep your mother in suspense.”

continued )
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May. 24th, 2011


Monday, December 1st, 2008

Who: Charlie and Kim (with some Starbuck at the end)
When: Monday morning, around 2am
Where: near the kitchens
What: poor Kimmy stumbles upon a drunken, coked out vampire
Warning: Mild references to suicide.

He needed to escape his life for a bit. It was getting too heavy to carry around on his shoulders. )

May. 10th, 2011


Thursday: November/27/08

Who: Starbuck, Kim, Frankie & Vinnie (plus the Vallarios & Kamea)
When: Thursday evening
Where: the Vallario home in Chicago
What: Thanksgiving!

Starbuck was STUFFED! Bianca was a talented chef. The woman managed to make a great many dishes that were vegetarian friendly, while still satisfying her meat-eating family with Thanksgiving classics. Starbuck and Kamea put a good sized dent in the spread, and it seemed Kim appreciated having a meal that included meat, since she often went without when eating with her boyfriend.

"That was fantastic, Mrs. Vallario. Thank you," he said graciously, smiling at the hostess.

She waved her hand at him in a dismissive way, but she was smiling at the compliment. "You're too sweet, Starbuck. I'm glad you liked it."

"Loved it! Thanks for making things for Kamea and I to eat."

"It was nothing, dear. Now scoot. Frankie and I will clean up." She looked to Frankie, who sighed in annoyance.

It was clear to everyone at the table that Frankie was NOT happy about being thrown into the traditional role of a Vallario woman. She didn't mind cooking, but she didn't like cleaning up afterward. Why was she expected to just because she had boobs?

Mar. 30th, 2011


Tuesday: November/4/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Tuesday night
Where: their apartment
What: soothing the pregnant beast?

Starbuck signed off AIM and turned off his laptop. He closed it gently and set it on the coffee table. Well, he'd convinced Wes to come over for dinner. But as difficult as that was, Starbuck had a feeling it would be even harder getting Kim to calm down. She was PISSED. He'd heard her ranting during the beginning of his online conversation with Wes, then she went out for a run with the dogs to blow off some steam. It seemed clear Wes wasn't going to apologize, because he didn't think he was in the wrong. Starbuck thought he was, but he was trying to find a resolution here, not stir up more drama. That meant he had to get Kim to just forget about what a dick Wes had been and play the happy hostess on Friday night. Tricky.

He waited patiently for Kim's return. When she walked through the doors, letting the dogs off their leashes, he got up from the couch. "I talked to Wes. He's coming Friday night, and we're ordering Chinese."
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Mar. 9th, 2011


Thursday: October/23/08

Who: Starbuck and Rocky
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: the infirmary
What: helping the patient

Starbuck was in the infirmary when Rocky returned to campus. She was immediately admitted to his care, and he was grateful to finally be away from prying human eyes so he could actually help her. It had been frustrating to visit her at the hospital and not be able to do anything. If only he didn't leave glowing blue handprints behind when he healed someone.

But now it didn't matter if he left evidence. Everyone at school knew the sign of Starbuck's healing hands, and they knew Rocky wasn't back to normal just yet. She needed his help. "Hey.. ready to feel better?" he asked, smiling warmly.

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