Feb. 7th, 2009


Saturday 9/22/07

Who: Cole, Hunter, Shizuka, Zevira
When: All day long
Where: Boston center
What: New friends take a trip into the city

This was amazing. Breath-takingly so. Driving into the city had been magical enough for Zevira. Pink eyes looked in awe at the tall buildings and bridges, most of the highway newly built. The ports were beautiful, the water dark and crisp in the cool September day. Birds flew by, mostly ducks or goose, and the hundreds of cars on the road going North or South were distracting to the Gemman. This was magical, and that was only the drive.

When they had climbed out of the car, the pink haired youth got her first smell of city and smog, dirt, grime, and stale gas. It was something she accepted and would forever remember that scent as "Boston." Sighing, she finally slipped off of the backseat and let her sneakered feet touch the old pavement of the parking garage. There was no one around, not that she could see, but camera's lurked everywhere in Boston. As she got down her fingers adjusted the pale purple scarf of silk around her face until she looked like a young woman from India with only her eyes visible above the bridge of her nose where the scarf stopped.

That Was When I Ruled The World )

Feb. 4th, 2009


Thursday 9/20/07

Who: Cole and Shizuka
Where: Just around the art classroom
When: Thursday, after Beginner's Art
What: A bump and a chat

The teacher was sort of hot, but art was sort of boring. It felt like more school, but what did he expect? The syllabus was shoved in his notebook with a few doodles he did while waiting. Do some art over the weekend? Well, yeah, sure, he could do something, but what? He could make Hunter sit still long enough and draw him or go sit outside and draw up something there. Cole was a crappy artist, but he tried and it's something he liked doing usually, so he might as well do it there he figured.

Blades in an hour would be cool. Hunter hates it, but Cole decided he was just scared of being a pin cushion. That was going to be awesome though. Besides, if he did get hurt then hunter could heal him and if he hurt someone else he'd just heal them instead. This would be perfect. Of course, all these nice thoughts of using pointy objects distracted Cole and he found himself to be the last out of the classroom. He swore and stood, hurrying out. She probably had another class and who knew what would be coming in from that. He'd just gone out of the door when he slammed right into someone.

"Watch it," Cole grunted, always the polite young man. "Uh, I mean sorry. You okay?"
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Feb. 2nd, 2009


Monday 9/17/07

Who: Cole, Zevira
When: Monday night (around 8?)
Where: Campus grounds
What: They take a walk.

It was a pretty nice evening. Zevira smiled softly, if not a little worriedly, as she shut her laptop quietly. She didn't want to bug Cassie going in or out of their dorm, but felt restless and had to take a walk. After finishing her conversation with Cole, who she thought seemed like a very nice person, she left the room in silence. Her sneakers were carried in one hand, her keys being stuffed into the pocket of her jeans. They were one of her favorite pair. Faded blue over the thighs and knees, but mostly dark blue along the side. She had patches stitched on over the rear pockets, the patterns matching but being entirely different. The knees had cuts in them, ones she had surged so they didn't fray and look horribly ugly like most torn jeans did. You could see one of the gems on her right knee when she walked just a certain way.

Her sweater was fitted, but loose enough it wasn't snug around the middle. It sort of looked like a rainbow had thrown up, only because Zevira knew style, she could pull it off. A hood was drawn up around her head to hide her hair, but she chose to leave behind her usual gloves and scarf. A bad idea considering it was chilly out. At least the cold was particularly nice this time of year, not like in the winter.

At the end of the hall to the female dorm where she waited for Cole to turn up. The feeling of waiting for a boy to show up, even one who would be a friend, was a new one on her. It felt strange, but nice. Zevira smiled and glanced around at the rather empty halls while fitting her hands into her rear pockets and turning her back on both halls completely, taking a few steps away. She hummed, because there was something lonely about standing there by herself, and it was a cute song. However, she was by no means good.
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January 2013




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