Feb. 13th, 2010


Sunday 3/30/08

Who: Angel, Malakai
When: 7PM
Where: Laundry Room
What: Angel is dancing to some music while in the laundry room without realizing she has company.
Rating: PG?

Prior to visiting the laundry room, Angelina had separated her laundry into blacks, whites, and colors. Not that she had many blacks, but she had enough that she felt they could have their own wash apart from the other two. Black was such a dark color (duh) and just didn't suit her. If she wore it, typically it was in the form of slacks or a skirt, leggings, or undergarments. Angel liked her brighter and whiter clothing. She had mostly whites, of course, but she had nearly as many colors. Squatting down in front of one of three open washers, the half-angel carefully put in one item by one, making sure they were separated and not bunched into balls. She couldn't STAND when that happened.

It made them so wrinkling and didn't always get them clean like she liked.

Across the room she heard the buzzer of her dryer go off. She had timed this perfectly! With a smile after glancing at the square machine, she finished loading the washer, put in the soap, and set it for delicates. Her whites, even blouses, practically were delicates anyway. Moving across the room, hips swaying to the song she slowly began to sing more confidently as time passed, she pulled her blacks from the dryer and let them fall into her basket. At the nearest surface she began to fold them--may as well while they're hot.


Sunday 3/30/08

Who: Daigo, Katie
Where: Hawaii
When: 3pm

Insert Hawaii-esue music here )
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Jan. 1st, 2010


Saturday - March 8th, 2008

Who: Dizzy and Rez
When: Night
Where: Dizzy's room
What: The Candy Man Can

Ugh. He felt like hell today. Who knew that a little guy like Fisher could cause so much fucking damage. There wasn't a damn inch of his body that wasn't aching. And he looked the part too. He had fucking bite marks and scratch marks and bruises all over his damn self. He was also coming down from a coke high which was never fun, though he was about to remedy that apparently. They'd done a number on the bag last night, but there was still enough that he and Dizzy could get pretty fucked up. And if that didn't do it on its own, he had a bottle of jack in one of the pockets of his baggy jeans. If he got caught, he was going to be screwed.

Fortunately for him, Rez made it to her room undetected. He gave a quick knock, just to let her know he was there, before he turned the knob and let himself in, not wanting to wait around in the hall all night. "Sup?" He asked, a hand moving to take the bottle out of his pocket while the other tugged his baggy jeans up a little further on his hips. He then pulled out the baggy, frowning a little at how light it felt, and held it out for her to take before he collapsed back onto her bed.

"You can cut it." He was too fucking tired. Of course, after a couple of lines, he might not be so damn tired anymore. Wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't injured himself on Thursday. And also if he hadn't been getting fucked up every single day this week. He was quickly falling back into old habits but... He just couldn't bring himself to fucking care about that no more.
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Jul. 24th, 2009


Daigo is being a good Oniichan

Who: Daigo and Damien
When: Friday, late evening
Where: Some bar in the nearby city.
What: Damien delibrately broke a promise to Daigo and sneaked into a bar with a fake id he illusioned. Now, the kitsune has to do the walk of shame home.
Rating: PG for alcohol involved but may get more so

Never tell a kitsune not to do something. They'll do it anyway. )
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January 2013




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