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Jun. 21st, 2013


[Public, posted Anon]

[Later in the day after this, once he's back through the door and home. Posted anonymous!]

Looking for a kid that likes to cry in hotels.

Jun. 17th, 2013



Should I be worried that this book seems to be dripping blood?


Amanda B care of Max M

Left at the front desk )

Jun. 16th, 2013




[After a glass or two of whiskey.] Dont seem right, the whole world reminding folks of things they dont feel like remembering.

Jun. 12th, 2013



[After returning to a dishevled home with an unlocked door, and nobody inside. Forgetting to make private, or just searching wide.]


Jun. 9th, 2013


Public, Iris R, Ella D, Cerise S


Sunday evening, a bottle of wine, a warm desert evening.

It's not quite perfection, but it ventures close.

How is everyone else this lovely evening?

[Locked to Iris R]

I'm sure that you have noticed, but there is a young woman who will be helping keep house. Her name is Ella, and she has a small child as well, so do not be alarmed if you run into her. Also, another young woman will be staying with me for the near future. Cerise. She has been going through some issues, and I am attempting to help her. I just wanted you to know.

[Locked to Ella D]

I have two young women who will be staying with me. Neither of them should give you any problems, but I thought you should know.

[Locked to Cerise S]

How are you feeling, Cerise?

Jun. 5th, 2013


[Preston R, Ella D, Laura D]

[Locked to Preston R]
How's your ass feeling, HQ?

[Locked to Ella D]
I have Amanda coming into town soon. Lunch might be nice.

[Left on the kitchen counter for Laura D]
[Burnt toast on a plate, along with a note.] I saved you the trouble.

Jun. 2nd, 2013



There's a lot of people out here with the same names, lot of people who got folks in the same situation. How many of y'all have families who have doors as well? Do y'all know who they got?



Would you call this bit of...I don't know if it's technology or magic or what the fuck. This bit of a thing more of a weird "I have a voice in my head" version of facebook or a blogging site? Or maybe some sort of newsletter? "Newsflash: Girl freshly arrived in Las Vegas develops headaches and a snarky British voice in her head. May or may not be going insane."

Personally, I'd like the classified sections. Are there any sort of discounts or new-hire priorities for having a voice in your head?

Jun. 1st, 2013


Free for dinner this week?
Hey. Busy tomorrow? Was thinking lunch or something.
Coworker just caught the microwave on fire trying to make popcorn. Finally, someone who cooks worse than I do (am I smug or awed or a little terrified? I just don't know).



I fucking hate men.

May. 28th, 2013


[Ian R, Ella D, Daniel W]

After his convo with Sam: [As anonymous, locked to Ian R]
[Typed slowly, hesitantly.] I was wondering if I might ask you for something.

[Locked to Ella D]

[Locked to Daniel W]
hello friend, did you drown in blood

May. 27th, 2013



[as Harriet M.]

Well goodness me!

Goodness. Look at all of this. Finally. Where is the one with the ticktock, I am certainly late. All this time, and he only just lets me pass. And I am well past tea time, am I not?

Now where was I? Oh yes, the sugarbowl! I heard one had cracked, and lucky us, I have another. Of course I do. Now where did I put it? Somewhere here or there, I'm certain. Do I need to set the table again? Will I be having guests?


ella d.

Thanks for the cookies. How is How are [...] How've you been?

May. 26th, 2013


[Public, anon.]

What to do when you want to try things that no one will understand?

May. 25th, 2013



[Fine, trained Victorian script, but cramped and claustrophobic. Lead-black ink dries with red rinds.]

Rutledge, 25th May 18—

Settled in with all due haste. All the patients lined up in a row, like dried marigolds. Office drafty. Sugar bowl cracked. Must send for better paper. Weather fine.

May. 24th, 2013


[public, as Alice L]

Does someone still live in the cottage in the forest? The one now missing a caterpillar.

May. 23rd, 2013



[Moderately drunk, as usual.]

Who are we waving our pitchforks at now? I want to make sure I'm keeping up with the mob.



Is there anyone on the other side of the doors from a place called Ebon Askavi? Or Kaeleer in general? Or [...] Hell? Or anywhere near those places? I've got a very pushy man in my head who is looking for his family. And he is now telling me not to make him sound pushy. Okay, I take it back he's not pushy. (He's totally pushy)

And since I'm here I should probably tell everyone who knows me - and apparently all you lovely people who don't (don't care, big day!) - I had a baby this morning. And now I can't sit still. She's kind of perfect. And squishy. Not unlike her mother. HA.

Bacon time.

May. 22nd, 2013


Luke H, Wren M, Public

[Luke H, Wren M]

[The tip of a pen pressed against paper and the accompanying ballooned pin-prick of ink] Hi?


We figuring all that crazy's done now? Or does it come right on after the other? I got a Rabbit in my head real itchy to go back through but if it's planning on keeping me longer than a day I want to know right up front.

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