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May. 21st, 2013


[Public, posted Anon]

[The entry comes again in the late night/early morning, with no name, but the same style of drawing that has shown up before. It's a picture of a cat, not Cat from Wonderland, but a simple cat. A kitten, actually, curled around itself, looking like it's cradled by an expanse of bedsheets and soft comforters. It's a kitten that might be familiar to some that lived in Seattle years ago. The drawing was actually meant to go in a different sketchbook, but he grabbed the closest thing to hand, which happened to be the journal.]


[Left for Neil D with the rest of his mail at the Aria front desk: a box full of cookies of a bunch of varieties. Note reads simply 'thank you, Ella']

May. 19th, 2013



[As Preston R.]

So far, not one of my belongings has managed to make it through the moving process in one piece. I should have just gone for all new.

May. 18th, 2013



It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the few meetings I had scheduled have completed, and I am left with an open schedule for once.

It's strange, having this free time after months of being busy.

May. 17th, 2013


[Public, accidentally so.]

[Toby's writing is sharp and pointed with a heavy hand, angry.]

You authorized her doctors to change her medications?! To something experimental? Without talking to me?

May. 15th, 2013


[After this]

Did someone take her? I dreamed someone might but she's gone and if it's been two weeks it might be someone or she might be gone and they won't give her back and please, if you took her, tell me?

May. 3rd, 2013


So about how long do y'all spend through the door? How y'all manage jobs and life things with someone else's life going on?

Apr. 29th, 2013



If I say I'm bored will I also get entertainment gift baskets?

[And pause.]

Listen. Um... I forget what name you're using right now. But John's son, you know who you are. Your brother is in here starting to make up his own punchlines and you might need to call and say what's up. If you have ten seconds.

Apr. 26th, 2013


[Public, as Mouse]

Feed your head?
I said no such thing.
What nonsense.
Whatever does it even mean?


[After judicious reading first]

Wish they were giving away free books this nice back when I needed em. It's real fancy but I don't know how much use it'll be if you can't even order pizza from em.

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