Apr. 8th, 2012


Thursday April 30th, 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico
What: A surprise.
Where: Outside the outdoor pool
When: Just after sunset
Rating: TBD

Go outside to the pool. I have a surprise for you.

That's all the note that Lyle left on the table said. He knew Nico wasn't big on surprises, but... well too bad. This was a good one. He was pretty sure there wouldn't be a complaint, since this surprise was wicked sweet and it wasn't crowding up the apartment. And it was fun! And as much as Nico liked to sulk and scowl and "be busy", Lyle knew that he wasn't opposed to fun. It kind of sucked, though, that it had to stay outside so Lyle could only use it at night, but that was better than never he supposed. The grounds staff had seemed a little less than thrilled by its presence, but that didn't deter Lyle any.

Now if only Nico would hurry up and get there. Sitting on the edge, Lyle swung his feet and waited as patiently as possible. Finally, when he saw his roommate, a huge grin spread over his face. "I wanted it!" he declared, standing up on his sweet new trampoline. "And I thought, who deserves a trampoline? My boy. So I got you a trampoline. Come bounce with me, it's wicked fun!"
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Jan. 25th, 2012


Friday: March/27/09

Who: Frankie and Nico
When: Friday morning
Where: the greenhouse on campus
What: awkwardsauce!

Frankie loved Fridays. Her only class was track, and while it was in the morning (waaay too early), she loved running. It helped her start the day on a good note, and she often followed up with a trip to the greenhouse with a book and portable breakfast in hand. Today was just like that. After a good hour of running, she headed for her favorite spot in the greenhouse.

While water and Frankie didn't quite mix, she liked the sound it made while trickling through the little koi pond. She thought it was fantastic that Nox had built this greenhouse for his daughter. It was a magical sort of place even though it involved no actual magic at all. Nature in itself was magical. The building was warm and filled with all sorts of colors that helped her forget it was winter.

She plopped down on the bench she liked to think of as her own and pulled up her feet, opening her book at the same time to pick up where she'd left off last night. Frankie was such a sucker for cheesy romance novels. It pulled her in immediately, making her deaf and blind to the world around her.
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Jan. 14th, 2012


Monday - March 23rd, 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico
When: Morning
Where: Their apartment
What: Affection
Rated: NSFW

In progress )
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Nov. 21st, 2011


Wednesday February 25th 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
What: A date and discussions
Where: Boston
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

Lyle had taken Nico to Bistro du Midi, a little French place in the heart of Boston with excellent wine and really decent food. Lyle had ordered everything in flawless french, which had confused the waiter and made the vampire laugh. He wanted this night to be fun, because he honestly didn't know how Nico would accept what he was going to say to him. It could go either way. On the one hand, Nico might not care and say he was perfectly fine with everything, and life would simply go on as it had before. Or he could not like it whatsoever, and then they'd have a problem. Lyle was really, really hoping there wouldn't be a problem.

It wasn't until after the dinner plates had been cleared away, and they had been left to debate over dessert, that Lyle decided he wanted to bring up The Discussion. He knew he shouldn't have been looking at it as such a big deal, because if he didn't think or act like it was a big deal, it wouldn't be. "So," he said casually, swirling the dregs in the bottom of his wine glass (his third). "I guess now is as good a time as any to get to the ulterior motive, hm?"
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Nov. 8th, 2011


Monday - February 16th, 2009

Who: Lyle, Nico and Fisher
When: Afternoon
Where: The apartment
What: Nico rises from the dead

It was Monday afternoon before Nico finally felt like moving. He managed to amble his way to the bathroom on his own and relieve himself before he turned his nose up at his own stench and peeled off his clothes to climb into a hot shower. He stayed until the water was cold before he finally climbed out, dried off, and tugged on a pair of clean pajama pants for what felt like the first time in forever.

Nico was still a bit uneven on his feet as he made his way down the hallway where he could hear the soft sound of the television playing. When he arrived, he found Lyle sitting on the sofa with some dark-haired guy that he was sure he should recognize, but didn't. The last little while was pretty hazy and the day before was no exception.

"Hey," he said in a soft voice, still strained from having been ill so long but stronger than it had been for a while. Eying Fisher, he looked at Lyle and signed, Who's he? Of course no sooner had he asked the question then it finally came to him, like some sort of fever dream that hadn't really happened. "Wait," he said, shaking his head. "Never mind. I remember. Handy with a needle."
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Nov. 4th, 2011


Sunday February 15th 2009

Who: Lyle, Fisher, Ingrid and Nico
What: Getting cured
Where: Nico and Lyle's apartment
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG 13

It had been days since Fisher had been trying to get to his brother, and even though he'd barely slept at all, he felt completely alert. There were three needles clutched in his hand, three doses of antidote for the three people apparently living in his old apartment. Three people (one of them his straight brother's fucking boyfriend) that were dying of whatever sickness was going on in there. Fisher's stride was long and quick as he moved, and since he still had a key to the place, he walked in without knocking.

The last person Lyle had expected to see stride into his apartment uninvited was his brother. )

Oct. 25th, 2011


Wednesday - February 11th, 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
When: Early morning
Where: Nico's bed
What: Nico has a coherent moment

I'm not going to leave you. )
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Oct. 16th, 2011


Friday - February 6th, 2009

Who: Nico, Ingrid, then Lyle
What: Confrontations and the onslaught of illness
When: Evening
Where: The apartment

Since Lyle was not currently in the apartment as he had gone to get a few things from the main building because they were snowed in and couldn't get out to the stores, Nico decided that it was as good a time as any to have a conversation with Ingrid that had been nagging at the back of his mind for days. So he found her sitting on the sofa, surfing through the various channels, a frown clearly etched upon her face, and he took a seat next to her and was, for the moment, ignored.

"You know you can't do that to him," Nico said after a moment, and Ingrid looked over at him with a brow arched slightly. "I know what you've been thinking about, I can feel it. And you're not going to do that to him." A glare was received in response to those words and she focused her gaze back on the television, jaw set.

I will chain you up in a fucking windowless basement if I have to, and don't think that I won't. )
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Oct. 7th, 2011


Sunday February 1st 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico (and probs Ingrid)
What: Whatever
Where: Their apartment
When: Sunday morning
Rating: PG (as far as I know)

Life had been somewhat tense in Lyle's apartment since The Night. Ingrid was still kind of miffed that he talked to Nico and not her, and also that Lyle was being a little bit dickish about his unwillingness to forgive and forget properly. He couldn't blame her for that. It was harder to just let go with Ingrid, because she meant so much to him and he loved having her close but at the same time he hated having her around. It brought forth a great internal conflict Lyle was having trouble balancing. And Nico, clearly trying to keep the peace, just stayed quiet and did what needed doing and tried staying out of his vampire roommates way. Which of course made Lyle feel a little guilty, and it made him worry that Nico would just move out on him one of these days.

It was thoughts like this, and similar ones, that had Lyle up and about very early on Sunday, even awake before Nico for once. Lyle could have gone outside and stood on the front lawn and not fear burning, that's how early it was. But since it was so early and he had nothing to do, he decided to cook- first starting a batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch, and while those were baking whipping up a quiche for Nico when he got up. And while he worked, he smoked a joint from the Canada stuff Ingrid had brought him, and he did something that most people had never heard him do before- he sang.

"Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong
You're enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh so sad, so quiet..."

It was quiet, low and smooth, his voice full and rich and deep. It wasn't loud enough to wake anyone, but certainly loud enough to be heard by those already stirred from their slumber.
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Sep. 25th, 2011


Friday - January 30th, 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
When: Evening
Where: Boston
What: A "date"

Nico was actually pretty excited about planning tonight once he had had an idea of what he wanted to do and had found something precisely along those lines going on in Boston that evening. Lyle had made their last night out so wonderful that Nico wanted to do the same, he wanted to show Lyle that he got him too and he had a feeling that what he had planned for tonight was going to do exactly that.

By the time he had made it back to the apartment to get ready for the night out, Lyle was already there. He was all grins as he remarked, "Pardon me, but I have to get ready for a date." He then proceeded to ignore Lyle and Ingrid both and go about the business of getting ready for the evening out which consisted of taking a shower, shaving, and finding something to wear.

It didn't take Nico all that long to accomplish everything he needed to do prior to heading out and he hoped that the fact that he was getting ready would clue Lyle in on the fact that he needed to be ready too so they could make it to the place they were going on time. When he came out about an hour later all refreshed and ready to go, he was ready to go. He had already checked his pockets to make sure he had everything and had arranged for a cab to pick them up because, well, he didn't have a license and he didn't want Lyle to have to drive. It was actually nice having money to do that sort of thing even if he only had it because Lyle paid him.
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Sep. 20th, 2011


Thursday - January 29th, 2009

Who: Nico, Ingrid and Lyle
When: Night
Where: Lyle and Nico's apartment
What: Nico experiences a home invasion.

Nico felt a bit uncertain about answering the door when he heard the knock upon it. Lyle was out and he was sure it was for him but... Well he did live here now, right? It could have been a customer or a test subject or something so he got up from the sofa to answer it, glancing toward the grow room to ensure the door was closed beforehand.

"Can I help you?" He asked the small brunette on the other side.

"You're not Lyle." She looked confused or possibly annoyed.

"No, I'm not. He's out."

A frown pursed the woman's lips for an instant before she asked. "So who the fuck are you?" Meanwhile she was hoisting up an old guitar case and making her way into the apartment without an invitation.

"I'm Lyle's.. er.. Nico." He was a bit taken aback by her brashness, having to jump aside to avoid being touched by her as she invited herself in. "Who are you? Can I help you with something?

"What the fuck kind of name is Nico?" The case was sat in the floor near the sofa as she regarded the place with a quick look around. "Ingrid. Is that his room?" She pointed toward a door.

"The name my mother gave me." He paused, scowling slightly. "No, it's not."

"Down the hall then?" Ingrid asked, not waiting for him to answer before she headed down the hallway and left Nico standing in the living room confused.

"Lyle's out. He should.. be back later." What the hell was wrong with this woman? She wasn't paying any attention to him, it would see, and he took a few steps toward the hall to see what she was doing just in time to see her cross the hallway in the nude to head into the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" He practically growled when he heard the shower start. Who the hell was she and why was she here? He was tense as he took a seat on the sofa, listening for the slightest sound, the minutes passing by infuriatingly slow before he finally heard the water turn off. Soon after, he heard the door, and Nico was on his feet once more.

"I think you should go," He called down the hall after her, but she simply headed into Lyle's room and closed the door behind her, saying not another word to him.

"Fuck," Nico looked around like there would be some answer peering out to him and then he saw it on the coffee table. Crossing over to grab the cellphone, he shot a quick text to Lyle. Somethings up. Get back here ASAP. He then sat on the sofa and waited, senses keenly tuned in for the slightest sound from the other room but he heard nothing.
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Sep. 14th, 2011


Thursday January 22nd 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico
What: A date
Where: Starting on campus, then the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard
When: 7pm
Rating: PG 13

Promptly at seven, Lyle was at Nico's door, knocking. He was actually a little excited about tonight. It was weird to have a date with a guy, but it was fun to be planning one. It had been awhile since he had been on a date with someone, or had had any interest in dating someone. And while this wasn't really romantic, at least not emotionally, he was pretty damn confident that if he were actually trying to woo Nico, he could do it. Lyle had always been good at dating. And tonight was going to be fun, even if it wasn't romantically charged. He was dressed casually, because there was no point in putting in too much effort, and it would've been wasted on where they were going anyway.

When the door finally opened, the vampire grinned, giving the other man's attire a once-over. He looked pretty good actually, though it was really obvious that his clothing was second hand. It made Lyle's heart wrench a little bit. Obviously, they would need to go shopping sometime in the future, because no one would believe that Lyle would let his "boyfriend" wear thrift store jeans unless he really, really wanted to. But not a word (vocal or otherwise) was said about it. Instead, Lyle held out his hand, offering his boquet of flowers, as requested, and grinning.
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Aug. 7th, 2011


Tuesday - January 6th, 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
When: Afternoon
Where: Student Art Gallery then Lyle's Apartment
What: Deals are made

Deciding that he needed to get out of the apartment more, because Nox lived two doors down and he was probably going to be banging down the door unless Lyle made some kind of effort to socialize, the young vampire was wandering himself around campus to the various places he had never been. Some places, he hadn't gone to for good reason- they were boring as fuck. But some were okay, like the pump house in back (apparently teenagers thought this was an awesome makeout place) and the weird little art gallery that was stuck down a random hallway in the educational building. Some of the stuff was crap, really flowery and overly perfect and obviously done by amateurs. But one thing in particular, a very odd house on a spoon, caught Lyle's eye. It was weird. Really weird. And he liked weird these days.
He'd definitely had worse dates before. )
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May. 7th, 2011


Sunday November 23rd 2008

Who: Blue and Nico
What: Meet and Greet
Where: Nico's room
When: Sometime
Rating: Probably PG 13 for language

Blue had been so down lately. It had become very apparent that Jason, as a friend, was gone. There was no getting it back. How could she? She couldn't even look at him and not be sad, and she couldn't be around him and not know that he would rather be around Cassie. And Tiger was spending all his time with Cissy and playing daddy and he didn't do the fun things that he used to do. It was starting to seem pointless to stay in this place.

But! She had met a new boy, and he said he was "odd" but she didn't think he was very odd so far. He just seemed kind of shy, and Blue liked shy boys because they were the ones who blushed the most and that was very cute. So she got herself dressed in a sort of 'welcome to TJS' outfit, brushed her hair, and went next door. How exciting! If he was nice, she wouldn't have to go far to visit him.

As instructed, she knocked on the door, then let herself in. "Hello!" she chirped brightly, making herself comfortable by hopping up onto his bed. "I'm Blue. From the internet. Also next door!"
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January 2013




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