Feb. 10th, 2012


Friday - April 3rd, 2009

Who: Jane, Trevor and NPC Seth
When: Night
Where: Danvers, NYC, Amsterdam and DC
What: The djinn kidnaps the lion cub for a night of debauchery.
Rated: NSFW

You got what you wished for. )
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Jan. 14th, 2012


Tuesday - March 24th, 2009

Who: Declan and Jane
When: Morning
Where: His shower
What: Declan gets a surprise visitor

If ye jumped into me shower, ye should know who I am. )
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Jan. 9th, 2012


Thursday March 19th 2009

Who: Riley, Godric (and later Jane)
What: Meeting and drinking and wishing
Where: Godric's office on campus
When: Early evening
Rating: TBD
Note: Completed here

What a week. Godric had stayed on campus tonight simply because he didn't feel like going home and diving headfirst into the madness that was awaiting him. Wesley was in a bit of a mess (to say the least), and not only was he going out this evening with a ver unpaletable person, but he had yet another engagement the following night. Not to mention, of course, the heartache and misery that Hope always brought into the house in one form or another. Then there was Blake, who had taken on his role of Mother a bit too well. Plus the six children had adapted nicely to their new home which meant they were behaving like children, which meant they were running around like mad people and making more noise than an insane asylum. Godric needed a break, and he needed time to brood and think withou Blake pestering him about what was wrong and mothering him and acting like such a woman about it that Godric didn't even know what to do.

So like a mature, responsible adult, he was hiding where no one would look for him and drinking a nicely aged scotch with a sensible shot glass. And he was listening to The Counting Crows, a nice morose melody (Long December to be precise) to accompany the broodfest. The music was a bit louder than he normally would play it, but he was pretty sure no one was down here at this time of night. Pretty sure.
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Nov. 9th, 2011


Monday February 16th 2009

Who: Fisher/Lily, Jane, and a ghost
What: Making wishes and making changes
Where: On campus, then to the BGH!
When: Afternoon into evening
Rating: PG 13

Fisher had been almost useless for Rez while he was sick. Sure, he could bring him soup and rub his back and put blankets on him, but because no one could see him, Fisher couldn't get real help. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't even leave the room, because when he did things went kind of black and when he came to later, he was just back in the room. Like he couldn't exist outside the realm of Rez's brain. What if Rez had needed someone right away, what if he had been dying, like really dying? Fisher would have been useless. He couldn't take it any more. There had to be something he could do.

Don't be such a wuss. I can see you, so you're real enough. )
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Jun. 6th, 2011


Friday - December 5th, 2008

Who: Devon, Jack and Jane
When: Night
Where: Godric's Study - BGH
What: Devon's left with a sitter and stumbles upon some serious magic.

The adults were all gone to a wedding but Devon hadn't gone. He hadn't wanted to go. So he was at home, or at the home he was staying in with his Daddy Will for the moment, with a babysitter. His daddy was in New York and everyone else had gone to the wedding too so there really wasn't any other choice. The sitter was nice though, and she was pretty, but she got distracted easily once she realized that there was wi-fi available in the house. She was playing around on a notebook computer as Devon went wandering around the house, following Jack around.

"We're not supposed to go in that room," Devon warned Jack once they'd come across the room he knew to be Godric's study. But that didn't stop the spirit from making her way inside. Seconds later, there was the distinct sound of a click and the door started to creak open. Jack rarely ever manifested to the point of being able to impact things physically, but she was capable, as Devon well knew. And though he knew he shouldn't do it, he went inside, closing the door soft behind him.

"What is it, Jack?" The spirit was hovering, trying to draw his attention to a beautiful bottle that sat on top of a tall bookcase. Devon strained to climb up it and retrieve it, nearly dropping it in the process though he managed to keep it in his hands. He climbed back down and then took a seat in the floor, looking it over with a slight frown pursing his lips.

"It's pretty," Devon remarked, turning the bottle over in his small hands. He then looked at Jack with a brow quirked as she spoke to him. "What do you mean?" He glanced back at the bottle, even more curious about it now. How could a bottle hold magic? He rubbed it, just like she said to do, and the bottle started to smoke. Devon tossed it down and jumped up to his feet, backing quickly away.

She was a little bit uncomfortable with the idea but, as a genie, she was bound to grant the desire of whoever woke her. )
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Oct. 9th, 2009


Sunday 1/27/08

Who: Jane and Godric
What: An opportunistic meeting
Where: Hallways of the staff dorms
When: Sunday Evening
Rating: R for crude language

They had put him in an empty dorm room. He didn't know where he lived, none of the security people knew where he lived, and evidently it was better if he stayed at the school until this curse or whatever was over. Unfortunately his new room was vacant and he didn't know how the whole 'television' thing worked and it weirded him out a little anyway. But at least he could shower, and that was a plus.

Since there was nothing to do in his apartment, Godric spent a lot of time walking. Tonight he was meandering the halls of the staff building, barefoot as usual and in his tee shirt and jeans. He was walking down the stairwell from the top floor, hands in his pockets, when suddenly a woman came from the bottom floor and started up. She looked so familiar to him, which was quite a rarity. Hopping up on the metal banister, Godric slid down three floors, flying gracefully off the end and landing in the woman's path. A slow, small smile crept over his lips. "Juliet," he said smoothly.
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Sep. 26th, 2009


Sunday 1/20/08

Who: Jane and Simon
What: Starting this whole mess
Where: In front of the student dorms (The Blast Zone)
When: Sunday night, 6:30pm
Rating: Undecided

It was shortly after dinner when Simon decided it was now or never. He couldn't take another night of dreaming about Cissy's face, about remembering her kiss and almost feeling guilty for everything he'd done with Ophelia not just because it was wrong to do, but because he felt unfaithful to his old girlfriend. Cissy had been his first love, and he knew that first love never really died, but it shouldn't have to hurt this much.

Wrapping himself in his winter coat (which thankfully had been too long last year so it just fit perfectly now), Simon walked outside to the front of the dorm building, away from everyone. He hadn't told Ophelia what he was doing because he knew she'd want to stop him, because magic was dangerous and there had to be a better way. But he couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't stand hurting this much. He had written Cissy one last email, one last goodbye before he was going to do something drastic.

Standing out front in the cold, Simon hugged himself to keep warm (he really hated this cold). He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, speaking one word softly.

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Aug. 31st, 2009


Friday 1/12/08

Who: Simon and Jane
What: Suprise date-like outing!
When: Friday night
Where: Starting at Jane's apartment
Rating: PG most likely

It was a good week. Classes were okay, but Simon had music this semester and he was very excited about his new band with Ophelia. And best of all, his mom was doibng a lot better than he had expected. he could write her letters now. Letters! And maybe she would write back! Just the thought of something going back to the way it was, some kind of normalcy coming back into his life... it was wonderful.

So he was going to do something impulsive. Simon had been doing a lot of impulsive things lately. He'd gotten drunk and made out with a lesbian, gone to a college party (and lived through the crazy aftermath)... so much wildness! And it would continue. He was in the staff building now, having done a little cyber snooping and now he knew where Jane lived. So he was going to suprise her.

He was well dressed, having gotten some handsome new jeans and shirts from AE (thank you James). Simon knocked on her apartment door, feeling confident and excited. He was fidgety, though, so when Jane opened the door he was tapping his toes on the floor. "Hello," he grinned, hands in his pockets. "Wanna come out with me tonight?"
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May. 23rd, 2009


Wednesday, 11/7/07

Who: Jane and Simon
When: Night
Where: The kitchen
What: Baking cookies! And no, that's not code for something else... yet.

Still think I'm so out of your league? )
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May. 19th, 2009


Wednesday, 11/7/07

Who: Simon and Jane
What: Lunchtime meeting
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: G

Simon was thinking about Cissy. It wasn't an unusual occurance. He thought about her a lot. Today, though, he was wondering how she was coping with her friend in the hospital. She cared about Fisher a lot, and he knew it was probably killing her. But she wasn't in school this week, so even if he wanted to say something to her he couldn't. But he didn't know if he could talk to her anyway.

It was pretty dead in the cafeteria today, not unusual for the midweek. By now people often were either ordering in because two days of cafeteria food was making them crave flavor, or they were too busy with assignments to bother eating lunch. Simon liked cafeteria food. It was plentiful, cheap, and lately someone in the kitchen had learned to use spices. He was browsing through a textbook and having a sandwich when someone caught his eye. She was tall, limber, and unbelieveably sexy.

Simon looked up, following the woman with his eyes. She was coming out of the kitchen and walking across the floor. "Jane!" he said, finally placing a name to the face. It was the woman he'd played pool with at the bar! Wow, what were the odds he would see her here... at the school... where she obviously worked. Oh, no! All the color ran from his face. Shoot! He had snuck out and had gone drinking, and he was definitely not old enough to do either of those things, and now he was totally caught. He slumped low in his chair, hoping against hope that she hadn't heard him.
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May. 9th, 2009


Wednesday - 10/31/07

[save spot!]
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January 2013




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