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Sep. 6th, 2012


Arthur, Ariadne, Eames, Chris R

[Locked to Arthur, Ariadne, Eames, and Chris R.]

Meet Chris, he's going to be with us on the next job.

Sep. 1st, 2012



Looking for an Arthur. Know that doesn't narrow much but it's what I have. Know any?

Aug. 31st, 2012


micah c

[Locked: Micah C/Bianca S]

Want the good news or the bad news first?

Aug. 29th, 2012


So, I attended the Republican National Convention this week. That was certainly a shitshow interesting. As a (rare, Democrat) guest of some old friends, I had the good fortune to be invited to this year's HomoCon, which is a party for gay Republicans put on by GOProud (I know, clever right? Even Republican gays are more creative than their hetero counterparts.) As a [...] straight, Democrat attendee I was obviously there as more of an ambassador, but it was great to see some familiar faces and I even got a disco ball keychain for my daughter. I also got to spend some time with my father during the RNC, and although he still hasn't quite forgiven me for turning out liberal, a box of cigars seemed to help him forget for a few days.

What are some other effective methods you use to help your parents forget about how they're supposed to be disappointed in you?

Aug. 28th, 2012


[PUBLIC, Very very public.]

Cut for pictures )

ETA: Everything but the top picture is removed and a line at the bottom saying, "Isn't he cute?"

Aug. 27th, 2012


micah c, andrew m, public

[Locked: Micah C/Bianca S]

Have you settled your living situation?

[Text: Andrew M/Bianca S]

I miss you.

After talking to Micah
[Public; excluding Micah C]

Does anyone know what happened to the piano player that used to play at this jazz club on the strip? Micah is his name, I think. I haven't seen him around in a while.


cory h/arthur

[After trying to figure out what Louis' message was about and discovering what happened to Evan.]

[Locked: Cory H/Arthur]

Evan's in jail again.  Don't know what that means for Eames.

Aug. 26th, 2012


[locked to bianca s, tess a, sam a, alexis k]

[After news of this.]

[locked to bianca s]

I hope it brought you something, what you did to him. Comfort. Closure. I hope it meant something to you.

I won't be contacting you again. Enjoy your life. Others have paid a dear cost so you might live it with a free heart.

[locked to tess a]

I hired you, I believe, to work with me. Starting Monday, I'll have six new cases to investigate. Come at 10, dress as you like. I need you to take care of some paperwork for me. If that's acceptable?

[locked to alexis k]

Are your services still available to me, or is that off the table now that we're friends? If not, I'd appreciate it if you could recommend someone discreet and pleasant.

[locked to sam a]

you were right you get to say I told you so you get to fucking scold me i bet you're shaking your head right now, watching the news report and telling neil what an idiot I was [Not sent.]

Aug. 20th, 2012


public, catwoman


I'm going to enjoy this last week before classes start again, even if I am glad I'll have something to do. Is anyone else starting up again soon?

[Private: Catwoman]

So my shrink says I need to talk to someone Haven't talked to you in a while.  Things have been [...] a little crazy. How're you doing?

Aug. 10th, 2012



Hint: Politics

[A hand-drawn hangman game. So far:

a flat scaffold for the doomed man to mount, and the vertical structure to hold him up. The vertical structure is now taller, and the scaffold is nearly complete with a horizontal bar out to the right.

Now the hangman's head (only slightly lopsided), and his stick body float in white space. And one leg... and two... And now his left arm. How unfortunate..

And his right. The hangman swings. With a magical sombrero atop his head.]

_H__ _A__ _R__ ___ ___ _A__ _L__ _L__

Discard: O P E I U S X T N Q M C Z

Aug. 9th, 2012



[As Dallas S.]

Is there any sort of official consensus on how this thing works yet? I mean, can anyone on the planet read this right now? Is it just limited to people who might be going loony can hear another person talking in their heads? Shit, I probably shouldn't even be writing this at all

I'm just wondering how secure it is. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if there's even a chance that the everyday citizens of Las Vegas can read this... if there's no security, or no assurance thereof... then what would be the point? I would enjoy a forum full of people who can answer my ponderings, but not if it's going to get my name associated with this mess for anyone to find.

Not that this is the time or place for twenty questions, but I'd certainly appreciate some answers. Isn't there anyone in charge around here? Authority figures are always comforting

Aug. 5th, 2012


Jules S, Ethan C, Bianca S

[While still in the hospital, passed off as 'journaling']

[Locked to Jules S]

Just checking in with you. I do hope that you are doing well.


[Locked to Ethan C]

I get out on Tuesday if everything progresses as it has been.

Thank you, for your help.

[Locked to Bianca S]

I wanted to apologise for the near-silence as of late. I hope you are faring well.

Aug. 1st, 2012


aubrey r, jack r, cory h, andrew m/peggy c

[Text: Aubrey R/Bianca S]

Tell me I shouldn't open Andrew's a bottle of vodka.

[Call: Jack R/Bianca S]

Ring, Ring

[Locked: Andrew M/Peggy C/Bianca S]

Where are you?

[Locked: Cory H/Bianca S]

You're okay? Ariadne said

Jul. 31st, 2012


Cobb, Arthur, Eames

[Group Lock]
From Bianca S, but written in Ariadne's hand, by Thursday, July 26 after Mr Simon's been seen on the news on behalf of Andrew.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to check in lately. I hope trust everyone is okay?

Jul. 30th, 2012


peggy c

A few hours after this, Sunday (July 22)

[Locked: Peggy C/Bianca S]

[Her handwriting is slow and shaky, spelling mistakes crossed out, etc.]

Peggy? I jus t just got Andrews mesa messae message.  Is he oak okay? What hapen happened? The message was jumbled.

Jul. 27th, 2012



Yeah, like this is going to work I've got to try

I'm looking for a girl young woman in a glass house.

Jul. 26th, 2012



[Written a bit shakily about an hour following this.]


Tequlia tastes funny with chiken low mein.
Tags: ,


[Locked to Cobb and Ariadne]

[En route in Paris, somewhat sloppier than his usual writing.]

Reassessing, dream less likely but still slim possibility. Stay alert. - A.

Jul. 20th, 2012



[After making sure that the top does not continue spinning.]

It's not a dream.

Jul. 18th, 2012


[Posted around Passages]

[The flier is simple, posted on several of the lower floors of the Passages Hotel]

Piano Lessons
call [number] for more information

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