Apr. 20th, 2009


Tuesday - 10/23/07

Who: Kim and Edyn
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Their room
What: The roommates finally get to chat.

Kim got to leave her last class early because she finished her exam quickly, so she had some time to spare before baseball. It would certainly be nice to sit down for a few minutes and just take a breather. She felt like she barely had a second of rest lately. She was always running around all over the place, whether it was to and from classes, to the gym, to sports or to Starbuck’s room. And whenever she was in her room, she was focusing on homework and pretty much passed out once she was done. There had been barely anytime for her to get to know her new roommate. If it hadn’t been for Starbuck talking to Edyn, Kim still wouldn’t have known that she was an empath.

Heading back to her room, she went to go unlock the door, but realized it already was. Upon opening the door, she saw Edyn inside. Guess maybe she was the one that had left it like that. Closing the door behind her, Kim nodded and muttered a greeting to the other girl. Walking over to her desk, she settled down her bookbag and checked her emails.

Once she was done with that, Kim pondered the thought that there had been barely anytime for her to get to know her new roommate. If it hadn’t been for Starbuck talking to Edyn, Kim still wouldn’t have known that she was an empath. Since she had some extra time right now, maybe she could get to know the other girl. “So, how’ve you been adjusting to TJS?”
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