Mar. 17th, 2010


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who: Meike and Kelsey
When: Almost 9
Where: Garage, and then city
Why: Chinese food adventure

Meike arrived in the garage about a half hour after the journal convo from Kelsey's journal.  She hadn't really needed to do anything much to get ready - refresh her makeup a bit - since it didn't seem like it was going to be a crazy night out.  She wore what she had worn for work, professional gray trousers, black boots, white button up blouse, and a green cardigan.  She also grabbed her leather jacket against the cold of the evening.

Meike was really rather looking forward to this adventure.  It had been a while since she had taken her baby out for a good ride, and she looked forward to the first real adventure with her since the winter set in.  Normally, a tame evening of Chinese food wasn't something to get excited about.

As soon as she saw her "date" enter the garage, she waved to her and flashed her car's lights at her.  From outside her car.  Which was not turned on.  Certainly there were remote starts that would do that.  Hers had an alarm button that did just that.  And honked the horn.  But Meike didn't need it.  Once Kelsey was close enough to read her lips.  "So, shall we try Chinatown, or just look for a restaurant in the city?"  Chinatown might be risky at night, but Meike would be up for it.
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Mar. 5th, 2010


Thursday | April 10th 2008

Who: Belle and Kelsey
Where: Belle's office
When: Late afternoon
What: Kelsey helps Belle organize.

Kelsey arrived a little after they had spoken, toting empty file folders, a label machine, and a corkboard she had found in the closet of the main offices. When Belle opened the door to her office Kelsey offered a free hand.

"Hi, I'm Kelsey Vederi."

Kelsey loved organizing, cleaning, and well.. being anal about just about anything. She had no friends at TJS, and was unfamiliar with the area around the school. A night of organizing seemed pretty entertaining, actually.

... )
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Feb. 18th, 2010


Friday, Apr 4

Who: Meike and Kelsey

What: First meeting

Where: Library

When: Evening

Meike had been using the down time of break to work on the library's budget for subscriptions to databases, new media tech, and other various administrative business. Due to an adventure with Xander some time ago, it was often difficult to concentrate when she was in her office, and she had taken to using the circulation desk's computer when the library was at it's least busy with student traffic.

The short blond noticed an unfamiliar woman enter the library and begin browsing. After a few moments, she approached her and greeted her. "Hello. Can I help you?" Of course, it would have been helpful to know the other woman could not hear her greeting. After another failed attempt, Meike flashed the lights. Not that she walked over to the switch and flashed them. She just politely requested that they flash, and they did. It was second nature to her - whenever she couldn't get someone's attention the conventional way, she'd find an unconventional way.

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Feb. 15th, 2010


Wednesday 4/2/08

Who: Kelsey, Malakai
When: Early afternoon
Where: Copy Room
What: Malakai starts preparing for the next week of classes and runs into someone new!
Rating: PG

Malakai flipped through the book he had picked up from the library about the various types of demons and races. In class, they were finishing up a segment about frost demons and their origins, and this book had an excellent chart in it to keep the basic facts straight. Trying to be considerate, Malakai thought he'd copy the pages for the students to use as a study guide for the upcoming test.

Walking into the copy room, he glanced up from his pages to see a woman already at the copy machine. "Good afternoon," he said to her back. "Looks like I'm not the only one working over break, huh?" Malakai chuckled, marking the pages he wanted to copy with his thumb. Moving over to the nearby table, he pulled the chair out, the rubber feet squeaking on the tile as he sat and scooted back in. "I'm Malakai. I don't think we've met yet."

January 2013




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